View Full Version : Cropping Callouts but not on Plot sheets

2007-12-27, 08:00 PM
Does anyone know how I can unlink a detail callout from the crop region when I place the detail on a plot sheet? What I am doing is putting my callouts for window head and sills in my wall sections (like normal) but than I want to be able to stretch the cropped region of the detail when I place it on the plotsheet to fit our grid layout system on our sheets and NOT have it affect the size of the callout showing on my wall section. Can this be done? I have tried to click all of the check boxes in the element properties and nothing seems to work. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.

Kirk Bricker
2007-12-27, 10:03 PM
No, the crop region in a live callout will always follow the callout boundary.

A workaround would be to go back to the original callout location and create a callout based off of a referenced other view, you than can adjust the callout boundary to your liking without effecting the crop region. You also would need to shut off in your wall section with element hide your live callouts not the referenced ones.

Any detail we have above a certain scale 3/4" is drafted as a 2D drafting view eg. WND HD & SILL details or we have a .dwg file to use for the detail.
