View Full Version : i deleted a section annotation..., but still have the drawing

2008-01-14, 02:52 PM
i am assuming it is because i named it after i started developing the section....is there anyway to generate a section annotation (in my plan) after it has been deleted and the drawing that was generated from deleted annotation is still good?

2008-01-14, 03:01 PM
I don't think the section annotation you deleted actaully defined/created the section view that you are saying still exists in the project. I've never seen this occur and if it truely did ... then it's a bug. Moreso, it sounds like you deleted a section annotation that manually referenced the section view.

You can recreate the section annotation by using the section tool to place the annotation, but select the 'Reference other view' (from the Options Bar) and select the desire section view before creating the annotation. This will associate the new section annotation to the desired section view.

2008-01-14, 03:17 PM
To find out where the actual original "live" section line is for that particular section view, right-click on the view in the project browser and click on Find Referring Views.

2008-01-14, 04:17 PM
thanks guys...right mouse click took me right to it....had set up a stair section annotation in a stair plan....seperate from sloor plan i had forgotten about.....thanks

2008-01-30, 05:29 PM
I have the same problem as ntnik in the original post. But when I am in the section drawing and I right click and select "Find Referring Views" an error message says it "Could not find referring views".

I can use c-hawk's method, but the section is just a dummy line. Meaning that the some of the information is linked (page number, referring view, etc) but the line isn't in the correct place. I can move it anywhere in the drawing but the actual section drawing doesn't change.

Any ideas?

2010-03-31, 10:06 PM
had this same thing happen...ergh...any solutions?. im going to recreate the section completely. i think the someone cut the section, then made a callout in that section. made the detail view from the callout and deleted the original section. strange...i cant find it in any view and get the "cannot find referring view"....