View Full Version : Moving hatch pattern

2008-01-07, 10:48 PM
Why is it sometimes you can move the surface pattern and others not?
I have a project right now that I am trying to align the brick patterns of adjoining walls. Some of them are allowing me to align the patterns, some allow only to drag the pattern and some don't allow it at all.


2008-01-07, 10:50 PM
Model patterns allow alignment and real unit sizes. Drafting patterns no not allow either. Check in your fill patterns to see which one you are using.

2008-01-08, 02:48 PM
Thanks for the reply Chris.
I have checked the patterns and they all seem to be Model.
When I try to align nothing happens. If I select the "grip" on the brick patten and try to move it I get the warning: Can't move element.

2008-01-08, 04:13 PM
Have you used the tab key to select the pattern. Sometimes you need to do that. Also try the align command and align a pattern line

2008-01-08, 04:18 PM
Yes I have tried both. The align command does nothing at all. When I tab to select the pattern line and try to move it is when I get the error that it cannot be moved. Strange.

Let me make sure I am looking in the correct place for the pattern.
I am selecting the wall, edit, structure, brick, surface pattern - Brick. The pattern type is Model.


This is the same pattern that is used for the ones I can move and align.

2008-01-08, 11:04 PM
Look at the material for the brick. In the materials dialog there is a surface material. Make sure it is set to a model pattern. Cut patterns are always drafting.