View Full Version : Detach from central

2007-12-13, 12:59 AM
What's the best operation for viewing a file that won't affect the central file? There's a member of a team that wants to only view the model without making any changes. The operation for viewing has been this: copy the central file to the person's hard drive > open with "detach from central" checked. However, this file always seems to find its way back to the central file. For instance, error messages will frequently pop up on other users machines indicated that [the person who is opening a detached file] must save to central before any changes can be made to that element. Typically, worksets are never checked out - they are always left non-editable. They are simply used as a method of organizing the model. Any feedback regarding this issue would be great - thanks.

2007-12-13, 02:42 AM
It's hard to say really....I have never encountered that problem when a central file is opened with the "Detach from Central" enabled....

I wouldn't even copy the central file...I would just open the central file directly and check the "detach from central"

Have you tried this yourself? It seems as though it is possible that person isn't detaching it from central...

here is a scenario (and forgive me if I write the obvious...)

One copies the central file somewhere. It has now become a local file.
Then one opens it and detaches it from central.....it works fine, not connected to the central file....then the user closes without saving...
What's left is still a local file (not detached from central)...so next time one opens it, he/she will be connected to the central file....and, in this case, one cannot close the file and relinquish borrowed worksets without saving to central....so if one forces exiting without relinquishing...well, those worksets are still borrowed by the user....and it affects the central file and all the other local files...

Is it at all possible that this is the case?
I wish I could do more than speculate...

What's the best operation for viewing a file that won't affect the central file? There's a member of a team that wants to only view the model without making any changes. The operation for viewing has been this: copy the central file to the person's hard drive > open with "detach from central" checked. However, this file always seems to find its way back to the central file. For instance, error messages will frequently pop up on other users machines indicated that [the person who is opening a detached file] must save to central before any changes can be made to that element. Typically, worksets are never checked out - they are always left non-editable. They are simply used as a method of organizing the model. Any feedback regarding this issue would be great - thanks.

2007-12-13, 04:21 AM
...export the model to DWF and let him use a DWF viewer.

2007-12-13, 05:29 AM
Keep in mind that detaching from central is a "temporary" action. If you save the file, it'll make it as a new central. So if you want the person to always see the latest, just make sure he/she is opening the central and checking the Detach option. As Luigi said, there's no need to copy.

Aaron's solution is the safest if this person won't learn to use the detach function properly (boy, so difficult to understand). I wish Revit would support switches in shortcuts so we can hand these to certain users which will automatically detach a file from central when such file is opened through the shortcut.

2007-12-13, 03:38 PM
Do I hear API? :p I think that can be created easliy by an API guru.

2007-12-13, 04:56 PM
What's the best operation for viewing a file that won't affect the central file? There's a member of a team that wants to only view the model without making any changes.
I guess I don't see where the difficulty is. If the user never saves to central then the central file will never be affected by him, whether or not he makes changes to the local file. If he wants to see the latest changes made by other users he can always open the central file and save a new local copy over the outdated one.
If he will really never ever make any changes that need to be saved, then you could reinstall Revit on his machine in "viewer" mode. In viewer mode he won't be able to save any changes.

2007-12-13, 07:57 PM
If he will really never ever make any changes that need to be saved, then you could reinstall Revit on his machine in "viewer" mode. In viewer mode he won't be able to save any changes.

Good idea. You don't even need to reinstall. Just use Help > Product and Licensing Information... and select demo.

2007-12-14, 12:02 AM
Actually that is not true....even when one doesn't save to central if he did something he will have borrowed a workset...(remember borrowing worksets has nothing to do with saving..it is automatic) and when he doesn't save to central..the central will still show that he has it borrowed...

Good idea on the viewer technique

I guess I don't see where the difficulty is. If the user never saves to central then the central file will never be affected by him, whether or not he makes changes to the local file. If he wants to see the latest changes made by other users he can always open the central file and save a new local copy over the outdated one.
If he will really never ever make any changes that need to be saved, then you could reinstall Revit on his machine in "viewer" mode. In viewer mode he won't be able to save any changes.

2007-12-14, 03:18 PM
Actually that is not true....even when one doesn't save to central if he did something he will have borrowed a workset...(remember borrowing worksets has nothing to do with saving..it is automatic) and when he doesn't save to central..the central will still show that he has it borrowed...

Good idea on the viewer technique
Oops. Hadn't thought of that.