View Full Version : view specific callout tags???

2007-12-13, 06:40 PM
I have a number of views in my project as anyone would...with-in these views I have created detail callouts...some I created in a roof view...some in a section view...some in a plan view. But I obviously dont want a roof callout tag to show up in my plan views...and vise versa. Is there a way to make callout tags to be specific to certain views?

I've noticed that in VG settings>annotation catagories there are roof tags, curtain wall tags...all kinds of tags w/ check boxes - But when I check/uncheck those boxes nothing happens. the callout tags I created seem to be associated with the "callout" check box. How do I associate the callout tags I created in my floor plans, roof plans, sections to the VG settings roof tags...etc...this way I can control the tags per views.

Maybe this isnt the right way to go about it...either way could someone point me in the right direction? Any help would be gratefully appreciated! Thanks in advance.


2007-12-13, 10:27 PM
You could just hide the call outs in the views you wish not to see them in. Select it then right click and go to Hide in View, Elements, that way it's still there incase you decide you need it later in that plan view, and if you do you can click the light bulb to show all the hidden elements and select which things to unhide by doing the same steps to hide it in the first place.

Seems as if they're still other ways though, but that is the quickest easiest one that I know of myself.

2007-12-13, 11:16 PM
Yeah thats what I did as a quick solution - It just seems that there is revit way to do it.

-Kind of like a matrix in Autocad...where you have a plan sheet and only plan layers appear in the shhet - except in Revit it would be roof callouts only appearing in roof views.