View Full Version : Wall visibility by phase

2008-01-08, 03:59 PM
I'm looking thru the foums and help guides right now, but does anyone know of a good way to control the visibility of existing vs new construction walls ?
I'd like existing walls to show up as just a white void with the black lines at the inside and outside edge, and i'd like those same walls to show up grey in the new construction phase.

2008-01-08, 04:48 PM
Go to Setting > Phase filters and look at the Graphic Overrides tab. Most likely the Existing category is set to show gray, but you can change that to black, and your existing walls will show as just black outlined, solid white fill. Then you can change the Coarse fill material of walls to a gray color (if you use Coarse scale for plans), or change the fill of your wall materials to a solid fill with gray color.

2008-01-08, 05:29 PM
I just found this out and was gonna post a response. Thanks .

seriousl .. is there anything that revit can't do ( other than site tools that are sub-awesome) ??

Jay Zallan
2008-01-09, 05:58 PM
I just found this out and was gonna post a response. Thanks .

seriousl .. is there anything that revit can't do ( other than site tools that are sub-awesome) ??

It doesn't make a good cup of coffee. (Yet?) that's on MY wish list... Seriously though, filters, phases and phase filters are all very powerful...

Matt Brennan
2008-01-09, 06:07 PM
We use them to display between Structural Slab Edge, Secondary Slab Edge, and our Architectural drawings. A very powerful tool indeed.