View Full Version : Stacked walls - vertical offset

Chad Smith
2008-01-11, 05:19 AM
Fairly sure the answer to this is no, but is it somehow possible to vertically offset two stacked walls? Refer image for example.

2008-01-11, 07:36 AM
I dont' know if this helps you, but the attached files show a stacked wall I created by using CMU for the base and a modified brick wall for the top section. I took the standard generic 4" brick wall and modified it by adding a 12" air space for the structural component and then moved the 4" brick up and reclassified it as Finish 1 [4]. Align the walls per finish face: interior. This allows you to adjust the horizontal distance, keeping the stacked alignment intact.

Create your stacked wall and offset the base of the brick whatever distance you desire (I show 1'-0" offset). However, since the air space is a component of the wall assembly, Revit will define the boundary as indicated in the building wall section.

Cheap trick, but it should work.