View Full Version : Vertically curved curtain wall

2007-12-17, 02:16 PM
I've searched the forums but didn't quite find an answer to this. It seems like a relatively simple issue but I haven't been able to figure it out. I'm trying to create a curtain wall that curves as it goes up. So if you were to look at it in section the profile would be an arc.
The attached image was created as a solid sweep mass but when I try to create wall from face it will only allow me to do so with basic walls. I know I can add a curtain grid to it but I'd like it to be a bounding wall and join with the walls around it. How do I make this mass a curtain wall?

Eric Stewart
2007-12-17, 03:17 PM
In plan view create two reference planes and name them (left / right)

Go to an elevation/section view perpendicular to the new ref. planes.

Go to the Massing toolbar and create a new mass.

Create a new Solid Extrusion between the two ref. planes (When you start the Extrusion command you should see a "Work Plane" dialog, select one of the newly created ref. planes)

Create a closed loop to match the curve you desire.

Finish extrusion.

Finish Mass.

Go to a 3D view to see the new Mass you just created.

Choose "Curtain System" from the Massing toolbar.

Select the curved surface and click "Create System" from the options bar.

You should see your new curved curtain wall!

2007-12-17, 03:25 PM
The attached image was created as a solid sweep mass but when I try to create wall from face it will only allow me to do so with basic walls. I know I can add a curtain grid to it but I'd like it to be a bounding wall and join with the walls around it. How do I make this mass a curtain wall?

This question is somewhat confusing to me. Could you rephrase? The join with walls around it could require modifying the profile of the joining walls. Not sure about your use of "basic walls", "curtain grid", and "curtain wall" with the image posted.

2007-12-17, 04:18 PM
Thanks for the responses. I already built the mass as a curtain system and used it in my model in a similar way to that suggested by HAL, but the issue is that it is still not understood as a Wall in Revit. Meaning that Revit still understand it as a Mass not a Wall when I check its properties. If I try to create curtain wall using the Wall by Face tool in the Massing toolbar I get a warning that says:

"Wall type 'Curtain Wall 1' is incompatible with picked face. Only basic wall types are accepted."

So I can't make a Curtain Wall by Face of that mass but another type like Brick on CMU works. Basic Wall refers to the Category of the object.

The attached image shows the mass modeled the way HAL described but its still recognized by Revit as a Mass not a Wall. Right now the only issue I've faced is Rooms won't be bound by it but I know I can work around that using Room Separation lines. I just wanted to know if there was a way to make that Mass into an actual Curtain Wall.

2007-12-17, 04:31 PM
What HAL 9000 stated is correct. Curtain SYSTEM by face will work for curving masses and be room bounding. In as much as using a basic curtain WALL... No... it isn't a basic wall as it isn't a basic shape. Curtain wall are not basic walls they are just placed with the wall tool. They are complex assemblies that follow the rules of Basic Walls. That being said, Basic walls are only modifiable in one axis of control, that's what makes them basic. They have to remain simple planar entities, easily definable mathematically.

I think the curtain system suggested by HAL 9000 (love the handle BTW) is the way to go. You'll have to deal with visibility issues another way if that is the reason for your category concern.

2007-12-17, 04:35 PM
As far as I know, only Curtain Systems can curve in the way you need, and Curtain Systems aren't in the wall category and can't be room-bounding. It's a different Category altogether than a Curtain Wall, even though it also hosts mullions and panels, just like a Curtain Wall.

2007-12-17, 04:53 PM
Thanks I guess that clears it up. I was just wondering if it were possible. I can still work with the HAL suggested though; I'll just need to work around a few things.

2007-12-17, 05:14 PM
Just to readdress... Curtain Systems DO have a room bounding property whether they are placed by face or by line. I don't know how easy it is to work with said Room Boundary but the check box is there.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-12-17, 05:18 PM
Curtain walls can only be vertical. They can follow a curve in plan.
Curtain systems are used when the wall is sloped or curved in the vertical plane.
Both curtain walls and curtain systems can be room bounding.

2007-12-17, 05:48 PM
That new? Last time I dealt with them was in Revit 8.1 IIRC, and I remember something about them not being able to be room-bounding under certain conditions...

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-12-17, 06:08 PM
Pre 9.x. curtain systems and columns could not be room bounding. (learned that the hard way on a tower )