View Full Version : Door w/ Sloped Bottom

2007-12-18, 09:50 PM
We have a condition where there is an overhead coiling door over a sloped concrete floor. I'm trying to get the bottom of the door to align with this slope. Has anyone had success with this? I've tried using the floor to cut the door geometry, and failed miserably at creating a new door family.


2007-12-19, 11:08 AM
Can be done with a Door Family
It is Wall based & has nothing to do with the Floor. You might have to do some maunal Editing of this in sectoin by moving the Door up or down. We typicall use Curtain Walls & Swap the Glass Panel for a Door Panel. This then allows us to have any sill height & head height we require (& i can be simply adjusted instead of making a new family type)

Dwane Stairmand

2007-12-19, 10:55 PM
I got it to work with a door family. I used a void extrusion to cut the bottom portion of the door to align with the floor slope. Unfortunately, you have to know the slope of the floor and enter it manually, but it works pretty well. I'm going to post so everyone can see what I was thinking. If you can think of a better way, or easier way, I'm all ears.

(I downloaded this door originally from someone else on here, so I hope it's ok that I'm reusing the family)

It makes me wish that there was a family that had multiple hostings. So you could do a wall and floor hosted door in this instance. Or also useful for casework.