View Full Version : New Revit 5.1 Build available for download!!!

2003-07-22, 02:19 PM
Autodesk has just released build number 20030716_1429. Apparently, this release will enhance international support, but a few improvements have been also made in the English version. Exactly what these improvements entail has not been mentioned. Here are some highlights from the press release posted by Steve Burri to alt.cad.revit:

AutodeskĀ® RevitĀ® 5.1 has now be released in the following languages in Europe and Asia: Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, Dutch, Italian and German. In addition to translating Revit 5.1 into these languages, Autodesk has created architectural content for designers working in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, several East European states, the Middle East and Africa.

Autodesk has taken the opportunity to make improvements to the English version of 5.1 in some specific areas of the software, including Worksets. It is recommended that clients currently using 5.1 and utilizing worksets download and utilize this latest version.

You can download the new build HERE (http://revit.autodesk.com/EN/5_1/DownloadEN5_1.htm)

2003-07-22, 03:57 PM
And I downloaded the previous build to my lap-top only last night.......................


Wes Macaulay
2003-07-22, 04:23 PM
I called Revit to find out how they managed to get the download down from 60Mb to 40 - did they change the code that much between builds?

The answer appears to be (my contact could only tell me that it's related to the installer) that the installer doesn't include the help files any longer - they come down in a cabinet only when you do the installation. I've sent an e-mail asking if offline installs can be done - people having to reinstall Revit should be able to do it without downloading the help files cabinet each time.

I wish Revit could tell us all the improvements that were made... I suppose we could e-mail Autodesk and tell them that!

2003-07-22, 05:11 PM
And I downloaded the previous build to my lap-top only last night.......................


Me too. Installed it even. :?

Scott D Davis
2003-07-22, 05:48 PM
And we are all still waiting for an "Upgrade" install that we can install over the top of our existing version/build! First of all, its a pain to download 40 megs, then its a pain to uninstall/reinstall everything.

There has got to be a way to provide a "service pack" (for lack of a better term) that would be a small download and a simple install to go from one build to the next.

Wes Macaulay
2003-07-22, 05:53 PM
I don't find it much of a problem - save revit.ini and your keyboard shortcuts, and away you go. Where it could be a hassle is for larger numbers of installs where you have to do this for 30 stations, but then Windoze administrators have means for doing such things, if you know about them.

2003-07-22, 08:59 PM
I'm with ya Scott!

While frequent improvements are looked upon fondly by us users, EyeTee folks view them as drains on their time. If they come quickly it keeps putting Revit in their "sights". I've been handling them myself for now...so I can minimize the issue, but if we roll out seriously here, that's 20, maybe more seats depending on strategy. I don't look forward to 20+ times 8-10 minutes per PC typical. That's "downtime" to one, "sharpening the saw" to another.

The easier they can make an upgrade "roll out" the better!

2003-07-22, 09:41 PM
Has anyone identified what's different about Worksets yet? I just installed it and I'm trying to find something new. Bug fixes, perhaps? In "Help->About Autodesk Revit..." the build is still listed as 20030716_1400. Is that correct?

2003-07-22, 09:42 PM
I was just posting the same question re version...1429 listed on Autodesk's site and here...but installed it shows 1400...must be okay huh?

2003-07-22, 10:33 PM
the english version is build 1400 I guess :?

2003-07-26, 05:39 AM
I'm assuming no content needs to be installed ?

correctamundo ?
( I recall seeing something about enhancements to the Aussie version ?? )


2003-07-28, 12:34 AM
When I visit the download site, it shows the old build, though briefly on Friday it did show the new build, but I decided to get it later... :(

Mmmm, is it just me, or is the new build taken down?


2003-07-28, 12:44 AM
My install is 20030716_1400, from one day ago.


2003-07-28, 02:41 PM
hello ..
actually in french version (european version)
we are on 20030716_1429

2003-07-28, 11:19 PM
Perhaps a dumb question....what exactly needs to be uninstalled and what needs to be kept to do an upgrade.

2003-07-29, 12:05 AM
At a minimum...

In C:\Program Files\Autodesk Revit 5.1\Program

Keyboardshortcuts.txt (if you've customized)

C:\Program Files\Autodesk Revit 5.1\Data

and any/all of the import/export setting text files you've modified.

Uninstall previous version
Install new version

Replace the listed files above with those you copied previously, alternatively rename them instead so you can troubleshoot with the original files should a problem arise.

Once you've been through this, it takes about 10 minutes all told, assuming you upgrading from the previous latest build. It could be longer if you haven't upgraded consistently.


(miss anything?)

Scott D Davis
2003-07-29, 12:35 AM
On the newer versions, during install there is an option to "install content" as a check box. If you dont check this, it leaves your family libraries as they were, so there would not be a need to copy the data folder....but if you forget to uncheck this box, and dont back up your data folder, the families you have modified and saved as the default name will be overwritten.

2003-07-29, 12:55 AM
On the newer versions, during install there is an option to "install content" as a check box. If you dont check this, it leaves your family libraries as they were, so there would not be a need to copy the data folder....but if you forget to uncheck this box, and dont back up your data folder, the families you have modified and saved as the default name will be overwritten.

It would nice to know when , or if, content is to be updated, wouldn't it ?


Vincent Valentijn
2003-07-29, 07:37 AM
am I crazy or is the UK version 1429 ? I selected the multi-lang and then English anyway instead of choosing English right away...

BTW .. I also vote for having updates in the future instead of a total new install every time Revit comes with a new built. We also supply Autodesk products for educational purposes [+ training] and some of our customers turn red hot :evil: when we tell them to reinstall. Can you emagine being a system administrator at the university.. where they currently run a few hundred packages of Revit?? oooopss.. :wink: