View Full Version : Door family w/ curved swing new and straight swing existing

2007-12-19, 02:33 PM
Hi all,

I have been working with Revit for around a year now, and lurking on this site for several months. This will be my first post, so here goes:

I am trying to create a door family that responds to phasing in such a way that the symbolic line for the door swing is an arc when the door is new, but changes to a straight line when the door is existing or demolished. The phase overrides do a great job of differentiating between new and existing walls, but it can be difficult to tell the difference between an existing door in an existing wall and a new door in an existing wall. I was hoping that I could display each line using Yes/No parameters that correspond to the visibility of the appropriate symbolic lines, but I can't find a way (formula?) to get those Yes/No parameters to automatically respond to phasing.

Brian Ericsson

2007-12-19, 04:02 PM
You can schedule the existing doors using the phasing filter and then group them in that schedule and check the yes/no parameter. This is a manual process. You can also write an API program that does this whenever you save / open the project.