View Full Version : Coordination Review - Deleted Element

2008-01-11, 03:27 PM
I am wondering how to clear this line out of the coordination review dialog box. See attached image. This is just a small test file to demonstrate the issue I am having. I copy monitored a grid from a linked RVT file, then deleted the copy (not the one in the link). Now I have this line in the coordination review, and I can't find a way to resolve it and get the line out of the dialog box. Is there a way?

2008-01-11, 05:53 PM
I haven't really done anything with the copy/monitor function yet, but this is my understanding of how it's supposed to work:

Say you're the architect with your architectural file, and you're linking in the Revit Structure file from you engineer. Your file has architectural columns, his file has structural columns.

So you link the structural file in, and copy/monitor the structural columns. Then you delete a structural column.

After that, you should send your updated file to the engineer, which he then links into his structural file. He does a copy/monitor, and a message comes up saying that one of his files was deleted. He can either accept the change and revise the remaining structure to compensate, or he can reject the change.

So say he accepts the change. Then he sends you an updated file, and you update your link. At that point in time, when you copy/monitor, that line in your attached image about a deleted column should go away.

If the engineer does not accept the change, I'm not sure what happens. I guess the column would appear there again, but again the line in that dialog box about the deleted column should go away.

2008-01-11, 06:03 PM
Thanks Patricks,

I know that is how it is supposed to work, but it is too late for that now, we already messed it up. The grid that was copy-monitored to the linked grid has already been deleted, and there is no way to get it back. In the actual project where this happened there are many cases of this, and it is complicating this dialog box, to have all of these lines in there that we can't get ride of.

In this case we are the ones that are copy-monitoring a link form an external consultant. And we mistakenly deleted grids from our file that were copy-monitored to grids in their file.

2008-01-11, 06:14 PM
Can you open the file that you're linking in? Maybe you could open that one, link in your own file yourself, and then copy/monitor and reject the change of deleting those grids?