View Full Version : Model categories

2008-01-14, 10:56 AM
Is it possible to create new model categories in RAC 2008?
For example:- floors are in the Floor category whether it is ground, first, second........ floor. There are occassions when I would like to turn off just one or two floor levels but it's a case of all or none.

2008-01-14, 01:21 PM
This has been asked for in the past, but with the new element override functions in RAC 2008, the need to add new subcategories has been reduced somewhat.

The answer is yes you can add more subcategories under Floors, but you can't assign floor elements to a different subcategory.

But now, you can just pick whatever objects you don't want to see, right-click and point to Hide In View > Elements, and they disappear. When you print they will also be turned off (as opposed to when hiding objects with the sunglasses button).

To get the objects back, click on the light bulb to display hidden objects. Already visible objects will turn gray, and hidden objects will show up as pink, and there will be a pink border around the view to let you know that you're in the Reveal Hidden Elements mode. Then just right-click on pink elements you want to bring back, point to Unhide In View > Elements, and then turn off the light bulb button.

2008-01-14, 01:35 PM
Thanks Patrick, that does the trick. It's amazing the difference these little tricks make to the production time. The last one I learned was disallowing join in wall, saved me no end of problems.

Thanks again.

2008-01-14, 02:01 PM
You can also use Filters. This is a more powerful way of managing objects across several views when used in conjunction with view templates.