View Full Version : Roof return issue

Carlos GT
2008-01-04, 07:58 PM
I am working on a roof plan and I found a little problem: I have 2 roof and I joined them, but I lost the return in one of them (see attachment), I want that little return joined to the wall, so after join the 2 roof I tried to join the little return to the wall but when I do this the 2 roof separate.

So to solve the problem, I build that portion of the return and I join it to the small roof. But, there is have to be a better way, right?

Any ideas.

2008-01-04, 08:46 PM
I have always done small gable-end returns as separate roof pieces. That's really the only way you can do it. It's better that way, anyway, as it gives you more control over those pieces.