View Full Version : Putting Floors in Groups?

2008-01-09, 07:00 PM
Has anyone ever tried putting floors in a Residential Unit group? To date, we have had all of our unit walls grouped together to make our typical units and we have excluded any overlapping demising walls. In addition, we have always created the floors independently of the groups, as one large floor.

However, in a new project we have started, we are thinking about putting the floors inside the groups and then creating one floor that is the exterior walkways and corridors. Any thoughts and/or suggestions out there in Revit land?

2008-01-09, 07:03 PM
I include finish floors. But the structural floor is always outside the group...

2008-01-09, 08:37 PM
I don't think it will be a problem as long as your mindfull not to overlap floors. Out process never seemed to require a floor grouped in a unit layout. If you do floor area schedules based on floor type it may show as several instances per level. I have grouped entire floors, and entire exterior wall as a group that we could copy up to different levels and had no problems with it. Another suggestion I have is to array the floors and allow them to group -this seems to work really well when you have multiple floors that are the same.