View Full Version : Using Curtain Walls as Framing Members

2004-08-19, 03:47 PM
Sure, I'm just suggesting a future framing tool that could work very similiar to the curtain wall tool or even be a built in part of the wall construction(core area) that could be modified as needed.

Scott D Davis
2004-08-19, 04:03 PM
Stud wall and curtain wall are really similar. Whether you've got 1 'skin' of glass material , or 2 'skins' of drywall and stucco, they are both nearly the same. As Scott B says, you could use the grid tool to set the structure, create a custom mullion for headers, top plates, etc. The cleanup would definately need improvement, but for straight, square, orthagonal walls, it would work well.

2004-08-19, 04:45 PM
I too think that Scott B has a valid idea for a framing tool.

Scott D Davis
2004-08-19, 05:35 PM
Here's an example after messing around with curtain walls as a framing tool this morning. Took some time, but now that I've got the hang of it, it could be done faster. I left the standard 'glass' panel in a portion of this, and then made another panel into 'drywall' by material, then edited the panel and stretched it via the handle points, to cover the stud framing. The studs, headers, trimmers, and king studs are all just duplicated, modified mullions.

Took the doors and window panels out (empty panel) but I guess with some effort, new 'curtain wall' hosted doors and windows could be created.

What do you think? Posted image and the RVT so you can check it out.

Scott D Davis
2004-08-19, 05:43 PM
and another....notice the panel has been mofified to include two solids, one drywall, one stucco. I captured a plan, section, elevation, and 3D view here to try and show it.

2004-08-19, 06:13 PM
Thats what I'm talking about. It would be cool if a framer could come back into the revit model and use a sep tool to trace over our walls and do his framing elevations and take offs. Then send it out to get all the lumber pre cut and shipped to the site in prefab panels(which lots of home fabricators allready do.)