View Full Version : UCSFOLLOW and edit in section

2007-12-17, 12:31 PM

I'm not too sure if this one is just me or a genuine problem... but...

To get edit in section or edit in elevation etc to work properly UCSFOLLOW needs to be set to 1.

This ensures that when the user clicks on edit in section the view changes so that the user can actually see the section to edit it.

The problem is that when UCSFOLLOW is set to 1 load of other issues occur - when clicking between viewports or grid editting the display automatically zooms out - this is very annoying.

Most users end up setting it to 0 - but then come and ask me why edit in section is not doing its thing.

There has got to be a better way of doing this...

2007-12-17, 08:29 PM
Try setting UCSVP to toggle the other way in each viewport. That will prevent (or should anyways) from automatically zooming out when double clicking inside one.

2007-12-17, 09:38 PM
My ucsfollow is set to 0, and when I tried edit in section, it created the section and I could see it and edit it with no problems.

2007-12-19, 10:05 AM
My ucsfollow is set to 0, and when I tried edit in section, it created the section and I could see it and edit it with no problems.

Did it automatically move the view around so you were looking at the section?

I have to type "View" "Current" everytime I want to see the section if UCSFOLLOW is 0

What version of ACA are you using?

I think this might be a bug in 2008 as I found this post on the AutoDesk forums saying this was slated to be fixed 'in the next major release'. - I'll try to find the link to what post.