View Full Version : Site Plan Suggestions

2008-01-07, 04:43 PM
Does anyone have any input on the best way to make an overall site plan that shows the roof of the building and surrounding sitework?

1. 3d view oriented to top?
2. Floor plan at Ground Level with view range adjusted?
3. Floor Plan at Roof Level with view range adjusted?


Justin Marchiel
2008-01-07, 04:57 PM
Since i link my topography in to the main model, i create a level that is way above the site, and create the same level in my project.

I dont know this is the best way, but then i dont worry about changing level heights. I also dont need to worry about itmes showing or not showing based on there attached level, etc.


2008-01-07, 05:38 PM
Our site plans usually reference the upper-most level in the project, or the Roof level, with the cut plane set far above that level. View Depth goes down to the lowest level in the project, or lower if needed.

Now this is okay if you don't have any significant roof overhangs. If you do have large overhangs covering parts of your topography that you need to show, then I would probably cut through the building and either hide everything inside the building, or turn of your Interior workset if you have them organized that way (exterior, interior, etc.).

Gadget Man
2008-01-08, 07:38 AM
I always create my Site Plan on the level that I call DATUM. It is always at the RL 0,000.

I have my view range for this view set : top 200,000 bottom UNLIMITED cut plane 200,000 (same as top) and view depth UNLIMITED.

Then my Model Graphics Style is turned to WIREFRAME.

In this scenario, when I import a surveyors file (DWG or TEXT) all my contours are at the correct heights relative to the DATUM.

When ploted/printed, usually all my site details show through a wireframed model with the roof having its surface pattern turned on. At the scale of the Site Plan (usually 1 : 200, 1 : 500, 1 : 1000 or 1 : 2000) you can't distinguish too many particulars of the interior of the buildings anyway. What you see is the bulk of the buildings with its hatched roofs and showing-through the site details.

So far I never had any problems with this method and the feedback from the field is great.