View Full Version : Copy/Paste Aligned for Room Tags

2007-12-13, 04:10 PM
I copied and paste aligned room tags from our floor plan to our floor finish plans and to our ceiling plans, but it pastes four instances of each room tag on top of each other! Any ideas why this happens?

Scott D Davis
2007-12-13, 04:53 PM
Did you use "Select all instances" when selecting the room tags? This selects all room tags project wide. When you paste, it will paste room tags from other floors on top of the next floor.

2007-12-13, 05:02 PM
It's very likely that's what happened. I just discovered I have multiple room tags on my original floor plan too. So however they got there, I'll be sure to not select all instances from now on. Thanks.

2008-10-10, 12:08 AM
For some reason I'm getting multiple room tags in my project as well. But, its not just for the plan views, its also in all the sections, and anywhere else that we've put room tags. It's really weird, as if someone came into every drawing that has a room tag, then selected them all, and copied them 2-3 times. I feel like I've seen the same duplication happen with text sometimes. Any ideas?

2008-10-10, 04:35 AM
That sounds symptomatic of what Scott suggested, someone right-clicked > select all instances, then copied and pasted. Maybe multiple times, probably thinking it meant all instances *in the view,* which is/was not the case...


Scott Womack
2008-10-10, 02:02 PM
It's very likely that's what happened. I just discovered I have multiple room tags on my original floor plan too. So however they got there, I'll be sure to not select all instances from now on. Thanks.

IF you are using Revit 2009, the room tag was added to the Tag All Not Tagged Command. If you are still using 2008, this is a valid reason to upgrade the project.