View Full Version : Archiving Revit Models

2004-08-23, 02:26 PM
Our office policy here is to archive all drawings in PDF and DWG format everytime a set of dawings leaves our office. We are currently coverting the office over to Revit and i am not sure exactly how to archive a Revit model with worksets. I have written PDF's of all the drawings set out last week. Any suggestions on how to handle the model protion so that i can go back to the point in time when the drawings were sent out and sart working at that point again. In the retail market this appears to be fairly common practice to go back to a sepcific point in time.

2004-08-23, 02:34 PM
Just do a file saveas or copy of the central files along with your PDF archive. Just make sure all worksets are up-to-date (and all users.have relenquished worksets.)

2004-08-23, 02:48 PM
Thanks for your help Aaron.

2004-08-23, 05:22 PM
I typically do what aaron suggests at the end of each phase(or major printing). It may be wise to change the name and include the revit version in the name. If you are 3 years down the road and try to open an old file in a new version of revit you will lose data, in some cases lots of data will be lost.

2004-08-23, 07:31 PM
I "save as" a new file when a new phase arrives. For example when the permit set goes out..."Job number - PERMIT SET - Todays date". If an addendum set is needed "Job number - ADDENDUM SET - Todays date". Same for Bulletin set etc. This ensures that we have a model at each stage of the project, not just PDF's or plot files.

However, you need to make sure to save each new update by checking the "make this the new central file" under options. If not, your Addendum set will update your Permit set or your Bulletin Set will update your Addendum set...etc.

Just a suggestion.

2008-09-02, 07:20 PM
Just do a file saveas or copy of the central files along with your PDF archive. Just make sure all worksets are up-to-date (and all users.have relenquished worksets.)

If you just do a detach from central upon opening wouldn't that file then only have worksets with the user who opened it detached from central as the only owner of the workset?
Our problem is that on some large projects we may 10-15 people working in that file. I'm trying to find an easy way that one person can archive the Central file for record keeping and possibility of going back to either that "CD" file or a different design option that resulted in major change to the model. If you detach from central, relinquish all mine and save as, I think that will do what I want. I'm just checking to make sure that this won't have to many ill effects later on down the road.
Thanks in Advance. :beer:

2008-09-02, 07:58 PM
Prior to opening the Model, we choose"detach from central"> save it into a BIDDOC or Submission folder and make it read-only. While leaving the original Revit model as the "working Model" ready for as-builts & revisions.