View Full Version : Transparent filled regions in revit....

Martin P
2003-07-22, 10:43 AM
Duplicate the view (most important part!). Trace around the required area with your filled region. Go to view properties, set "display model" as none - then set the view to wireframe mode.

On the sheet, overlay the filled region view (the duplicated one) ontop of the view you duplicated - Revit will align it correctly for you, and it will appear as transparent 8) 8) 8)

edited ---

as Jean d'arc found out - it wont work with a solid hatch, try a very tight crosshatch to get the same effect.

Phil Palmer
2003-07-22, 01:43 PM

Never thought of that as a workaround
Found that by exporting the views to DWG then importing them into a drafting view the filled regions were then OK when drawn over the elevations.

I will remeber your way for the future

2003-07-22, 08:50 PM
Very Nice!!!

2003-07-22, 08:57 PM
Nice, too bad we can't duplicate elevations which is where I've wanted this ability most often.

2003-07-22, 11:00 PM
Martin -

We are going to have a "Tip of the Week" page on the new AUGI.com site. What do you say we use this as the inaugural tip???

2003-07-23, 08:39 AM
Martin has done some work for me (an continues to) and I have top say when I looked at this little trick in one drawing it confounded me but I did work out what was required after a time and it is very clever indeed. I would certainly second this as tip of the week.

Martin P
2003-07-23, 08:50 AM
Martin -

We are going to have a "Tip of the Week" page on the new AUGI.com site. What do you say we use this as the inaugural tip???

8) would be happy with that :D

Martin P
2003-07-23, 08:53 AM
Nice, too bad we can't duplicate elevations which is where I've wanted this ability most often.

it is a pain, sections too, you end up with another section line after you duplicate it :evil: something else for the wishlist though

2003-07-23, 03:39 PM
Nice, too bad we can't duplicate elevations which is where I've wanted this ability most often.

Scott Brown
Vaught Frye Architects
Fort Collins, Colorado

Hey Scott, I think I got something figured out for ya. BTW Martin, great job. Never thought of that one. place a section in the same or near location of your elevation mark. Then go to that section (which is another view of your elevation, which you already know, but for other people that might read this thread)) and then draw your fill patterns over everything that you want, turn the display model to "not to display" and then change view to wireframe. Go to your sheet that has your elevation view on and drag the section overtop of your elevation. It should of course snap to exactly overlay it and then change the view title to a no title property. Viola, done.

The only bad side is having to go back and hide all the sections on your floor plans and other related views you have section tags showing. But, if this is really what you need it's not too bad.


2003-07-23, 04:25 PM
Actually, maybe this should be a wish list item in its own right but what would be really good would be to have two section types, presentation sections and working sections. I can end up with 20 sections through a building only two or three of which get worked up and it would be great to switch all the reference ones off at the switch of a visibility setting.

2003-07-23, 04:47 PM
Actually, maybe this should be a wish list item in its own right but what would be really good would be to have two section types, presentation sections and working sections. I can end up with 20 sections through a building only two or three of which get worked up and it would be great to switch all the reference ones off at the switch of a visibility setting.

ooo... good one. I also have entire too many sections that i have to manually hide when working on a project. add that to wishlist :)

2003-07-23, 04:52 PM
It was and is my wish that elevations and sections are by default only visible (hidden in other views so you can select them still) in the view it was created in and you must check an option to make is visible elsewhere. Posted in the past...

Martin P
2003-07-23, 04:58 PM
Actually, maybe this should be a wish list item in its own right but what would be really good would be to have two section types, presentation sections and working sections. I can end up with 20 sections through a building only two or three of which get worked up and it would be great to switch all the reference ones off at the switch of a visibility setting.

I have posted a similar wish for ref planes, grids etc - all of which can have different types, but very annoyingly :evil: you cant control the visibilty of them by type. I find the same with levels I end up right clicking almost all of them to switch them off, just to keep the few I want to see. And I have types of levels ie Ceilings, floors, dimensional ties, DPC etc etc all set up..... At the moment you can create different types of section, but you cant control the visibilty by type. Now that I think about it the same thing should apply to dimensions, text notes, etc etc - all should be able to have the visibility controlled by their type, I personally would find that extremely useful, and all it would take would be an expansion in the visibility dialogue box. - I have also been thinking that now there are quite a few ways to control the display of objects already, a "Reset all visibility to on" option is becoming more necessary - this would kill all the settings for visibility off, and display ALL phases including Demo......

Wow, that was a big post :roll: I'll paste into the wishlist too :D

2003-07-23, 05:08 PM
great idea, I'll give it a try, but whats the diff. between creating it with a second section marker or creating it with a 2nd elevation marker, the elevation marker will only have to be hidden in plans while the section will have to be hidden in plans, sections and elevations.

So good idea but I'm not sure it will save time.

2003-08-24, 03:39 PM
Hi Martin,
i have tried a couple of times to follow your instructions, but I dont get my filled region transparent on the sheet. what property of the region fill did you use? i used solid and have chosen a color which i expected to show in a transparent way. didnt though.. what could i be doing wrong?
thanks for any additional explanation

2003-08-25, 02:39 PM
did you remember to make the view (with the regions) wireframe?

2003-08-26, 05:28 AM
Probably everyone (but me ) figured this out already, but.....

If you have a linked or imported drawing, you can draw a filled region over the top and then select wireframe, and you get the "transparent" fill without the work-arounds needed when dealing with a model.

Can be useful sometimes.

Martin P
2003-08-26, 08:46 AM
Hi Martin,
i have tried a couple of times to follow your instructions, but I dont get my filled region transparent on the sheet. what property of the region fill did you use? i used solid and have chosen a color which i expected to show in a transparent way. didnt though.. what could i be doing wrong?
thanks for any additional explanation

Solid is the only one that doesnt work with this method :cry: Try creating a custom hatch with a very tight crosshatch, that should do it?

2003-08-28, 02:21 PM
a-ha! pfui, thanks God - i was already questioning my intellegence :lol:
so, ONLY Solid fill doesnt behave..ok!
thanks, it IS a very important tip = especially for the sections!

2003-10-15, 07:26 PM
I have to say, this is the best website in the world! I remembered this thread but could not put together why I would need to do this...until today. I had to display a filled region on a site plan...so I looked up "transparent filled region" in the search, read this thread and, voila! This is a great tip. Now that I know about it, I will use it more often.

Total non sequiter post, I'm afraid.

2003-10-20, 12:17 PM
It is possible to control level and grid visibility by using scope boxes.
The help file has a scope box tutorial, I think there was a thread on them also somewhere here. I found it useful on one project where I had overlapping grids and was using many levels.

The scope box will filter the items (grids and levels) displayed in your view so you see only what you need to without having to select the levels and "hide annotation in view".

The fact that solid fill does not work for the tip suggested by Martin is the reason why I asked in the wishlist to have transparency in solid fills (thus including color fills).


Martin P
2003-10-20, 03:26 PM
The fact that solid fill does not work for the tip suggested by Martin is the reason why I asked in the wishlist to have transparency in solid fills (thus including color fills).


Dont use scope boxes, I am also confused by the visibilty control of grids etc, and gave up trying :oops: so cant help.... you will have more luck with this question posted in the "general" section

Re the wish - I have also wished for transparent filled regions, and still do. The method here is a workaround for me rather than a solution, so please keep asking Revit for transparent filled regions and hopefully we will get them - along with things like graded solid fill colours, hatch pattern tile creator, hatches that DONT parametrically move other hatches when edited......... and some others I probably havent thought of yet!

2004-02-15, 02:07 PM

"overlay the filled region view (the duplicated one) ontop of the view you duplicated..."


2004-02-15, 09:29 PM

"overlay the filled region view (the duplicated one) ontop of the view you duplicated..."


This happens on the drawing sheet, to provide the final transparent overlay.

2004-02-16, 01:49 PM
:banghead: Sorry. Still don't get simple instructions, I guess. I duplicate my Level 1. I go to that "copy of level 1." I make a region with a fill (sand). I set the Display to "do not display." I set the whatchamacallit to "wireframe." I go to my original Level 1. I see "underlay", I don't see "overlay."

Then I thought, "well, instead of "duplicating" Level 1, I will go into an elevation view and copy it and then do that stuff and then go to Level 1 and set the "underlay" to that copy, but that didn't work either.

Then I tried setting the Top Primary Range to catch the copy of Level 1 and that didn't work either.

Works Poorly With Simple Instructions

Martin P
2004-02-16, 01:56 PM
:banghead: Sorry.

Works Poorly With Simple Instructions

Not at all, it is after all a very weird way to achive a transparent filled region... I really though it would have been a 6.0 addition to have this as an option, not yet though :cry:

2004-02-16, 03:12 PM

I think it's the "overlay" part that confuses me. Please, how do you do that part?

Geof Narlee

2004-02-16, 05:41 PM
You just drag both plans on to a sheet and the wireframe one will "overlay" the main one. They will snap together. Then just pick on the overlay one and change the viewport type to not have a title.

2004-02-16, 08:48 PM
Thanks, Scott. I now feel like that guy on your screen logo! But, it's worth it.

2004-03-11, 10:53 PM
Now in 6.1 !

Transparent Filled Regions
Filled regions have a Background property.
If set to Transparent, the background will show through non-solid fills. Solid fill behavior is unchanged.

Thank you Revit Team !!!

2004-03-11, 11:52 PM
Duplicate the view (most important part!). Trace around the required area with your filled region. Go to view properties, set "display model" as none - then set the view to wireframe mode.

On the sheet, overlay the filled region view (the duplicated one) ontop of the view you duplicated - Revit will align it correctly for you, and it will appear as transparent 8) 8) 8)

edited ---

as Jean d'arc found out - it wont work with a solid hatch, try a very tight crosshatch to get the same effect.

Guess we will have to take this off the Revit Product Channel front page as the "Tip of the Week". We will need a new one. BTW, the channel is shaping up nicely and should be up by the end of Q2.