View Full Version : Sections and Details from the Model

2008-01-11, 03:12 AM
I am curious how many people that are using Revit are cutting live sections from their model. I can feel a debate coming up within our office on whether or not to use live sections from the model or to draft them all independently. Some people feel that they can cause more work than if they are independent because they have to be constantly monitored. Where when were drafting in 2d, the details didn’t change unless we wanted them to. So am curious how many people are using them and if you feel that they cause more or less work than if you had just drafted them independently.

Henry D
2008-01-11, 11:28 AM
I use the live model for just about all my details. I use a combination of linework, filled regions, drafting lines, etc. to clarify the detail. To be able to have details connected to the live model is the one of the great things about Revit...it would be a shame not to use it.

2008-01-11, 11:44 AM
We/I tend to trace using drafting lines, then turn off the model visibility, that way we get the important grid lines and levels, but can work up the detail. I find that less time is wasted "over modelling".

2008-01-11, 01:01 PM
For building sections, pretty much the entire view is the model, and then I'll add a few small items or filled regions, like for some footing conditions, the earth under the building, insulation in the walls, etc.

For larger-scale wall sections, I used to turn off the model completely, but I have gotten to the point where I show the model whenever possible (usually for structural items), and then just hide a few objects here and there as I go along.

I usually end up hiding the roof and walls, but then the structure and floor displays straight from the model. I also keep walls turned on if I'm showing brick in beyond somewhere.

2008-01-11, 01:38 PM
Hey there,
Model user here too! I always start with the building section with walls referenced, then details referenced off the wall sections; but, always with the model as a background.
(Especially now that I can control the visibility of individual objects now.)

Good Luck,

2008-01-11, 03:58 PM
Live sections with detail added. Only way to go. Pin the sections that you don't want people to move.

2008-01-11, 05:03 PM
Model user for building sections and wall sections. Details are a detail by detail basis. Saying that we are only going to do details one certain is very constraining. We do what seems to make the most sense on a detail by detail basis.

2008-01-11, 05:43 PM
Yeah our door and window details are almost always drafting views, and wall sections and details are real sections with detail added.

But sometimes (earlier this week actually) I had a special door sill condition which I made using a real section through the door. Then I will also sometimes do a building detail as a drafting view if it would be quicker and easier than having to clean up a model detail view after I add detail components.

Most of these kinds of things happen near the end of the project anyway, so there's very little chance of the detail needing to change.