View Full Version : Is there a way to link the GFA area tag to be pasted onto the sheets?

Richard McCarthy
2008-01-14, 01:51 AM
Is there a way to link the GFA area tags to be pasted onto the sheets so that it updates parametrically as the design progress??

Thanks :)

2008-01-14, 02:40 AM
That should be a no brainer answer...YES! But perhaps I'm not understanding exactly what you're doing. Are you tagging Rooms or Areas? Both tag types should update when the room area or the area boundary changes.

Richard McCarthy
2008-01-14, 04:36 AM
What I mean is, is there a way to paste that tag on top of the sheet?

2008-01-14, 04:44 AM
Why the sheet? No, tags belong to objects so they can't cross over into different workspaces. What's wrong with adding them to the view and adding the view onto a sheet? Doesn't this get you what you want?

2008-01-14, 02:06 PM
What I mean is, is there a way to paste that tag on top of the sheet?

No. Tags must be in the view of the object they are associated with. (and in Revit - all annotation should be in the view, not on the sheet.)