View Full Version : Column Grid Bubbles across multiple views

2008-01-02, 09:27 PM
Is there an easy way to make the column grid bubbles visible or invisible across multiple views (different floors) without using the check boxes on every single view?

2008-01-03, 12:34 AM
...without using the check boxes on every single view...
We did this when we first started with Revit for exactly the same reason you are asking the question. We created different types of the Grid system family and set the bubble visibility in the family type. Just be aware that you may overwrite by view after the fact with the little check box but it is difficult to remove the manual checking once done.

This has worked very well for us with the added benefit that we can create different bubbles (our convention is a diamond shape) for existing column lines.

Hope this helps.

2008-01-03, 05:40 AM
Try this:

Get all of the grids in one of your plan views set up exactly how you'd like. Select all of the grids (but only grids). In the options bar click "Propagate Extents." In the resulting dialogue box select all the other views in which you want your grids to show up exactly as you set up in the first plan. Now the grids should look the same in all of those views.

For more information search for "Propagating 2D Datum Extents" in the Revit help file.


2008-01-03, 03:35 PM
Thanks Phyllis and Blake:

P: my only problem with that solution (although very smart) is that some of the grid lines were already drawn with different start points, therefore end 1 and end 2 are different . So if one type is end 1 only then they will still alternate depending on how the person drew the grid lines.

B: because I have different floor plans (working and on-sheets) for some reason when I propogate extents, it is only letting me choose my working floor plans, not the 'duplicated' ones that are on sheets. Otherwise, it works perfectly. Always wondered what the hell propogate extents meant.

Is there a way to make the propogate extent levels refer to any floor plan?

my now solutions are to:

1. redraw the column lines and use P's grid type idea (scary)
2. hire revit monkey to fix all column bubbles

2008-01-03, 04:11 PM
...some of the grid lines were already drawn with different start points, therefore end 1 and end 2 are different...
After you create the types and assign to all the grid lines, I have found that you can mirror the "reversed" grids. Just use Axis (so your mirror line is perpendicular to the grid) and uncheck the Copy box. If you do not uncheck Copy, you will get duplicate grids and your constraints will be a mess.

Sound like I had the same problem you are facing at one time? Good luck finding that elusive Revit Monkey. But I bet I could fix your project in 20 minutes or less. How much is it worth to you? :)

2008-01-03, 04:39 PM
Thanks P

I also figured out that if I change my grids on the sheet views to 3d then I can propogate their extents.... good news.

The solution then is that we will make 'system' views for setting up each of the different graphic grid configurations and propogate the extents to the necessary views from there.

Thanks guys.
