View Full Version : Area Types

2004-08-23, 03:35 PM
I have a large development of flats and am using area plans to keep track of unit sizes and produce various reports. I really would like to see an area plan which colour codes 'One bed unit, type A' differently from One bed, type B' etc. How are people achieving this? If I use Area types then I am stuck with the predetemined names, if I use unit names then I have to choose the colour for each one. At present the development has around 75 units, but the next iteration will look at slightly smaller unit sizes and so it will get to around 85 units and I don't want to do this by hand if I can avoid it.

Any thoughts?

2004-08-23, 03:51 PM
Color Fills.
Either asign each space to somthing like "Department" which is built in - or create your own parameter.

2004-08-23, 05:14 PM
I just create a shared project parameter, ie presentation color or unit color. then assign as needed per area tag.

2004-08-23, 07:17 PM
I didn't need to set it up as a shared parameter in the end. The way one of the potential purchasers values the land is by the number of habitable rooms, which in these small units is bedrooms plus 1 so I have a bedroom field in the schedule, not shared and that can be used to drive the colour fill.