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2003-07-23, 09:47 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen -

We are in the throes of building the AUGI Exchange server. We have specified the major fields for submissions and more importantly searches.

In the Family area we have identified the categories as the same that Revit uses.

Annotations, Balusters, Casework, Columns, Curtain Wall Panels, Detail, Components, Doors, Electrical Fixtures, Entourage, Furniture, Furniture System, Lighting Fixtures, Mechanical Equipment, Misc. Architectural, Planting, Plumbing Fixtures, Profiles, Site, Specialty Equipment, Structural
Templates (sub-categories Annotations, Titleblocks), Titleblocks, Windows

As you can see there are only 2 sub-categories list and we would like to know how you are sub-dividing your family files.

Please let us know how you would like to see the AUGI Families sub-categorized.

Thanks -

2003-07-24, 09:25 PM

What about manufacturer or model #. Will those (if specified in the family) be fields? They would help in a search. Or possibly a key word field used to describe the product i.e wood, aluminum, cast iron, casement, sliding, etc...

2003-07-25, 12:47 AM

What about manufacturer or model #. Will those (if specified in the family) be fields? They would help in a search. Or possibly a key word field used to describe the product i.e wood, aluminum, cast iron, casement, sliding, etc...

I agree, Andrew - Mfg, Model, material keywords - maybe unstructured keywords so more, (relevant) ones could be added as needed.

If the quantities get large, the search on keyword(s) would be a great help

2003-07-25, 03:28 AM
Mfr is one of the data fields. What I am looking for is how you store your family files under the traditional Revit folder structure. I will post the data fields on this thread tomorrow so you all can take a sneak peak at what is being proposed.

Thanks for the input and sorry the message was a little unclear.

2003-07-25, 04:45 PM
Here is the "internal outline" used to create the submittal form for the new AUGI Exchange. In the first set you will see five highlighted items. The item in green is the area I am looking to define further.

Let me know if you have any additional suggestions.

P.S. Ignore the Release and Version used to create, they will be the same.

2003-07-25, 05:08 PM
Here is the "internal outline" used to create the submittal form for the new AUGI Exchange. ...

Nice work, Jim. I think your outline is a great start. AND we appreciate your efforts to get the AUGI Exchange up and running. :D

I'm not sure if your looking for sub-category names or not, but that is what I'll respond to...

Revit sub-categories are limited now, because the content is limited. For example in the Casework category, there are sub-categories for "Domestic Kitchen" and "Domestic Bathroom". Clearly there is casework in offices, libraries, hospitals, etc. So as content is developed, more sub-categories will be needed (if only to sub-divide a very large number of items)

Another example of limited sub-categories today is in the MEP area. There are no sub-categories, but when Revit begins addressing the Mechanical, Electrical and Plubming areas, the content could explode.

As I'm sure you know, both CSI and Uniformat are attempts to build a structure for categorizing building components. At some point the Revit categories may need to go that way, but for now, I like the current scheme.

Phil Palmer
2003-07-28, 10:53 AM

Look all ok to me - good work

The only issue that may need addressing is the good old Metric or Imperial family issue.
Us UK users obviously use Revit in 'Metric' mode
I often download various RUGI families and then change them from Imperial to Metric (although the conversion sometimes goes a little weird on certain sizes)

2003-07-28, 04:16 PM
Excellent point. At one point we had it and, for some reason, it is not there now, but it will be.

Thanks -

2004-07-17, 08:55 PM
Any news on when the Exchange will be operational?

2004-07-18, 03:31 AM
Can't give you a definite date yet, sorry. :Oops:

( You do know that the RUGI downloads are still available ? )

2004-07-20, 05:12 AM
I know you are all waiting to hear what is going on with the exchange. Well they say that it is ready to begin the review process. I reviewed 10 files and then notieced a minor error in the spelling of Family (Familty). Because I don't know if that will affect the database, I have fired off and email to Dick and when he fixes it we can begin reviewing. I have written up a quick "how to" on reviewing files so we should be ready to go.

This has been a long drawn out process and schedules are getting in the way. People have been busy and/or on vacation (holiday). I hope that we have something cool by AU?!?!?!?

2004-07-27, 04:45 PM
This is all ready to go. I have emailed you all instructions on how you can help out, please let me know if you have not received them.

2004-07-27, 07:56 PM
This is all ready to go. I have emailed you all instructions on how you can help out, please let me know if you have not received them.
I won't check my email at the office until Thursday and won't act on a side issue like this 'til after the weekend. If you have the chance to mail it to sandra at ja-s.co.uk that would let me have a look see sooner.

Either way, thanks for the update.

2004-07-29, 03:51 AM
Peter - Sounds like you have your own "bundle of joy" to be dealing with right now.

The rest of you have no excuses!!! ;)

I have reviewed all but one of the files in the first batch and set them as "Active" ready to post. Now if Rich will just give me (or someone) access to the post button. We can move to phase II.

Rich and Dick are working on the viewer, the downloader and the individual uploader. They may even be ready now...

I will keep you all posted on the going's on and when the next batch is ready to review, just in case you cared ;) ;) ;)

2004-07-29, 05:58 AM
Sorry JB, this has come at a difficult time for me with looming and overlapping deadlines on a few projects.

I'm hoping I get get something done on it fairly soon though.

2004-07-29, 08:20 AM
Beegee was advising that I stay away 'til next week but I am back in the office today. There is a surprisingly small pile of mail, so far about 40 phone messages and around 100 email, some of which will have evaded the spam filters and some of which will be real. Either way it's going to take me a couple of days to wade through all that. I'll review the stuff over/after the weekend and see where we go from there.

I will have a number of comflicting deadlines over the next two weeks which will only give me limited time to act as Exchange manage, particularly as I want to work short hours initially.

2004-08-01, 04:50 AM
PeterJ and Jim,

I thought I would tackle some of this, however I can see only 98 families in the bulk-JB2 batch and all of them are marked "active" ( meaning "ready to go live". )

Where are the rest ??

2004-08-01, 05:53 AM
Beegee -

The files were posted in batches of around 100. The first batch was completed and they were begining to out the rest of the process in place when there was another idea... See below...

Gentlemen -

Rich called me on Friday and there is a possiblity that there will be a different solution to the exchange. He is going to get more details and get back to me. I will let you all know something as soon as I know, but it could be a great solution with a lot less work on our part.

Thanks for your efforts to date...

2004-08-06, 02:45 PM
How about an update on what is being done to get the Exchange up and running? Is this a priority or is it sitting on a self somewhere? AUGI seems to be a giant step back for us Revit users. Maybe have a look at what's happening at www.revitcity.com (http://www.revitcity.com).

Scott D Davis
2004-08-06, 03:58 PM
Believe me, it's not sitting on a shelf. There has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes. Just recently, we found an option which may make the exchange even better.....evaluation is occuring. We're close....just hang in there!

2004-08-06, 04:44 PM
How about an update on what is being done to get the Exchange up and running?

We have moved most of the content over from RUGI and it has gone through a review and organization process. It was then loaded into the front end of the new exchange server, categories, versions, authors, type catelogs etc. were added along with descriptions. The first batch was then uploaded into exchange. Now the download portion is being worked through along with the issues that come with that. At the same time the user upload feature is finalizing its efforts. There are some new solutions to some of the issues that we are in the process of reviewing that will make it a better solution for all of us.

Is this a priority or is it sitting on a self somewhere? AUGI seems to be a giant step back for us Revit users. Maybe have a look at what's happening at www.revitcity.com (http://www.revitcity.com).

As Scott said this is a priority, number 1 priority in fact, however, just like Revit we will not be putting up a half-baked solution. You can imagine the ____ we would be taking if we put up a solution that didn't work.

Please remember that RUGI is still available and, as you mentioned, revitcity is there. I don't see how AUGI is a "giant step back"?

Remember the people running this site are all volunteers (working for FREE) and have put in countless hours and I would prefer we all thank them rather than questioning their efforts and commitment.

2004-08-06, 08:30 PM
How about an update on what is being done to get the Exchange up and running? Is this a priority or is it sitting on a self somewhere? AUGI seems to be a giant step back for us Revit users. Maybe have a look at what's happening at www.revitcity.com. (http://www.revitcity.com.)
GO FOR IT!!! I don't think anyone here will stop you.

2004-08-10, 02:58 PM
The volunteer work is greatly appreciated.

From the exchange page "We will keep you updated on our progress as we move forward."

So are you years, months or days away from having the exchange up and running?

If rugi downloads are still available maybe mention this in under the coming soon and provide the link. This way the users can navigate to the downloads after reading about the future of exchange.

Thanks again for all your efforts, this forum looks so damn corporate I think we all forget that it truly is run by volunteers.

2004-08-10, 03:14 PM
...If rugi downloads are still available maybe mention this...
We do...there are links in just about every forum front page now... It's FAQ on the forum front page.

2004-08-10, 04:48 PM
Sorry, I mean't put a link on the Exchange front page. No exchange, here is a link to rugi.

2004-08-10, 07:05 PM
Sorry, I mean't put a link on the Exchange front page. No exchange, here is a link to rugi. It's there if you read the text of the Exchange section home page...

If you need the something that was previously posted at the RUGI Download section, that content can still be found HERE (http://www.rugi.org/download.htm)

2004-08-10, 08:17 PM

I didnn't see anything refering to rugi on this page. Is there another exchange front page?

2004-08-10, 08:26 PM
Yes there is. When you are looking at the forums click the exchange link above and that should take you something entitled the Revit Exchange.

2004-08-10, 11:42 PM
Yes there is. When you are looking at the forums click the exchange link above and that should take you something entitled the Revit Exchange.
No there isn't :-P .
It took me to the place andre_miko mentioned...

2004-08-10, 11:53 PM
Oky dok...

Go to AUGI's homepage...since you're reading this...click on the AUGI logo in the upper left corner of your browser.

Then click "COMMUNITIES"
Then click "FORUM" or "EXCHANGE" etc. The RUGI mention is on each of these main pages.

Is this obvious or intuitive enough....I guess not.... The issue is that clicking on the Exchange link elsewhere takes you to the more broad exchange which is not focused on Revit stuff...you must enter the Community first to get Revitized...


2004-08-10, 11:57 PM


Note the difference...

2004-08-23, 11:17 AM
I've been trying to get on RUGI since yesterday. Does anyone know what's up?

2004-08-24, 02:14 PM
Anybody got news on this?

2004-08-24, 04:31 PM
looking in to this, I will let you know what I find out.

2004-08-25, 12:05 AM
Is it down?

EDIT: Merged with this thread.

2004-08-25, 07:49 AM
Rich called me on Friday and there is a possiblity that there will be a different solution to the exchange. He is going to get more details and get back to me. I will let you all know something as soon as I know, but it could be a great solution with a lot less work on our part..
With RUGI down again I would like to post comment on how the Exchange is coming on. Any news on this, Jim?

2004-08-25, 04:54 PM
Has RUGI.org shut down? Does anybody know what has happened? I cannot connect to the web page. Are there any other online databases for REVIT? RUGI.org is the only one that I could find.


Scott D Davis
2004-08-25, 04:59 PM
As far as I know, RUGI has not shut down....should be a temporary down time.

In the mean time, you may want to try www.revitcity.com (http://www.revitcity.com)

2004-08-25, 05:20 PM
Let's try to keep RUGI questions in one thread... a new thread pops up everyday now...

2004-08-26, 11:18 AM
RUGI has been down since the weekend. I think this more than a little off time.

2004-08-26, 08:37 PM
As soon as there is some news, Bomber I am sure Jim Balding will pass the message on. In the meantime is there something specific you were looking for?

2004-08-26, 10:36 PM
Yes, I was looking for a 2x2 fixed window w/ grilles. I created one from one w/out grilles except it crashed. I then tried to use the casement family w/ adjustable grilles, it crashed Revit when I loaded the family.

2004-08-27, 08:56 PM
(Merged this with running thread)

Anyone know what has happed to the www.rugi.org (http://www.rugi.org/) site? Missing the downloads.


Dick Barath

2004-08-31, 02:00 AM
Has anyone found the RUGI download site its been down now for quite a while?

2004-08-31, 02:02 AM
Yes, we are still waiting to hear what the problem is.

2004-08-31, 04:23 AM
All I can tell you is that I have contacted the original owner/hosts and I have not gotten a response. I will try again.

2004-09-01, 04:53 AM
Hmmm. Maybe this indicates AUGI exchange (revit sections) needs to be up & running soon. ;-)

Options for content sharing are becoming limited.


2004-09-05, 12:46 AM
Needless to say I miss the download content. What's happened - short of money, Autodesk squashed them, whatever ... ... Are they toast for good ??? I can't believe no one knows.


Dick Barath

2004-09-05, 03:01 AM
They are working on getting it back up, please...be patient...nothing is going to happen over this weekend. There is no conspiracy...

2004-09-05, 03:45 AM

Great to hear they will be back.

2004-09-18, 01:19 AM
If somebody gives me some ftp space or web space, I downloaded like 300 files from rugi, not too much, but at least some to pick from, includes families and textures, and haven't been modified by me, they were file in it's own folder, so just let me know.

2004-09-18, 01:20 AM
By the way, I looked for a way to upload them on the exchange section of AUGI but I don't know how.

2004-09-18, 05:53 AM
All quiet on this front ?

How are things going with getting RUGI back on-line ? or getting the content ported over ?

Just wonderin'.

2004-09-18, 12:16 PM
I saw rbteller online and hit him up for some further information during last week. he came back to me yesterday saying that they had arranged a server be available but that Jerry Cox was refusing to port the information across.

I haven't had time to think further on this but we do have the data available to us and the data should be public domain, so it is only the page structure that is possibly copyright. Could we not post a static list as a start point?

I'm quite happy to do the work on that if need be.

2004-09-18, 09:24 PM
Just to clear the air here. I realize there is a lot of frustration over this, however, it is not entirely the Cox bros. at fault. They sent login and password information to Rich and Dick and Dick downloaded all of the data to a SolidVapor server. Dick went to post and there was some hard coding within it that needed to be fixed and assumed that the Cox's would fix it. That is where the refused, Dick and the Cox's don't necessarily see eye to eye. They have been great to work with and might feel like they have been pushed out of the way by this steam roller called AUGI.com. They may have a right to feel that way.

Anyway that is an update, anyone have some time and programming experience?

If nothing else we could put it up on an ftp site as some suggest. I would suggest that it be a read only site.

I would lean towards finding someone that could clean up the original and get it going? Any takers?

2004-09-19, 07:45 AM
I would lean towards finding someone that could clean up the original and get it going?
Would it be too presumptuous to approach Leonid or Irwin to get one of their programmers to spend an hour or two fixing it ? ( I have no idea how long it would take, but I'm guessing it would not be a major task. )

I know those guys will be up to their eyeballs in last minute testing and tweaking for 7.0, ... but it would be a huge benefit to the Revit community to get this thing going, and I'm sure L and I would see that.
Even if it was not one of the Revit team, ... just a programmer from Adesk ?

Otherwise, ... is it too costly to get SolidVapour's people to do it ? ( or whoever AUGI uses for programming ? )

2004-09-19, 09:06 AM
If nothing else we could put it up on an ftp site as some suggest. I would suggest that it be a read only site.

I would lean towards finding someone that could clean up the original and get it going? Any takers?
On point 1 it is my impression that RUGI uploads had slowed right down and people many people here use Revitcity as an upload/download site. To make the Exchange a success surely we want them back here as soon as possible so a read only ftp site would be a tep in the right direction, but of limited value if we are still some months away from a real and working exchange. That comment probably also holds true if we launch with a download only excahnge and then don't get the upload side working. I feel people simply won't make themselves very involved if they can't upload too.

On point 2 that reads like you are talking back end/database coding and it is probably beyond any of us so I think beegee's words are very wise. We know there is a deal of support from the factory for AUGI maybe it is time to see if we can call some of that in. In the UK, at least in terms of support for the user group, the general view has been 'we want to help, show us ways we can do so without being seen to put our hands in our pocket'. This seems to tie in with that philosophy pretty well as the examples so far are that they have given us some Buzzsaw space previously and also made available a seminar room at their HQ.

2004-09-20, 01:41 AM
Is it gone for good? they move the site? anybody can tell where they did go?

2004-09-20, 02:42 AM
The site is still down, but we are looking at getting the content ported across to the AUGI Revit Exchange.

We will post an announcement as soon as we can about this.

2004-09-30, 04:14 AM
I'm generally disappointed with the switch to AUGI. My logged time didn't come across even though I followed the instructions to the letter, and there is no availability of downloads that I've been able to find (like Rugi).

George F

2004-09-30, 04:41 AM
The site is down and we apologize for the downtime. Please know that it was up 8 months longer than it was scheduled due to the financial support of Autodesk, so please no more Autodesk bashing or conspiracy theories ;). I realize that does not fill your needs for content, however there is still Revitcity.

One thing I can do is tell you that there are more than just plans in the works for a Revit specific exchange and I feel that you will all be pleased with the results.

2004-09-30, 04:45 AM
My logged time didn't come across even though I followed the instructions to the letter....
George F
Not sure what you mean by this, but PM me and I'll see I can find out what went wrong.

2004-09-30, 04:51 AM
...I'm generally disappointed with the switch to AUGI...
We are truly sorry you lost your post count and previous "identity" in the transition George. I only wish you shared this with us earlier when we might have had an opportunity to fix it. It is no consolation but I believe you are among a very select few that this has happened to. I hope other similar stories haven't gone unreported if I'm incorrect in this assumption.

We understand that you and others are getting frustrated waiting for RUGI content to become available. I can only offer, "Good things come to those who wait"...with a smile, beg for patience and promise we are working to make it available as soon as possible.

If I may offer my perspective in light of your disappointment? I see no evidence that our Revit experience has been lessened in our switch to AUGI. The forums are hosted and supported on top notch internet servers with real bandwidth. They load much quicker than before and we have more features available to us. Our membership has seen an influx of new users, not only users of Revit but the other Autodesk products as well. These are not things to be disappointed with.

Please share your concerns so we might make the Revit community here at AUGI better and give us a chance to make it up to you? You don't have to do so in this forum. You can email our Community manager: Jim Balding, Forum mgrs: Chris Zoog or myself or any of the Revit moderating staff anytime to discuss your concerns.

2004-09-30, 09:55 AM
Would it be too presumptuous to approach Leonid or Irwin to get one of their programmers to spend an hour or two fixing it ?
There was a CAB meeting yesterday with Marty Rozmanith and a couple of the EMEA guys who's names will be less familiar to you.

In the non-NDA discussions there was some talk of RUGI/AUGI and some real frustration at the lack of a download site or better yet a family exchange. Marty rather gave me the impression he wasn't aware of the demise of RUGI and when I said there has been some discussion behind the scenes that we approach Autodesk to make avaliable some backend programming skills as per beegee's note above he didn't give me an 'are you crazy, or what' look. Depending on timing of things as expressed in Jim's 'Quickly....' thread this may be worth considering.

In a similar discussion he made clear that he liked the idea of getting David Conant to write another journal file to give a more general system benchmark than the one he wrote to test rendering speeds. I am pretty certain that he will look into this further, but I don't think it's something that I want to offer publicly yet. I made clear that I thought that there would be very good support amongst AUGI users for such a trial, so we will need to get behind such an initiative if it happens.

Finally, a couple of guys were present for the 'What's in 7' and the '7/8 roadmap' presentations from Zaha Hadid's office. They looked interested and I think they were mainly there becasue Autodesk would consider it quite a filip to get an architect of this calibre onside, particularly in the 'but it won't make funky shapes' discussions. Nice to see that interest.

2004-09-30, 12:30 PM
I'm generally disappointed with the switch to AUGI. My logged time didn't come across even though I followed the instructions to the letter, and there is no availability of downloads that I've been able to find (like Rugi).

George F

Nice to "see" you again. You've been busy? Haven't heard from you since well before the transformation of Zoog.

2004-09-30, 01:25 PM
I'm generally disappointed with the switch to AUGI. My logged time didn't come across even though I followed the instructions to the letter, and there is no availability of downloads that I've been able to find (like Rugi).

George F
George we do have a live account in the name GS Fulton and listing location as Scottsdale Arizona. If that is you then you should be able to reaccess that account with no problem. It may just be a case of checking whether you have the right email address registered to the account - it doesn't have the same email as gfulton4.

GS Fulton
2004-10-05, 06:17 PM
Hi all, nice to "see" you too. Yes, it's been a very full summer. Between putting 12,000 miles on my new car since the end of July, spending a couple of days in the hospital, and some really difficult project administration, there has been no time for anything. I just noticed the post count and the date joined and well, I just hate to look like a newbie.

I don't know about the rest of you but the cost increases of construction materials is making life very difficult. They're actually rationing concrete around here. I think it's improving slowly but this all has hit a couple of my projects pretty hard.

I'll try to be on a little more and maybe help some people if I can. Nice to know you guys are all still around. Thanks and I'll be around.


P.S. As I'm typing this a big helicopter is landing outside my window (My windows face an airport runway). Looks like a russian Mi type. Big sucker, shook the building a bit.

2004-10-06, 03:39 PM
I have posted an update on the Exchange's progress towards a launch date. Please take a look here (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=372) for more details.

2004-10-06, 04:04 PM
Thank you Peter for the update and the work you and others have put into this. If you need any help I have some time and bandwidth to spare.


2004-10-06, 06:38 PM
How about an update on what is being done to get the Exchange up and running? Is this a priority or is it sitting on a self somewhere? AUGI seems to be a giant step back for us Revit users. Maybe have a look at what's happening at www.revitcity.com (http://www.revitcity.com).

Giant step back? Depends on how you look at it. As far as free content yes it is.

In my eyes RUGI/Revit City and others free content website are sort of a “Get the Revit ball rolling” thing. Then everyone started to depend on it. Let me ask a question. What if A.U.G.I. did not continue with the exchange? How many would abandon Revit?

Something of that magnitude would definitely take a lot of planning and forethought not to mention lots of server side code to function.

There is no rule that says you can’t create your own site.


2004-10-06, 08:45 PM
What if A.U.G.I. did not continue with the exchange? How many would abandon Revit?
I don't think it's a matter of people abandoning Revit, but a matter of drawing people to it. It makes a big difference if there is this kind of content available when deciding on a software, and this sort of exchange takes the burden off of the factory to have to produce a whole lot of content that users are producing anyway.

I think it will be a great resource when it's done, but no, they don't have to do it...

Something of that magnitude would definitely take a lot of planning and forethought not to mention lots of server side code to function.
It certainly must, thanks are definitely due to those working on it, and even more will be due when it comes on line.

Just my opinion...

Scott D Davis
2004-10-06, 10:13 PM
You know what would be nice to hear?

"I've got a ton of new families I'd like to share. Hope the Exchange is up soon so others can use my families."

Instead: "I can't find any FREE Revit families because RUGI is gone!" Well, now more so that ever would be a great time to learn the Family Editor and start creating. When we get the Exchange up, I expect to see as many uploads as downloads.

Remember this: The Exchange will be a two way street. It wont be successful unless for every family you download, you also upload something you've created. Keep this in mind next time you may be questioning "Where is the Exchange?"

2004-10-06, 10:58 PM
Hey Scott

Stop treating us like a bunch of children. Or is that what you think that everybody is here for a FREE ride? I think most people come here to learn, maybe help a fellow user, and generally improve the Revit Community.

We need a way to share our files, and improve Revit. Why do you think people keep asking when will Exchange working.

nuff said, I'm gonna go ride my skateboard and hang out at the mall.


ps. Have a nice day!

2004-10-07, 01:18 AM
Heavy caffeine day, Andre? (I just gave it up)

I don't think Scott's tone was condescending.
He gives freely of his time and talents, and does not deserve a flame for his hard work (time that could be spent with wife and kids, preparing for his real job, etc., etc.).

These folks are Architects, not coders, I think we need to support them and not criticize or flame.

I for one appreciate this resource and understand it to be a privilege to be associated with.

Thanks Andre,

Thanks R-Augi Peeps.

Scott Hopkins
2004-10-07, 05:03 AM
You know what would be nice to hear?

"I've got a ton of new families I'd like to share. Hope the Exchange is up soon so others can use my families."

Instead: "I can't find any FREE Revit families because RUGI is gone!" Well, now more so that ever would be a great time to learn the Family Editor and start creating. When we get the Exchange up, I expect to see as many uploads as downloads.


I've got a truck load of superb parametric Revit families that I am dying to download. I am just waiting for the opportunity. The family I am most proud of is a parametric muntin family that blows Abe's Anderson muntins out of the water. - No offense Abe...;)

2004-10-07, 12:39 PM
You guys have to understand that RUGI was set up very informally and it was great, but as content grows which we all hope it will, the structure of the exchange is critical to handling large amounts of content in a well sorted fashion. When this move started almost 1 year ago, people started looking at the families to decide if they could be moved as is or sorted and what about naming conventions. Basically it openned up a huge can of worms which someone needs to solve. I think Jim B. and a few others took the responsibility on to figure it out and it is a huge task. Currently family files don't allow meta data so creating a searchable database becomes very tricky. Anyway I think we need to try to think long term and have something in place that will work well as the content libraries grow. Until then Revit city has almost all the content that was on RUGI so we should just use it until AUGI's is up and running.

2004-10-07, 02:30 PM
How about this, leave RUGI in place for upload and download until exchange is ready to go. How simple could it be.

Would anybody be opposed to me hosting a website with the RUGI content until exchange is ready?

I like the whole concept of what Exchange is and what it will be but until then there is nothing for sharing families between users.

Maybe AUGI could acknowledge Revitcity as an alternate resource on the Exchange is coming page?

AUGI is a great resource and something that is a huge asset in the Revit community.

I am sure Scott is a great guy and its nothing personal, I just got a negative vibe from his comments about free and uploading. I am sure if he had more time or didn't have his cup of coffee it may have come out sounding different.

Speaking of coffee, I am going to get some.



These aren't the droids your looking for.

2004-10-07, 02:35 PM
I think the people who started RUGI couldn't continue to maintain it(its a lot of work to manage a website) If you have the server capabilities to do it, try and find out who ran the old rugi site and ask for all the files, you'd have to do alot of html reworking for paths and get a site address. Its really not that easy. I've managed website for small companies before and it can take a couple hours a day and that was a very low traffic site. I can't imagine what it would take to manage a site where people are submiting files which need previews placed,etc.

2004-10-07, 02:41 PM
Hey at our office we are doing work in both metric and imperial. We find that Revit converts the component to the appropriate units regardless if it metric or imperial. So are just using everything out of imperial and have minimized our library size by eliminating duplication and the need to search both metric and imperial for components.

Is anybody else finding this. Do we need metric and imperial or can we just get away with a library. Might make setting up exchange a little easier.

If you had it at one point and got rid of it you must have had some kind of reason.


J. Grouchy
2004-10-07, 02:52 PM
I don't know if this is the default subcategorization or not...but under Detail Components we have Architectural and Structural (under which we have sub-subcategories Concrete, Steel and Wood) and under Site we have Accessories, Fencing, Logistics, Parking and Utilities. Again...these may be the default subcategories...but I would think these should work for starters.

2004-10-07, 03:03 PM
I think it fell away by mistake Andre, but there are issues that your families may not be tripping up on that would make freely mixing imperial and metric families problematic. In particular in the use of formulae in families will not always be reliable if one switches between metric and imperial.

If you have a formula that steps the depth of a lintol dependent on span then the equation
if width>36 lintel depth will be 9may not always work when you require
if width >900 lintel depth will be 225 because the 36" will come out at 914 mm and therefore use the smaller lintel size and perhaps fail a code requirement.

2004-10-07, 03:16 PM
I think you need Jim Balding to give chapter and verse on this but as I understand it there are problems with some of the code that ran RUGI and it is not a straightforward case of porting it straight onto you machine, or any other. The people who own the RUGI domain have not been willing to release the back-end code which they hold copyright over so there is no way of simply making it available by switching it onto a different drive.

Jim has suggested people look at Revitcity for their download requirements, as have one or two of the other moderators here. We don't seek to warrant it as a resource as we have no control over it's availability or its content. This is not the throwing down of a gauntlet but I believe the Exchange will simply be better than that which is available at Revitcity. Some will agree, some won't but if it has the families you need go make use of it.

2004-10-07, 04:11 PM
I've found that Architectural detail components needs to be broken down as it got really large for us. I've broken it into Ceiling, Door, Window & Louver, Masonry & Stone, Stairs & Handrails, Trim Pieces, and SMACNA. All components not fitting in those categories are just left under general. Don't know if those are the best subcategories, but they've been working for us.

I've also broken out families that are a specific manufacturer in their own subfolder (i.e. all of the Anderson windows (thanks Abe) are under windows in a subfolder called Anderson). I think that's really helpful...

Thanks again for all of the work you guys are putting in, this will be an excellent resource when it comes up.

2004-10-07, 08:18 PM
I'm a residential builder/designer with limited Revit experience, so I'm a bit hesitant to participate, but here goes. I think the "Detail Component" / "Architectural" category could be broken down further into "Exterior" and "Interior" with possible further subcategories such as Interior / Millwork, Exterior / Masonry etc. I also think there could be a similar category for 3d modeled Arch. detail component families (Int. & Ext.), for wall sweeps, vents, millwork, hardware, shutters, niches, decorations, etc. that do not quite fit under any of the Standard Revit Categories.

My gratitude also for you efforts, I think the Exchange is vital for Revits long term growth and acceptance to newbies like myself. And I'm excited about being able to share what took hours and sometimes day's to learn and create along with being able to save the same by downloading what others have created.

Mike Lenz

2004-10-07, 09:07 PM

We don't seek to warrant it as a resource as we have no control over it's availability or its content.

That sounds like fine print. You can use it for now but we are not responsible.

It’s not like the things are gonna blow up. If there is a resource out there it should be handled as a network.
The availability thing ….. Are you tell me that I can not tell my 20 person team to go to A.U.G.I. exchange because they don’t have everything in the Sweets Catalog?

2004-10-07, 09:21 PM
...Are you tell me that I can not tell my 20 person team to go to A.U.G.I. exchange because they don’t have everything in the Sweets Catalog?Not at all...

2004-10-07, 11:02 PM
Well, Revitcity exists and Exchange doesn't but Exchange is far superior. LMAO

2004-10-08, 01:57 AM
Well, Revitcity exists and Exchange doesn't but Exchange is far superior. LMAO
I don't think that was what anyone said, you're reaching.

I for one use revit city all the time.

Wes Macaulay
2004-10-08, 04:57 AM
I think you need Jim Balding to give chapter and verse on this but as I understand it there are problems with some of the code that ran RUGI and it is not a straightforward case of porting it straight onto you machine, or any other. The people who own the RUGI domain have not been willing to release the back-end code which they hold copyright over so there is no way of simply making it available by switching it onto a different drive.I didn't realise there was an obstacle like this in the way: that's a pretty serious hurdle to hop over. I didn't know what the delay was about, but with this issue out there, I can certainly understand it better.

The reality is that many of the RUGI families (like any you can get, paid for or not) aren't bombproof. Depending on RUGI is a last resort. The only things I download are those I wouldn't even hope to be able to model in Revit - like vehicles, or really mundane objects that would bore me to tears if I had to model them myself.

2004-10-08, 08:13 AM
That sounds like fine print. You can use it for now but we are not responsible.
I was referring to Revitcity and it is an absolute point that we have no control of their content or availability, they are an independent commercial operation and have no links to AUGI whatsoever.

2004-10-12, 12:25 PM
It might also be helpful to be able to have a searchable field of whom submitted/created the family, so that when we tell someone to go find "so and so's" family they can search for everythign that person created. Or, when someone creates a series of families, if you find one family you like you can find others by the same author easily.

2004-10-13, 08:37 AM
The developers and managers of the AUGI Revit Exchange had a conference call meeting with an online presentation of the work that is occurring to make this thing happen.

I have updated the Exchange front page again with a screen shot and a more detailed description of the mechanisms we seek to deliver and the work that is being done to achieve that.

Please take a look here (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=372) to see it. I for one think it looks good and shows that your patience is going to be very well rewarded.

2004-10-13, 08:44 AM
Please take a look at the Exchange front page. I have left a link for people to follow on the running Exchange Update thread and there will be nay-sayers so if you like what you see please make the right noises.

Hats off to Jim and the development guys. I don't know that it is priveliged knowledge but I have not posted the Autodesk development partner who is behind the content delivery system. It's Archvision, the RPC people. Keep it to yourselves though, please.

I think it looks like an impressive tool and it will probably see a lot of people migrate from Revitcity, though I know that that is not of itself the goal.

2004-10-13, 08:46 AM
Looks very snazzy :beer: :beer: :beer:

2004-10-13, 04:44 PM
...Please take a look at the Exchange front page...Nice job Peter! It's a nice effort to let folks see that something is really going on.

2004-10-13, 06:10 PM
...and there's been no response to date which surprises me, I even made the thread sticky again.

2004-10-13, 06:49 PM
Excellent letter, Peter. Try posting a new thread as a sticky, sometimes people don't always click on old one's for fear of having to read dozens of posts to "catch-up."


2004-10-13, 07:48 PM
The forum page looks very promising. Thanks for the effort to the folks who are making it happen.

2004-10-14, 07:24 AM
Thanks, Christopher. Anyone else have any comments?

2004-10-14, 01:40 PM
I wondered about that but I have watched this morning and its had 30 or so viewings today......

My guess is that we had complaints mostly before and now we show something that looks like it will really be a god tool the nay-sayers have no wind in their sails and the ones who were just waiting on the Exchange coming live haven't changed their minds.

Wes Macaulay
2004-10-14, 02:45 PM
It looks very professional - like ordering from a Herman Miller catalogue!

2004-10-14, 02:49 PM
A popup ActiveX 3d picture, nice feature can I get fries with that?

The true test will be if its user friendly. The AUGI site can be a bit confusing to navigate at times. (Check out earlier on in this thread) but once you get a handle on the layout of the site, it can still be frustrating navigating. Maybe I need to spend more time here and less drawing with Revit. Anyone heard of AutoCAD, is it any good...........

Sounds like you guys are getting wrapped up in the technology, technology is cool, but we will wait to see if it delivers.


These aren't the families your looking for.

2004-10-14, 03:00 PM
Will there be the ability to browse or will it always be a search?. Will the families need to be saved in a 3d view or will that be done automatically? It looks great BTW.

2004-10-14, 03:22 PM
A popup ActiveX 3d picture, nice feature can I get fries with that?You sure know how take the "air" out of a room when you leave... We may never be able to satisfy you Andre. We'll keep trying, but it sure isn't "fun"...

2004-10-14, 03:45 PM
Joe, You will be able to browse at the level of searching just on a category and getting a long list of, say, windows, all thumbnailed. The 3D thumbnail is a server side product, as we have no control over submitters remembering to save and close their family from a 3D view, this will give a common view of the windows with a view taken from a south east camera position, or whatever we agree upon.

Sounds like you guys are getting wrapped up in the technology, technology is cool, but we will wait to see if it delivers. I fear you are missing the point. The same backend will essentially apply to an AutoCAD Exchange, an Inventor Exchange and so on. It has a fundamental need to be robust and that is what seems to be taking time to achieve. The 3D viewer is something that has already been developed by someone else and gives a functionality that aids the process but isn't a key to it. I have said:

At present there is still a lot of work required to automate production of thumbnails from a family file or produce a 2D image of a fill pattern and so on but this work will continue alongside the main development programme and in the short term we are likely to launch without the thumbnails complete, probably just with a stock thumbnail, and perhaps without the content viewer in order that we can bring you a searchable database as quickly as possible. The real graft now is to normalise the information that we have now that it is clear how it will be ordered. For various reasons that wasn't possible before. Do you want something that works or something that doesn't?

2004-10-14, 05:50 PM
Do you want something that works or something that doesn't?
Something is better than nothing!

You may never please me but in the world of Architecture criticism is taken as a way to improve on something instead of taken as a personal attack.

Here are hopefully some positive comments so that you don't think everything I say is critical.

AUGI exists and is run by volunteers and for that I am grateful.
AUGI has a large base of professionals contributing.
AUGI has this forum to communicate ideas complimentary or critical.

The only thing Robust I am looking for is a flavor in my coffee. You have promised something that will work very well and I believe you that it will be incredible.

Patiently waiting for it to appear. It must be very close to deployment.

All I want for Christmas is my AUGI exchange. :-)

Patiently waiting


Keep up the good, hard, but not fast work!

2004-10-14, 07:22 PM
You may never please me but in the world of Architecture criticism is taken as a way to improve on something instead of taken as a personal attack.
Acrimony isn't a required element of a critical review. Thoughtful criticism delivered kindly gets better "reviews" than harsh words uttered. How would you feel if your client tells you, "I hate your design!!"?? You'd have to take it...but you wouldn't be happy about it?

We appreciate your perspective, just not your chosen flavor of delivery.

We too hope that the unveiling is sooner than later!

2004-10-14, 07:45 PM
Acrimony isn't a required element of a critical review. Thoughtful criticism delivered kindly gets better "reviews" than harsh words uttered. How would you feel if your client tells you, "I hate your design!!"?? You'd have to take it...but you wouldn't be happy about it?

We appreciate your perspective, just not your chosen flavor of delivery.

We too hope that the unveiling is sooner than later!

Hear hear! Sometimes it's the tone, not the message. I have no problem with constructive criticism. The problem is, yours isn't constructive because it's peppered with snide comments.

How's this for a solution. We'll jump right on this thing, get it whipped out in a day or two, but it's gonna be a pay site? We'll charge $19.99/month. Any takers? Remember, this is a free service. It is also representative of the entire AUGI community and has to be robust. It will take time. in the meantime, feel free to post all your Revit families in a publicly available ftp server for everyone here...;)

2004-10-14, 08:25 PM
Hear hear! Sometimes it's the tone, not the message. I have no problem with constructive criticism. The problem is, yours isn't constructive because it's peppered with snide comments.

How's this for a solution. We'll jump right on this thing, get it whipped out in a day or two, but it's gonna be a pay site? We'll charge $19.99/month. Any takers? Remember, this is a free service. It is also representative of the entire AUGI community and has to be robust. It will take time. in the meantime, feel free to post all your Revit families in a publicly available ftp server for everyone here...;)
You guys need to relax or take a vacation or something. What was I saying that was snide? I was just having some fun with a bunch of people who are taking things far to seriously. All I wanted to know was when the service was being provided and all I get is a run around about were doing this and that. Will we see it before Christmas? Maybe you should stop spending all your time surfing these forums and do some work on your mighty exchange.

A pay site, nice idea. As soon as you have it up and running sign me up. What's wrong with you guys having an ftp site until exchange is up and running? I know you have the capability and the intelligence to run one. Are there legal ramifications of you doing this? What are your reasons for not hosting an ftp site until exchange is up and running flawlessly? Is there a publicly available ftp server that you suggest?

I have know doubt that exchange will be a valuable tool when it is done. It looks and sounds to be exactly what this community needs. Again, thank you for all your hard efforts and I apologize if for any comments that may be taken with offense. I support what you are doing 100% and will be patiently waiting for Exchange.


2004-10-14, 08:36 PM
You guys need to relax or take a vacation or something. What was I saying that was snide?

How about this...

Maybe you should stop spending all your time surfing these forums and do some work on your mighty exchange.

Andre, I'm not trying to make you angry, but you seem to be pretty worked up over this. The AUGI exchange is a service we decided to provide free of charge. It is not an obligation that we provide it to you at all. Yet your comments suggest a sense of entitlement...indeed they suggest that you have somehow been slighted or ripped off by us for not completing it "in time".

Remember, if you need the families right now, most of them are up on Revitcity. We are not keeping anything from you, but we will not release the exchange to the public until it is ready.

2004-10-15, 05:31 PM
Does anyone know when or if they will get rugi.org back up and running? There was alot of additional cool stuff on there that was different than revitcity, and autodesks website. Any info would be appreciated

Scott D Davis
2004-10-15, 06:09 PM
Please see THIS (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=372) for information on the Exchange

This topic has been discussed here many times, a simple SEARCH (http://forums.augi.com/search.php?searchid=62415) may have answered your question.

J. Grouchy
2004-10-15, 06:17 PM
This topic has been discussed here many times
Far too often...I can count on one hand the number of times I visited Rugi and got something worthwhile off of it. I suppose it's just about the sort of things we needed in our particular situations, so I'm sure others found it more valuable. I've gotten more useful families and examples of ways to do things from these forums than Rugi or RevitCity combined...which is a compliment and a "thanks" to everyone here in the forums who contribute so much.
I'm interested to see how the exchange shapes up...

2004-10-15, 06:20 PM
yes know this already. What I am asking is why was a web page killed in lou of the great things to come. I know that the new one will be great as everything else that is done on augi, but in the time being the users are denied a good resource. I am probably preaching to then wrong person, but In my experience you DONT kill a resource unless one is available to replace the current one. TODAY- NOT TOMORROW.

2004-10-15, 06:27 PM
As I understand it the kind people who ran it for FREE(except for one small donation they took a couple years ago) didn't want to run it anymore when the transition occurred between RUGI and AUGI.

2004-10-15, 06:52 PM
yes know this already. What I am asking is why was a web page killed in lou of the great things to come. I know that the new one will be great as everything else that is done on augi, but in the time being the users are denied a good resource. I am probably preaching to then wrong person, but In my experience you DONT kill a resource unless one is available to replace the current one. TODAY- NOT TOMORROW.
To clear the air yet another time, RUGI.org was not KILLED, it ran out of funds long ago. It was then sponsored by outside money for 3 "semesters" (4-6 months each) when that ran out, so did RUGI. There is NO ONE here or anywhere that would like to see the Exchange up and running more than me. There were never plans to let it go before we had the Exchange running, however, that is what happened and we are getting the heat for it. For that, we apologize and say, "sorry, we are working on it". Please show some respect for those that are working on it and not accuse them of killing something months before the solution is in place. We are relatively intelligent people and would not plan something like that.

- JB

2004-10-15, 07:00 PM
Sorry about that Jim. I guess I got a little touchy when all I asked was a simple yes or no question (dead or alive) and I got the old stop wasting our time and look it up yourself answer from Scott. Not trying to hurt anyones feelings here, sorry if I did.
peace Revit brothers and sisters ha ha

2004-10-20, 09:28 PM
, I'm not trying to make you angry, I am not angry:-)I am just wondering when exchange will be up and running? Today, tomorrow, a week from now, next month, Christmas, next year, you must have some idea of when it will be completed or at least an estimate. :-?

Yet your comments suggest a sense of entitlement...indeed they suggest that you have somehow been slighted or ripped off by us for not completing it "in time".

How can I feel slighted if I don't know when exchange will be finished.

we will not release the exchange to the public until it is ready.
So let me ask again...............when will exchange be ready???????????

How about we are aiming for the end of November and things are looking promising or the volunteer team is continuing to burn the midnight oil but exchange is still at least two months away from being completed.

You have posted some teasers, thats great, did anyone mention in the meeting when exchange might be ready to release?


2004-10-20, 09:46 PM
It is not ready, we do not know when it will be ready. Our schedules have to remain flexible as we are volunteering to do this and when "real work" pops up we need to put the Exchange work on the back burner and that pushes it all out a bit.

I will say we are make some progress, I will not say we will be done XXXX. That will only come back to bite us later. We would all like to have it done by AU, BUT THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES

2004-10-21, 06:33 AM
How's this for a solution. We'll jump right on this thing, get it whipped out in a day or two, but it's gonna be a pay site? We'll charge $19.99/month. Any takers?
Well yes I would and I would be more than happy to pay for downloads of families that someone has taken hours to produce. Now that's an idea, e- bay for families

2004-10-21, 06:42 AM
Go tell that to revitcity. I'm sure Hiroshi wouldn't mind making some extra money!

2004-10-21, 01:40 PM
I am not angry:-).................

So let me ask again...............when will exchange be ready???????????

How about we are aiming for the end of November and things are looking promising or the volunteer team is continuing to burn the midnight oil but exchange is still at least two months away from being completed.

You have posted some teasers, thats great, did anyone mention in the meeting when exchange might be ready to release?


The exchange thing again? Why don’t you rent some server space that can handle the monthly traffic and start you own exchange? All you need is server space, buy/write some code and an adequate database(optional). I prefer to write my own code but you can use Frontpage or something to organizing your display. It’s not that hard.

Martin P
2004-10-21, 03:11 PM
You guys need to relax or take a vacation or something. What was I saying that was snide?

Maybe you should stop spending all your time surfing these forums and do some work on your mighty exchange.

Would have read much better as

"Maybe you should stop spending all your time surfing these forums :) and do some work on your mighty exchange ;)"

Emoticons help comments appear less harsh.....
spend some more time surfing these forums, and do some work on your posts ;)

We are all eagerly awaiting the exchange, I have a few families I want to post, and am keen to see what others have been up to. Why dont you start a thread in the families area called "EXCHANGE" with a selection of families you have created, and ask others who are willing to add to the thread with attachments only, I am sure plenty will add to it. The very first exchange at the old Revit site was nothing more than a separate message board that people added to, it worked ok.

2004-10-21, 03:34 PM
The exchange thing again? Why don’t you rent some server space that can handle the monthly traffic and start you own exchange? All you need is server space, buy/write some code and an adequate database(optional). I prefer to write my own code but you can use Frontpage or something to organizing your display. It’s not that hard.
priority05 sounds like your an expert so why don't you do it........

Thank you Jim for your answer. To me it is clear that exchange is still many volunteer hours away from being finished. Hopefully, all runs smoothly for you guys over the next while and exchange soon becomes a reality.


2004-10-21, 04:20 PM
:beer: Thanks for the tip Martin :mrgreen:

As far as the sharing of families, I guess we can all use www.revitcity.com (http://www.revitcity.com/) until exchange is up and running but the message board is a good idea. :-)


2004-10-21, 05:40 PM
priority05 sounds like your an expert so why don't you do it........

Thank you Jim for your answer. To me it is clear that exchange is still many volunteer hours away from being finished. Hopefully, all runs smoothly for you guys over the next while and exchange soon becomes a reality.


1. Expert....No.
2. Know how much time it takes to code and test and code and test? Yes!.
3. I guess I asked for that. It did sound sort of harsh. Time to prepare is something we (members of this site) do need to keep in mind as the volunteers get everything up a running.
4. Why don't I do it? If you'll donate your time (volunteer) we can. More than a one man job unless you have alot of time on your hands.
5. Emotions and comments do help in many cases. Keeps people from taking things the wrong way.
6. Ever been in a car on a long trip and someone keeps asking you "Are we there yet?"
You then have the option to stop and let that person walk the rest of the way or politely say "No not yet. We'll be there in a little while." Pretty soon everyone in the car is thinking
let the guy walk.

2004-10-23, 12:07 AM
Most of the old RUGI content is currently available for download at the RevitCity site.

Is there a possibility to have RUGI downloads up again?

2004-10-24, 05:05 PM
No one has ever asked us (RUGI webmasters) for copies of RUGI symbols on disk. We would be more than willing to burn the content on disk for anyone willing to pay for the disk, packaging, and shipping. We also have a website with additional symbols, but charge membership to pay for the space, which was the reason we were unable to continue with RUGI. The funds to pay for the webspace was discontinued. For the record, we were more than willing to continue maintaining RUGI, but did not control the web account on Earthlink. Our part of the transition was to get RUGI content to the team, which we did. We were not in a position to do any more than that at the time, and we were met with negative pressure and derogatory statements from one person. Those of you who are interested can contact us at webmaster@symbolmachine.com

2004-10-24, 06:30 PM
No one has ever asked us (RUGI webmasters) for copies of RUGI symbols on disk. We would be more than willing to burn the content on disk for anyone willing to pay for the disk, packaging, and shipping. We also have a website with additional symbols, but charge membership to pay for the space, which was the reason we were unable to continue with RUGI. The funds to pay for the webspace was discontinued. For the record, we were more than willing to continue maintaining RUGI, but did not control the web account on Earthlink. Our part of the transition was to get RUGI content to the team, which we did. We were not in a position to do any more than that at the time, and we were met with negative pressure and derogatory statements from one person. Those of you who are interested can contact us at webmaster@symbolmachine.com
How very interesting, and what a shame that as a result so much Revit content which is so important to new and prospective Revit Users, remains unavailable, dependent on the good will of volunteers working to get it back up and available on Augi.

2004-10-24, 09:13 PM
This post of jerry's certainly doesn't help.

God knows why he felt it was necessary to add more fuel to the fire :veryevil:

No one has ever asked us (RUGI webmasters) for copies of RUGI symbols on disk. We would be more than willing to burn the content on disk for anyone willing to pay for the disk, packaging, and shipping. We also have a website with additional symbols, but charge membership to pay for the space, which was the reason we were unable to continue with RUGI. The funds to pay for the webspace was discontinued. For the record, we were more than willing to continue maintaining RUGI, but did not control the web account on Earthlink. Our part of the transition was to get RUGI content to the team, which we did. We were not in a position to do any more than that at the time, and we were met with negative pressure and derogatory statements from one person. Those of you who are interested can contact us at webmaster@symbolmachine.com

2004-10-25, 08:22 AM
If he is quite so willing to make this offer after some months of RUGI downtime I have to wonder why he didn't feel minded to make it as soon as RUGI was down. He clearly has a money making scheme in mind with the pay site so why not charge a few dollars for the RUGI symbol pack. I know there are copyright issues to consider but he could make a case for his time and machine costs etc...

Clumsy of him to post this so late. Looks very much like an attempt to regain some credibility.

2004-10-25, 08:48 AM
Personally, I feel charging a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g for content that has been prepared by others and then offered to the Revit public for free, by those authors, .... is morally reprehensible. It may be just to cover their outgoings, but I don't feel they have any right to the content at all.

This is the essentially the gripe I have always had with RevitCity, even though they aren't charging for their content, they obtained the majority of it without the author's consent and then proceeded to run a "commercial " site with that content. Thats why I have never participated in that site, .. nor ever will.

Some time ago, i used to use a CAD program called Datacad. The DC community ran an exchange, where user developed content could be obtained for a very minimal price. At end of each year, the downloads and proceeds were calculated and the profits distributed to the contributors. I have no problem with that. But I'm not suggesting AUGI go down that path either, just that it was a better way to deal with the " copyright " issue than either RUGI or RevitCity seem able to come to grips with.

2004-10-25, 09:18 AM
Personally, I feel charging a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g for content that has been prepared by others and then offered to the Revit public for free, by those authors, .... is morally reprehensible.
I don't disagree with that. I am more concerned that if the guy is so willing to make the content available for the cost of a disk and some postage that he hasn't made this offer publicly before.

The Datacad modus that you describe is intersting and we do need a way of getting some moeny to support develoment of the infrastructure, whether that is disk-and-post or download. In AUGI we seem to have that funding in place, I was just suggesting that Cox needed some reimbursement for his time and outlay to send disks.

2004-10-25, 02:32 PM
This takes me back to the discussion we had a while back about he moderators here chipping in a nominal amount each month for server space to host the content in the meantime. I think it is a workable solution and avoids the appearance of impropriety. Again, I would be willing to donate $10/month just to not have to read the public exchange thread and all the users griping anymore...

Scott D Davis
2004-10-25, 04:36 PM
......with negative pressure and derogatory statements from one personSo who pi$$ed him off?

2004-10-26, 06:58 AM
From the Revit Community Front Page Posted today:

The Exchange (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=372)
Progress on the Exchange has made great strides the past several weeks. The team has tackled the preview issue and added a live RPC 3-dimensional viewer integrated into the system. The database search engine has made progress as well and we are headed in the right direction on this all important project. "

We are all VERY SERIOUS about this issue and I am beginning to resent the implications otherwise. There are many people working very hard to make this happen for EVERYONE for FREE. I reiterate:
RUGI being down is an unfortunate issue, however it remained up for well over a year with the support of Autodesk.

Now to respond directly to your comments

There was an announcement on the Revit Front Page, as noted above
We did not take RUGI offline the money and the extensions ran out
You do have options www.revitcity.com (http://www.revitcity.com/) or email webmaster@symbolmachine.com and go through that source.
Yes, we are serious it is at the top of the priority list.
No, there is no need to remind me that this is important, but thank you anyway
It is in no shape at this point, it doesn't work right now. You can imagine the additional heat I/we would take for putting it up like that
I do realize that there is no such thing as a perfect product (see above)
I will apologize now for stopping Revit growth, please accept my apologies.
Regards -

2004-10-26, 07:31 AM
I know a lot of the moderators here earn a lot more when they are not on this site than when they are. The only reason we do this is because we care about the Revit community and the furthering of the Revit cause. I for one would like to see Revit become the CAD standard because it will make my life easier when architects and engineers use it produce models from which I can do take-offs, schedules, etc. It is in my best interest to see Revit succeed. On top of that, I invest in Autodesk stock. I want ADSK to go UP! What makes you think we are not all working hard to support Revit, this site, the exchange, etc.?

Armando, the tone of your last email was condescending, inappropriate and downright rude. You owe Jim an apology.

I'm bummed now. Logging off to go feed my dog so I can feel appreciated again.

Martin P
2004-10-26, 08:41 AM
You have taken RUGI offline and there are no options left.

There is always the option to create any familiy that you need yourself....... or put out a polite request for any willing to share.

2004-10-26, 09:38 AM
There is always the option to create any familiy that you need yourself....... or put out a polite request for any willing to share.
Thanks for that courteous suggestion Martin.

To quantify things a little more, in the hope that numbers and details add to the Revit Community's general understanding that real work is being done on this project, I am, with Jim Balding and a couple of other AUGI people, part of an email discussion group with the development team and in the last week I can count 30 emails discussing various aspects of the project and how to move it forward, some are comments on code, some are comments on speed of delivery (via the interface) of certain components in the system, some discuss likely timescale for elements of the system to be developed and complete. Alongside this email stream there is a forum here on AUGI open only to the developers and the AUGI people working on the development of the AUGI Revit Exchange, that has seen discussion in the last week too. Finally, in the Revit moderators forum there has been discussion on how best to rationalise the additional data that is required to get the remainder of the existing data ready for the Exchange.

I understand that no amount of discussion amounts to actual progress but I can tell you that there is a working model of part of the Exchange currently available to the people that are working on it for discussion and comment. It is not as pretty as the screen shot I posted a couple of weeks back on the AUGI Revit Exchange Front Page but it does more and it proves the concept of the underlying technology. Its a work in progress so it is not available for everyone to have a look at and nor can I post a screen shot of it, but it is a substantial step forward in just a couple of weeks.

Later this week I shall be posting a template file, either as a text file or an Excel spreadsheet, for people with new families that they wish to make available to the Exchange so that anything fresh that comes in will come in with the data already normalised. I have had a number of serious offers of new content from people who regularly post here and have had significant praise for the work they have produced so I know that when we launch there will up to date release 6.1 and 7 families in there as well as the content from RUGI.

Notwithstanding all the above, which along with Jim Balding's comments should serve to indicate the ways and the whats of progress being made I think it is important to remind people that the exchange wont answer all your questions. If you want a Hormann door for your industrial unit phone Hormann and tell them you aren't specifying their product because it's not the easy option for you, likewise with your preferred flavour of engineered floor joists, sanitary ware, and whatever else you need. If they can't supply it consider making it yourself because you are not getting everything you can from Revit if you or someone in your organisation can't respond to a need for a bespoke element. Getting the families from manufacturers will ultimately be likely give a more accurate family and a type catalog of the stock sizes amongst other benefits and that is where I think people need to be chipping away, rather than at the work being done here.

2004-10-28, 05:35 PM
Quite the lengthy thread. A lot of implied hostility. Imagine the progress if that time and energy was redirected to supporting the developers in bringing the Exchange forum to fruition! It's very frustrating as a Revit user not to have an Exchange available and having to use alternate sources for swapping our libraries but we wait with edge-of-seat anticipation of the completed interface. Any chance of posting an anticipated/estimated time-line for deployment, in whatever stages are required to acheive a solid site, to appease the grumbling masses? With a disclaimer stressing "anticipated" obviously.

2004-10-28, 05:57 PM

We can't do that right now as too many of the issues are outside our control. Frankly, we are also a little wary of doing it as no matter what carefully stressed disclaimers regarding anticipated timescales are added the anticipated timelines too often become cast in stone in people's minds.

We are closer now to a launch and we will try and keep you posted as we achieve different milestones.

2004-10-28, 06:28 PM
Quite the lengthy thread. A lot of implied hostility. Imagine the progress if that time and energy was redirected to supporting the developers in bringing the Exchange forum to fruition!

Great idea. I suggest all moderators redirect their energy from this thread, stop responding to new posts here and go back to supporting the exchange developers.

It's very frustrating as a Revit user not to have an Exchange available and having to use alternate sources for swapping our libraries but we wait with edge-of-seat anticipation of the completed interface.

Frustrating for the rest of us too. I am curious what all the Autocad/ADT people do...is there an exchange for them to trade blocks, styles, etc? How do they make do?

Any chance of posting an anticipated/estimated time-line for deployment, in whatever stages are required to acheive a solid site, to appease the grumbling masses? With a disclaimer stressing "anticipated" obviously.

Asked and answered...a number of times.


Allen Lacy
2004-10-28, 07:22 PM
Do you get the feeling that most of the people asking about the exchange think that this is an Autodesk site? Well folks, it's not! My understanding is that Autodesk helps to fund AUGI and recognizes AUGI as a support group for its products. But it's not AUTODESK! It's a group of volunteers that we should show more appreciation for!

2004-10-28, 10:30 PM
Thank you PeterJ, your...and all volunteers...efforts are much appreciated.

Great idea. I suggest all moderators redirect their energy from this thread, stop responding to new posts here and go back to supporting the exchange developers.

I wasn't just referring to moderators. We all need to be more supportive of the efforts of the developers.

Frustrating for the rest of us too. I am curious what all the Autocad/ADT people do...is there an exchange for them to trade blocks, styles, etc? How do they make do?

I don't believe there was ever this much excitement around Autocad/ADT as there is with Revit. Everyone has a pressing desire to utilize Revit to it's full potential with the least effort. Our firm has embraced Revit long enough and endured our share of learning curve trials to have developed an extensive library of custom components. Now we're eager to share it and reap the rewards of other users efforts also.

For those viewing this thread through bitter lenses....I come in peace.

2004-10-29, 03:37 AM
Chunk, I have reread this and I realize that I owe you an apology. I took your post as being aimed at "US", the moderators, again. I realize that you were actually backing us up! Please accept my apology.

That said, I would like to give a brief description of my typical work day. I get up at about 6:30, shower and get dressed and LOG ON TO AUGI to check posts. I do so for about 20 minutes, responding to only the most critical. I then go to work and LOG INTO AUGI and leave it up in the background. I check it at regular intervals to see what's going on an to follow the more active threads. A lot of days, instead of getting out of the office and getting a nice lunch, I LOG ON TO AUGI and respond to posts. Lunch is about an hour. At the end of the day, instead of going straight home to watch TV or play with my dog, I LOG ONTO AUGI for about 30-40 minutes and read/respond to posts. I then go home and before going to sleep I LOG ONTO AUGI to read and respond to posts...like right now. Total AUGI time each day = somewhere between 1-1/2 and 2-1/2 hours a day. I don't get paid for that in any way. So when people start assuming that we are somehow not living up to our end of this deal, I get a little touchy. This is a time-consuming job, and every moderator here probably has a similar story to tell.

In short (not really ;) ) I thank you Chunk for your support and wish others here would realize the hard work that goes into this place. PeterJ has the toughest job of all with the exchange and I don't envy him one bit, but he is doing a superb job.


Nic M.
2004-10-29, 06:41 AM
:beer: a beer for all the moderators
There part of the story where Revit is today

Thanks guy's

2004-10-29, 08:02 AM
Thanks Nic,

Make mine a Westvleteren ! :beer:

Nic M.
2004-10-29, 08:47 AM
Vuer mij nen Duvel (http://www.duvel.be/) en geft de rest ok iet


2004-10-29, 01:51 PM
Cheers to all! A strong community stands together for a common goal.

2004-10-29, 05:58 PM
:p So I guess its going to take longer to get Exchange up and running now that the libraries need to be updated to Revit 7...........

:grin: Seriously, keep up the great work.


2004-11-02, 03:21 AM
Most of the old RUGI content is currently available for download at the RevitCity site.

Actually, there isn't a whole lot of RUGI content at Revitcity, that was an incorrect rumor that was going around for a while. We did capture most of the content a while back, but did not upload to the Revitcity website.

2004-11-02, 03:25 AM

Andre, hope you are Australian...........:)

(Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oy,Oy,Oy......the well known international 'mating' call of Australians. 'Intellectual' property contained within this phrase jealously guarded by locals;) )


2004-11-02, 05:00 AM
Andre, hope you are Australian...........:)

(Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oy,Oy,Oy......the well known international 'mating' call of Australians. 'Intellectual' property contained within this phrase jealously guarded by locals;) )

Andre can use it for now, as long as he agrees to give it back before the next Olympics. :)

2004-11-02, 09:14 AM
Australians aren't going to mate again until the next Olympics? What will that do to the world?

2004-11-02, 12:20 PM
Australians aren't going to mate again until the next Olympics? What will that do to the world?

Nah, it works like this..........small group of Aussies out in public in a foreign land, fuelled by a few beers (imported VB,XXXX or Crown Lager etc.) call Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy, Oy, Oy, Oy in the hope of attracting like individuals. The standard reply when hearing this is to return Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy, Oy, Oy, Oy across the crowded street, bar etc. The two groups respond to each other using the call as a direction finder, when visual contact is made the mutual response is to say concurrently ...............Maaaate! Hence the 'mating' call.

I have been studying this in case I intend to become a citizen, as I believe it is part of the citizenship test.

OK thats the end of the anthropology lesson. Hows the exchange going?


2004-11-02, 01:34 PM
The database is standing on one side of the street shouting Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy, Oy, Oy, Oy and the download tools area standing on the other side thinking what on earth are they doing?

2004-11-02, 03:26 PM
Ace mate but I hate to break the bad news, I'm Canadian Eh! Howzit going down under, any mirror sites popping up with content?

2004-11-02, 04:14 PM

I have called for Exchange submissions (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=10336), please go download the spreadsheet and try and break it.

You can submit content too if you like!

2004-11-04, 11:24 AM
Anyone looked at this yet? I have had something like 70 views and 20 downloads of the spreadsheet but I have yet t receive a single email with a family in it....

2004-11-04, 09:06 PM
I downloaded the spreadsheet and played with it, and it looks good to me.

2004-11-04, 10:24 PM

...lets get to ten characters....

2004-11-05, 02:58 PM
Ouch!! a grey box I guess giving your opinion gives you a hit on reputation points. That sucked to see I have posted a few under my own name and many more when We were a team login (4 guys with the same login so we could learn and see each others posts) an the 1st reputation points is bad.

I guess it is true what they say, people are more likely to point out your faults, than give you a pat on the back for being honest.

P.S. I probably will get another one after this one haha

2004-11-05, 06:43 PM
Hello all. New member here. I've been using Revit since 3.0. Aside from the ever-growing wish list, I'm real happy with Revit. It's been a great tool and has paid for itself many times over for me. The potential is phenomenal. I was afraid that Autodesk would kill it / mess it up (like the old Softdesk Auto Architect, which I STILL use w/ ACAD14). Hopefully they'll continue to give it the continued development it needs.

I do miss the library on RUGI and am glad to find that this valuable resource will once again be available. Being a solo practitioner, I have not had the time to get real proficient creating complex families. Any idea when the library will be back on line?

2004-11-05, 10:05 PM
Hello all. New member here. I've been using Revit since 3.0. Aside from the ever-growing wish list, I'm real happy with Revit. It's been a great tool and has paid for itself many times over for me. The potential is phenomenal. I was afraid that Autodesk would kill it / mess it up (like the old Softdesk Auto Architect, which I STILL use w/ ACAD14). Hopefully they'll continue to give it the continued development it needs.

I do miss the library on RUGI and am glad to find that this valuable resource will once again be available. Being a solo practitioner, I have not had the time to get real proficient creating complex families. Any idea when the library will be back on line?
In the meantime, you can check out revitcity.com for their exchange.
Good luck!

2004-11-08, 09:54 PM
OK, a week since I posted a request for submissions to the Exchange and not a single response. The post has had something like 160 views and the spreadsheet has been downloaded 30 plus times. Then Andre Miko makes another dig about the launch of the Exchange and I just start to think why are we wasting our ****ing time on this?

2004-11-09, 06:26 AM
I wanted to know how do we work about downloading the library objects in rugi site.
: www.rugi.org/downlods.htm.
Or please tell me some other site for download.

2004-11-09, 07:03 AM

Your thread has been merged with this existing thread, which should provide your answer.

2004-11-10, 02:58 AM
Greg: I just have a question and I hope you don't think I am trying to offend anybody, as I know I have done in the past. Who created AUGI? Thanks in advance.

How about this...

Andre, I'm not trying to make you angry, but you seem to be pretty worked up over this. The AUGI exchange is a service we decided to provide free of charge. It is not an obligation that we provide it to you at all. Yet your comments suggest a sense of entitlement...indeed they suggest that you have somehow been slighted or ripped off by us for not completing it "in time".

Remember, if you need the families right now, most of them are up on Revitcity. We are not keeping anything from you, but we will not release the exchange to the public until it is ready.

2004-11-10, 03:44 AM
Negative pressure and derogatory statements???? From who???

No one has ever asked us (RUGI webmasters) for copies of RUGI symbols on disk. We would be more than willing to burn the content on disk for anyone willing to pay for the disk, packaging, and shipping. We also have a website with additional symbols, but charge membership to pay for the space, which was the reason we were unable to continue with RUGI. The funds to pay for the webspace was discontinued. For the record, we were more than willing to continue maintaining RUGI, but did not control the web account on Earthlink. Our part of the transition was to get RUGI content to the team, which we did. We were not in a position to do any more than that at the time, and we were met with negative pressure and derogatory statements from one person. Those of you who are interested can contact us at webmaster@symbolmachine.com

2004-11-10, 03:51 AM
Yes Priority, I would, If I wasn't interested in this community effort to work out. You know, dinners and breakfasts don;t get things done. We are the cannon meat, we deal we Revit everyday trying to produce work with it, since release 1, trying to teach students about it, trying to spread Revit knowledge all over the world, and yes, all of that for free. Free Revit lessons, free Revit demonstrations, free Revit support. And if I have to rent some space to have an exchance I will do it, but that is not the problem. We are all together in this. We are all trying to help. Don't be selfish.

The exchange thing again? Why don’t you rent some server space that can handle the monthly traffic and start you own exchange? All you need is server space, buy/write some code and an adequate database(optional). I prefer to write my own code but you can use Frontpage or something to organizing your display. It’s not that hard.

2004-11-10, 05:49 PM
Negative pressure and derogatory statements???? From who???
From me if you read the entire Thread. The reason for the statements were an attempt to get some sort of answer from the AUGInauts. Instead I got corporate answers of non-committal, which was a bit frustrating. I do however have a great respect for all the volunteer work that has been done on this site and am patiently waiting for Exchange. It looks like Exchange is getting closer to launch since there has been a call for content.:D

2004-11-18, 06:42 AM
Getting wrapped up in technology may, I agree, be dangerous. Remember Autocad? Cad Wizards? Lisping? Revit out of the Box, Release One, was a very enlightening experience !

A popup ActiveX 3d picture, nice feature can I get fries with that?

The true test will be if its user friendly. The AUGI site can be a bit confusing to navigate at times. (Check out earlier on in this thread) but once you get a handle on the layout of the site, it can still be frustrating navigating. Maybe I need to spend more time here and less drawing with Revit. Anyone heard of AutoCAD, is it any good...........

Sounds like you guys are getting wrapped up in the technology, technology is cool, but we will wait to see if it delivers.


These aren't the families your looking for.

2004-11-24, 10:48 PM
hi all,
any news on this one? i am not online a lot so i might have missed the announcement?

2004-11-24, 10:56 PM
Nothing to tell except RUGI is gone...
PeterJ and crew of AUGI are putting together the much anticipated "Revit AUGI Exchange" site
that will assume most of the RUGI content, and any other member donated families, fills, textures, etc.

An announcement is forthcoming on the "go-live' date of the site.

Here is the latest sticky on this subject...


2004-11-25, 06:33 AM
a NEW site with all the previous RUGI downloads is on the works. Please email me if you have any questions and /or want to help in the effort. TIA

2004-11-26, 03:27 PM
have you tried to upload recently? It is working now.

2004-11-26, 05:41 PM
oh yeah looks like a advertizing spoof

2004-11-26, 07:38 PM
I still don't see a way to upload the files.

2004-11-28, 04:17 PM

2004-11-29, 04:38 PM

It appears that the RUGI domain has reverted to an Internic agent and they have set up something to score whatever revenue they can from it. There are no Revit related facilities that I am aware of at the rugi.org site any longer nor have there been for some months.

2004-11-29, 08:14 PM
I meant the AUGI exchange is accepting uploads now. RUGI is not working anymore. An alternative website is being developed to host all the content that was previously posted on the RUGI site plus new content developed by the organizers.

2004-11-30, 09:16 AM
I have merged most of the threads on the thorny subject of RUGI and the AUGI Revit Exchange into one. It is immediately clear from doing that just how much this topic has been exercising the minds of so many of you as we now have a thread running some twenty pages making it the longest thread on the Revit Community pages outside the Thinking Man's Game and the Bush vs Kerry threads. Congratulations if you like.

For those of you who feel have been waiting a long time there is some good news.

We propose a launch date of

1 January 2005

A presentation was given last night at AU and, by email, Jim Balding told me this:

We did our presentation and it had the single biggest round of applause on the night.

- JB
I have updated the AUGI Revit Exchange front page with a detailed run through of how the system will work. You can check for it here, but I know that the people who need to switch out last months page and make this months page live are probably tied up at AU so the contents of that page are repeated below.

Thanks for your patience. Please let us have any feedback you want to offer through this thread and remember, I still want more content to really make the AUGI Revit Exchange work so any of you who have families that you can share should do so. They don't all need to be clever windows with parametric arrays to control muntins, we need your current families that work at any level of complexity and we would also like to see 2D detail components, profiles, pat files. All the things that make drafting in Revit fly.

Many of you will have seen the development mock-up that we posted screenshots of in October that was developed as a "proof of concept". This has been taken further and we now have a working model that we are beta-testing.

The screenshots below (with links to full sized images) take you through the search and download process as it stands. We are open to feedback and will implement any suggestions that can reasonably be addressed while working up the final stages of the process.

On entering the AUGI Revit Exchange you'll see a general search page offering the fields that can be searched on. We are open to suggestions on the key fields but the degree of categorisation is such that I think we probably have it about right at present. At this point, you will also be able to select how many records you want the search to return on each page of results.

http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot001a.jpg (http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot001.jpg)

Running a search will yield a results page, or series of pages, and here I have run a general search on structural families. The results page will show a thumbnail image of each record, provide primary information, and have a check-box next to the name. If you want to know more about the family in question, the name will hyperlink you to a new window with additional detail. If you want to select the family for download, check the box and move on. You'll note that there's a download button at the foot of the page which becomes active when you select your first record for download.

http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot002a.jpg (http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot002.jpg)

If you choose to obtain more detail on the record you are looking at and follow the hyperlink in the name, a new window will open with all the data fields associated with that record shown. From this window you will also have a link to the 3D viewer if you have selected a 3D image. The Autodesk partner I alluded to previously is Archvision, the people behind RPC content (LaRon and his friends etc.), and we are making use of a delivery system that they have already developed to provide us with a 3D viewer that you can rotate, pan and zoom to get a detailed impression of the element that you are interested in. Here I have chosen a Fink truss and zoomed in close to the bearing area.

http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot005a.jpg (http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot005.jpg)

http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot006a.jpg (http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot006.jpg)

Finally, once you have made your selections, they are collected to a zip file automatically.....

http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot003a.jpg (http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot003.jpg)

....and the zip file is downloaded, with a unique name, to your download location.

http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot004a.jpg (http://www.augi.com/revit/images/Exchange_Front_Page/ScreenShot004.jpg)

The working model is robust and pretty quick. The searches are clean and seem to have the right degree of control. We aim to launch with as much of the RUGI content and any newly submitted content as possible and will have the full set available as soon after launch as we are able. There will plenty of material here for you to make use of.

We will not have an upload stream at this point as we have not yet resolved how to manage that process and are still choosing to hand-check each family for validation thus ensuring that the search engine gives valid results. For now, we are welcoming new content through the Forum and will work on a control method and upload cache to automate the upload process once the pressure of getting the download side of things working has passed.

The 3D viewer is an ActiveX control and some of you may need to speak with your network admin staff to make sure you can download it. I understand that it will have a Verisign certificate by the time we launch, so this shouldn't be a problem. It will be a 10MB download the first time you try to view something in 3D but thereafter it'll be on your machine and ready to roll. It gives a very streamlined delivery of the models, so it is worth the download time to be able to really explore any family your are interested in.

It has taken a lot of work behind the scenes, particularly for SolidVapor (the AUGI site developers) and Archvision to get to this point and we are very pleased with it and grateful to them for all the work that they have put in. We hope that you will all be satisfied with what you see and start making use of it as soon as it goes live.

2004-11-30, 11:56 AM

Nice Job!


2004-11-30, 03:41 PM
wow, that looks awesome :) great job guys, can't wait to see it go live.

2004-11-30, 03:56 PM
We propose a launch date of 1 January 2005
Hey I thought you guys didn't like doing this sort of thing! "Impressive, most impressive" Nice teasers, can't wait to play with the final product.

2004-11-30, 08:48 PM
We don't like to give dates if we can't be certain they will be met. When we know they will be met we are entirely happy to tell you any date you like!

2004-11-30, 11:48 PM
Thanks for the update Peter :)

Good news.

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-01, 04:50 PM
I was talking to Randall Stevens from ArchVision about the implementation of the Exchange at the Revit mixer. And guys, wow, what a lot of work they've done.

As it stands, there's no viewer for Revit families in the operating system (other than a small raster image that forms the thumbnail). RUGI's family previews had to be developed manually (right? not 100% sure)... so for the Exchange for Revit families they've developed a system where ArchVision has a copy of Revit running 24/7 on their server that snags a newly uploaded family, and creates a 3D preview that users see on the Exchange. Users will download some sort of applet that will give them this 3D orbitable preview of the family and off you go.

A lot of thought and innovation has been put into this. Too bad we had to wait, but it gave me the opportunity to wag my finger at our users and tell them not to be lazy about learning how to create families ;)

2004-12-03, 11:36 AM
it gave me the opportunity to wag my finger at our users and tell them not to be lazy about learning how to create families ;)
Don't let up on them. Learning family creation will still be important when the Exchange is up and running. Both to keep new content flowing into the Exchnage and to enable them to get the most out of the software.

2004-12-04, 02:21 AM
I saw a working version of the Exchange on the Augi stand at AU a couple of nights ago, it looks simple and effective. The 3d viewer looks good. If the launch date is 1st January05 hope no one misses out on new years eve!!

2004-12-10, 03:23 AM
Just so you know I am uploading the RUGi content to symbolmachine.com free exchange area. Let me know if you have any questions.

2004-12-10, 03:58 AM
And the domain name - symbolmachine.com, is owned by the same person who owned the now defunct RUGI domain. So it's RUGI by another name.

Is the content the same ( Unchanged from RUGI days )? , and will it remain free to download ?

2004-12-10, 06:32 AM
All the content in the free exchange area is FREE to download. Just making sure we all have the oportunity to download and upload content that will help all Revit users.

2004-12-10, 06:37 AM
I am uploading as fast as I can...if you can help let me know.

2004-12-10, 07:49 AM
It seems that they have a free content area as well as a pay database.

The free area will start off with 150 symbols and the rest will be in the pay database.
They will transfer some symbols from the pay area to the free area each month.

So its basically a commercial enterprise with a free download area as enticement, - if I'm understanding the operation correctly.

I'm also wondering if the content that had previously been uploaded / donated by users to RUGI for free distribution, could resurface in the pay area of symbolmachine. It would be nice to be reassured that this would not happen, because I don't see that as a particularly moral situation if it does.

All the content in the free exchange area is FREE to download. Just making sure we all have the oportunity to download and upload content that will help all Revit users.

2004-12-14, 04:35 AM
I am uploading the rugi content into the free exchange area and it will remain free for use by anyone that nees the content. The paysite is for custom content that users may need and want to have it done. Let me know if you have any questions. We are trying to help.

2004-12-16, 09:01 AM
I guess that answered your concerns?

2004-12-16, 10:02 PM
What's your relationship with that site ?

I guess that answered your concerns?

2004-12-17, 07:42 PM
Sorry I didn't answered before. I signed up for the membership at SMAC and also suggested to them that they should have a free site because there are a lot people looking for content. SMAC owners provided the web space for me to upload the content I had and created the free exchange for ALL USERS in the WORLD to access it without having to subscribe. I have almost finished uploading what I had and I hope more people do to. The more resources there are for Revit content, the better. I am also looking forward to establishing a multi-language forum for worlwide use as well. That is my relationship with SMAC (Symbol Machine). Thank you for asking.

Roger Evans
2004-12-18, 01:22 AM
It's just I guess people (me included) don't understand cryptic

Well done Armando & thank you

2004-12-18, 02:47 AM
I used to be a poet, sorry. And thank you !! I meant it!

2004-12-18, 05:57 AM
. I have almost finished uploading what I had .
Its still a bit cryptic to me Armando.
You've uploaded all the RUGI content to Symbolmachine ? ( How did you get it ? )
Jerry and Candy Cox own Symbolmachine.
They used to own RUGI.
Presumably they had access to RUGI's content themselves ?.
I must be missing something here ?

2004-12-18, 06:04 AM
Hi BeeGee: They didn't own RUGI. Isn't that interesting? Well, maybe not. Is all past. This is know..Let's keep on using Revit... is a great tool.. until something better comes along... So far is the best I have seen!!!! Hail Hail Rock and Roll!!!!

2004-12-18, 06:09 AM
My understanding is that Jerry and Cindy Cox owned the RUGI.com domain and had (have) access to the content of that site.

2004-12-18, 06:10 AM
Hi BeeGee again: Where the Beegees from Australia? I remember Saturday Night Fever, great!!! Andy Gibb was my fave though.. sorry about that...RUGI content was free to download right?.. I just think it was a great site for us beginners users... with great content from all users... I am glad is up again... don't you?

2004-12-18, 06:18 AM
I am glad you are online now.. well they didn't own the RUGI domain or the webspace it was on. They do own the SMAC domain and they have generously let me upload content to their free exchange place. This place , plus the upcoming AUGI exchange, plus Revitcity and all other places that come along will make for a stronger REVIT community. I am lloking forward to it!

2004-12-18, 06:22 AM
Yes the Beegees were from Australia, in fact they started out right here in Brisbane, but that's another story !

Getting back to the subject in hand, I take it that you downlaoded the RUGI content, while the site was still active, and have now personally uploaded it to Symbolmachine.

And did J and C Cox say that they could not access and upload the content themselves ? ... and were they happy for you to do it that way ?

2004-12-18, 06:31 AM
I love the BeeGees ... I was seventeen .. in Costa Rica .. nad had my first ..cute girlfriend..while dancing to Andy's songs... I have no idea why they didn't upload the content...Maybe Autodesk asked them not to do it?... I don't know... But the fact is that the content is online now and everybody can get it... I remember some people asking for it in the AUGI FORUMS .. well it is there now... and by the way, I think you are one of the best moderators and teachers we could have in these forums. I look forward to your next postings.. Thanxs BeeGeee...

2004-12-18, 08:03 AM
I love the BeeGees ......
Have you ever heard the Hee Bee Gee Bees ? ... They released an album in the 80's called
" Meaningless Songs In Very High Pitched Voices ".

Thomas Cummings
2004-12-18, 10:53 AM

Stayin' Alive

Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man: no time to talk.
Music loud and women warm.
I've been kicked around since I was born.
And now it's all right - it's O.K. -
And you may look the other way.
We can try to understand the New York Times' effect on man.
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
You're stayin alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and ev'rybody shakin'
and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, Stayin' Alive.
Well now, I get low and I get high
And if I can't get either I really try.
Got the wings of heaven on my shoes
I'm a dancin' man and I just can't lose.
You know it's all right, it's O.K.
I'll live to see another day.
We can try to understand the New York Times' effect on man.
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
You're stayin alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and ev'rybody shakin'
and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, Stayin' Alive.
Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me.
Somebody help, me, yeah.
Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help, me, yeah.
Stayin' Alive --- (to beginning and fade... Well, you can tell.... )

Oh, yes then. Now that I read the actual lyrics instead of what I thought I heard 30 years ago, beegee is right. ;<)

2004-12-18, 06:41 PM
It would great if Jimi could do cover of this song. Just my 2 cents.

2005-01-04, 02:48 AM
The Exchange "opened for download business" today with little fanfare. It is ready and waiting for you to check it out. Wander over to the Exchange Forum page (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=372) and follow the instructions to get the archivision content viewer installed.

Hope you enjoy it....

Uploading feature to follow....

PeterJ is on holiday at this time so I'm writing this for him in his absence. Thanks to all for the hard work on this!

2005-01-04, 03:19 AM
I tried to access the exchange but I noticed that it is mixed with all autodesk products.
Also I did not find any preview of the object to be donwload. I am in the right place or how the exchange works? I really appreciated all the effort put in this but I think a lot of people have been wating long time for this feature in AUGI.

2005-01-04, 03:26 AM
To all: be aware that there are currently two 'exchanges' available to AUGI members: AUGI and Revit.

The AUGI Exchange is more AutoCAD related, and can be accessed via the Exchange link in the menu bar below the 'black bar' at the top of every window. (Between Education and LUGs).

The Revit Exchange can be accessed by going to Product Communities in the Menu Bar (First pick on left), then to Revit Community, then to Revit Exchange, then Browse Exchange.

Hope that helps you find what you are looking for!
If you follow the link I included in my previous post you'll land where you need to be...here it is again
LINK TO EXCHANGE (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=372)

Wes Macaulay
2005-01-04, 04:18 AM
REALLY? NO FANFARE??? We'll have to create some...

<rolling snare> <crash cymbal>

Hmph. Not good enough.

Thanks guys! I know a lot of thought and many hours have come and gone to make this happen.

2005-01-04, 06:23 AM
I did a search at Archvision for "viewer" and came up blank. Is it called something else on their web site?

2005-01-04, 06:34 AM
Just follow the link I provided and the links PeterJ provided to gain access to the RPC viewer download.

2005-01-04, 02:42 PM
Is this the link?

2005-01-04, 03:11 PM
Thanks again for all the hard work and good results, Jim.

As for subcategories I will start by agreeing with Bruce with respect to hospitals (or R&D Facilities in general, such as labs, which have an immense amount of casework & plumbing stuff)...

...in the Casework category, there are sub-categories for "Domestic Kitchen" and "Domestic Bathroom". Clearly there is casework in offices, libraries, hospitals, etc. So as content is developed, more sub-categories will be needed (if only to sub-divide a very large number of items).
At the office I where I work now, we do primarily residential architecture. Other subcategories I have already found myself creating in our office family library are:

- Casework --
+-- Domestic Living Room (built-in shelving, bookcases, etc.)
+-- Storage (closet shelf & rod configurations, wall-mounted shelving, etc.)

And, a couple of additional categories which don't fall neatly under another existing Revit family folder:
- Fireplaces & Chimneys
- Gutters & Downspouts (possibly as a subcategory of Plumbing, with Plumbing Fixtures being moved down one level below Plumbing.

Finally, one additional similar change I would make to the existing folder structure while I'm at it:
- Electrical
+--- Lighting Fixtures
+--- Electrical Fixtures

Then, possibly a subfolder for switches & outlets, and also possibly a subfolder for point light sources vs. spot light vs. linear light sources.

2005-01-04, 03:15 PM
Is this the link?No it is on THIS PAGE (http://www.augi.com/revit.exchange/rpcviewer.asp)

Then click on the blue link HERE

2005-01-04, 03:32 PM
Well that's odd. When I click on that link, I see the image that I sent in the previous message. No link to a viewer.

2005-01-04, 05:21 PM
As I suspected. The link to the viewer only works if you are using MS Explorer. I wonder if this is because the viewer only works wirh IE. I think I am about to find out!

2005-01-04, 06:57 PM
I just logged on to the Exchange, registered with Archvision and downloaded the RPC viewer. I then explored the content of the exchange. It was sparse. Far less than the content of Revit City or the Revit libraries. Am I missing something or is this merely the initial salvo?

2005-01-04, 07:41 PM
...Am I missing something or is this merely the initial salvo?...Yes, as Peter says in his announcement (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=372).

It currently contains 98 submissions -- but we will be adding more throughout the month

Cathy Hadley
2005-01-04, 07:43 PM
Hey Guys... GREAT work... Thanks to everyone ....

The front page says... there is only 98 at this time, and will be adding more this month...


2005-01-07, 07:35 AM
As I suspected. The link to the viewer only works if you are using MS Explorer. I wonder if this is because the viewer only works wirh IE. I think I am about to find out!

AUGI's standards call for alignment on IE, though I don't recall which version. We looked at the work to make it cross browser workable but decided that with the general pressure of work that we could not afford the time to implement coding and testing for other browsers.

You need a current version of IE to run Revit so I assume the issue of browser compatibility is based on preference and not availability....

2005-01-07, 03:26 PM
Thanks Peter. It's not a big deal. I use Firefox as my browser and once in a while run into web implementations that require IE.

2005-01-07, 04:32 PM
Thanks Peter. It's not a big deal. I use Firefox as my browser and once in a while run into web implementations that require IE.

Me too, Chris Zoog ditto and others here as well I believe.

Seeminglt Firefox is viewed as more secure by your government and Microsoft now only have a 92% share of browser usage, maybe AUGI will support other things in the fulness of time but I think it is a pretty low priority here.

Wes Macaulay
2005-01-07, 05:40 PM
It's an aside, but still interesting. Banks and other financial institutions may, in the end, require Firefox to do banking with them if MS cannot guarantee that people will always have access to IE, or if IE becomes any more of a security headache than it is. What with MS completely burying the browser into Longhorn, banks may not be able to work with IE any more.

Who knows? MS' anti-competitive practices may backfire on them!

2005-01-09, 03:53 AM
You Guys ROCK,
This is AWESOME!

Mr Spot
2005-01-09, 10:40 PM
I'm finally back from holidays and YES the exchange is working. Cool, time to have a sticky beak...

blah blah blah, try reading the whole thread... i'm so lazy!

Chad Smith
2005-01-10, 02:33 AM
Just checked out the Exchange, and all looks quite impressive but I have some issues:

1. In the Units drop-down, where is the Metric option? Is this because there are no metric objects available yet?

2. The RPC viewer hangs. I can view 1 object using the RPC viewer, but then when I close the window and try and view another I get nothing. There's no activity and I have to crash out of my browser. I can then reopen the browser and continue viewing in a 1 object per session fashion. I am using cruddy IE on Win2000 SP4.

3. Like a few other users here, I use a pen tablet and thus cannot press both the left and right buttons at the same time to pan in the viewer. Can we get this changed to something usable.

Mr Spot
2005-01-10, 03:45 AM
1. I agree what is with the Generic? Shouldn't the two options be imperial and metric?

2. I'm using IE and XP sp2 and not experiencing any problems with the viewer...?

It would also be good if some of the previews were a bit clearer, it is very hard to make out from the default preview what somethings are exactly? It would make then make it quicker for browsing as there would be less need to open items to see what they were.

I do like the overall speed of the site, very schmick and quick to search. Understandably it may get a little slower when it has a bit more content. But excellent work!! Thanks.

2005-01-10, 04:19 AM
Chad and Chris,

Thanks for the comments. We'll make sure the RPC folks get a look at your posts so they can take a look.

2. The RPC viewer hangs. I can view 1 object using the RPC viewer, but then when I close the window and try and view another I get nothing. There's no activity and I have to crash out of my browser. I can then reopen the browser and continue viewing in a 1 object per session fashion. I am using cruddy IE on Win2000 SP4.

3. Like a few other users here, I use a pen tablet and thus cannot press both the left and right buttons at the same time to pan in the viewer. Can we get this changed to something usable.
Item 3. If you use the right click button on your pen you should be able to zoom...if you don't touch the pad at the same time. Also if you press any of these; ctrl, shift or alt and the right button on the pen it will move. At least it does on my Graphire and my lower button is set to right click.

2005-01-10, 08:36 AM
1. I agree what is with the Generic? Shouldn't the two options be imperial and metric?
I think that all of the families loaded so far were created as imperial families so there would be no choice to download metric stuff. You should hjave no problem with the families that are there being used in metric projects as they will convert seamlessly and it is this functionality in Revit that renders the majority of families generic, it is only when formulae get involved that it can become more important to know which system the model was originally produced in.

I have discussed the whys and wherefores of formulaein families before but in summary you can come across rounding problems with conditional statements whereby say a lintel embedded in a window changes from 150 to 225 deep when width of opening exceeds 900 or changes from 6 to 9 when width exceeds 36...

Chad Smith
2005-01-10, 09:51 PM
Also if you press any of these; ctrl, shift or alt and the right button on the pen it will move. At least it does on my Graphire and my lower button is set to right click.
Hey Steve, gave the suggestion a go, but it doesn't work for me.
Which Graphire are you using, 2 or 3? I'm using a 3.

2005-01-10, 10:31 PM
Hey Steve, gave the suggestion a go, but it doesn't work for me.
Which Graphire are you using, 2 or 3? I'm using a 3.Both, 2 at home and 3 at work. They both work the same for me.

Just touching the pad = spin
Touching the pad pressing Right Click = Move
Hovering over the pad pressing Right Click = Zoom

To re-engage Spin I seem to have to tap the pad again to get out of Move/Zoom.

Chad Smith
2005-01-10, 10:46 PM
Touching the pad pressing Right Click = Move
OK, now that one works.

Might be a good idea to put a set of mouse and pen tablet instructions on the viewer page where it has the current instructions.

2005-01-10, 11:30 PM
Hi Chad,
I am activly working on the RPC viewer on the AUGI site, and have not run into the problem you are having with the one-time content view before a crash occurs. Could you please let me know which version of IE you are using?

Also, is there an intuitive way a right mouse button click works with a tablet? I could put in a keyboard button to act in a similar fashion to the right mouse button.

Thank you!

David Guinnip

Chad Smith
2005-01-10, 11:45 PM

I wouldn't worry about the panning issue I was having anymore.
Yesterday was my first day back from my holidays (haven't used the tablet in a couple of weeks) and I forgot that pressing the tip of the pen to the tablet is considered a left mouse click, and when used with the right mouse click equivalent, I get the required result. :Oops: Don't I feel dumb.

But the loading is still a problem. My IE version number is 6.0.2800.1106

2005-01-10, 11:51 PM
Well that is the same IE version that I have. I am also running windows 2000 sp4, which is the same as you also. Could you check the version number of the rpcactivex.ocx? It should be located in "C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\RPC ActiveX Viewer".

Chad Smith
2005-01-11, 12:29 AM
I have version

2005-01-25, 06:01 AM
there are other options besides the augi exchange that will work better...

2005-01-25, 06:26 AM
gee, let me guess, symbolmachine.com

2005-01-31, 09:25 PM
Not a bad site, thanks.


Retract that......... there's a fee involved. BOO....symbolmachine s..ks.

2005-03-25, 07:52 PM
Back the the original question of this thread, I know it has been so long since it started it is probably irrelevant but here goes.

I have set up our family library in this office based on the 16 division CSI masterformat. Since it is already the way everything else in this industry is organized and everyone is familiar with it, it seemed logical to me. Sub-Directories were used based on the further detail of the CSI masterformat, for example 08100 Doors & Frames and 08500 Windows
Anything annotation related I placed in Division 1 - General Data.

01 - General Data
02 - Site Construction
03 - Concrete
04 - Masonry
05 - Metals
06 - Wood & Plastics
07 - Thermal & Moisture Protection
08 - Doors & Windows
09 - Finishes
10 - Specialties
11 - Equipment
12 - Furnishings
13 - Special Construction
14 - Conveying Systems
15 - Mechanical
16 - Electrical

Some people may find this more complicated than the structure established with the Revit installation but as we acquire and build what i believe will become thousands of families in the future a rigid organization is necessary to keep it all in a manner that everyone in the office can find hat they need, when they need it.

Wes Macaulay
2005-03-26, 12:45 AM
Ah, good on you. Now all you have to do is update your folders to the new CSI 2004 format!

Scott D Davis
2005-03-26, 06:53 AM
Ah, good on you. Now all you have to do is update your folders to the new CSI 2004 format!
Yep! Time to add 34 more folders! uggh!

2005-03-27, 01:12 AM
Back to the function of the exchange for a moment:

I think we need an easier way to submit files. Maybe similar to an FTP site, or what RUGI was. Rugi had more content. How can that be??

I also think we should have content that includes Pat files and textures, Or anything revit related.

This comes after the fact that I'm working at a new firm and notice how little content is available if you haven't been collecting it over the years.

I could only find one door with a sidelite at the other 'city' site.

And I need some different patterns. A two inch coursed flagstone without any curvy lines.

We need Content!!!

2005-03-29, 04:20 PM
We gave up on the Mighty Exchange even before it was created. It was touted as being the ultimate sharing system and from what I can tell it has turned up being a dud. We now make our own families and our library has grown and we don't have to deal with any poorly made content.

It really shouldn't be the responsibility of AUGI to host or post content. What needs to happen is the manufacturers need to provide content, but unfortunately they haven't bought into the system yet.

AUGIteers keep up the great work, and thanks for providing a great resource for improving Revit to what it is today and what it will be in the future.