View Full Version : Wall Brick Wrap

2007-12-11, 06:40 PM
I need the exterior Brick to wrap the corner and show the brick. I need this to actualy show the brick turn the corner.


2007-12-11, 09:15 PM
You could specify to wrap at the ends of the wall where this corner occurs. That would show the brick along the depth of your wall. However, it would put that brick in plan seperating the other wall it was connected to and that would put brick at the other end where the wall ends or meets another wall.

There probably is a better answer out there though!

2007-12-11, 09:44 PM
Funnily enough I've spent half the morning doing something very similar trying to get a return outer layer to show the correct material.

The best I could do with your project is as shown on the attachment, but as I discovered in my own situation, playing about with the wrapping line can fix one location but cause mayhem in more routine situations in the same wall...
which is pretty much what Mr Simpson had to say...

I disallowed join in the lower wall as well btw.

Hope it gives you some ideas anyway.

2007-12-12, 03:14 PM
Try painting the end of the wall with the same brick pattern then align the pattern with the outside face. I haven't tried this to see if it will work, but it's worth a shot.

Michelle Gibson
2007-12-12, 04:10 PM
It's been a long time since I've done this and can't remember if it was a good or bad thing, but what about splitting the wall components in its makeup so that you can "pull" the brick along the face of the smaller wall width so that it overlaps. This would then appear as a return at that point without causing mayhem on the remainder of hte wall types.

I think - if I remember - where it causes problems is when you get to building elevations and you have a wall with a split component you can have trouble attaching walls to roofs or getting them to join properly....

You split this face while in wall properties in section detail. I assume, as I never tried it, that you can manipulate it in plan as well. I am sure someone will let me know if this is bad advise!
