View Full Version : New Project from Template

clog boy
2008-01-09, 07:30 AM
My company has multiple templates, none of them need to be opened when Revit starts. So our default template path is set to the folder rather than a file.
When starting a new project from a template and I click the Browse button nothing happens. It does work when I remove the slash (/) from the path.

Does or did anyone else have this issue? Is this a bug, or am I trying to do something that is not generally supported? It is only by coincidence that I was able to solve this.

2008-01-09, 12:45 PM
Revit wants a file to open. You can point Revit to a file and then remove the file or rename it so Revit cannot find it. Revit will generate an error each time it opens for the first time. So is it much different for a user to accept an error or close a simple blank startup template? It is consistent with other Windows applications so it isn't too surprising for users, is it?

2008-01-09, 02:16 PM
It is consistent with other Windows applications so it isn't too surprising for users, is it?

...even consistent with one of those most non-consistent applications: AutoCAD.

clog boy
2008-01-09, 02:20 PM
I see what you're getting at. But all of our templates contain a model, and that's the only ones we ever use because we mostly rely on prefab and repetitive building process.
Getting used to a warning causes much less frustration than waiting for a template to load only to close it again. I like to think it's 'supposed' to be that way and rather not think about it. The issue has been permanently tackled by removing the slash from the file location path.

Just hoping this would help someone.

It is consistent with other Windows applications so it isn't too surprising for users, is it?
Everything is surprising and 'new' for the novice Revit user.

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-01-09, 04:26 PM
It's just a small annoyance to require the user to close the default template that loads.
I'd prefer the default behaviour the MS Office apps exhibit. When you start Word or Excel it will open with the default template. If you immediately open a new document or one from the recent document list, the 'document 1' file will automatically close because it assumes you don't want to work on it.

2008-01-09, 05:01 PM
...Everything is surprising and 'new' for the novice Revit user...A friend recently told me about a user that always includes the date and time in the subject of every email despite being told that the email already has this information readily available. Their response is I like to add it, makes it easier to search for them later... :screwy: They also add it to the STC comment even though Revit stores it automatically. aah...computer user's...can't live with them can't "shoot em" :smile: