View Full Version : Vault Prompts

Harold Pei Jr
2007-12-14, 11:25 PM
Wow, this forum seemed to have died.
In an attempt to revive it, I post a question:
How do I get Civil 3D to prompt me to check drawings back in to Vault? I'm not sure where to post this, in here, or in the Civil 3D forum, but I figured since it deals with the Vault portion in C3D, this would be a better choice. I'm running 2008, I have my prompts to always prompt, and after some time, they just stopped popping up.
Any ideas? Is there an option that got changed somewhere?
I'm hoping someone out there has an inkling of what I should do.

2007-12-24, 05:57 PM
Harold, I'm not sure how to do it in Civil 3D (sorry, I'm an Inventor guy), but this might help.

If you go into Vault, and go to Tools>Options, there's a place to control the Prompts (when they show, and what their default value is).

I know that Inventor there's a screen in the Applicqtion Options where you can control prompts as well, maybe Civil 3D has a similar screen?

Harold Pei Jr
2007-12-24, 09:13 PM
Thanks for replying.
Civil 3D has that window, but all of my prompts are set to Always Prompt, and the default response for the closing prompt is set to yes.
This is a prompt that's specific to the CAD program I believe (in this case Civil 3D), as it's not in the Vault prompt manager.
Any ideas on what I can try? Any settings that need to be a certain way?

Harold Pei Jr
2007-12-24, 10:12 PM
I've solved the problem.
Seems IT had installed SP1 for the ADMS console, but never told me about it... looks like I'll have to install on everyone's puters...