View Full Version : If you help me solve it you get to keep the family :)

2008-01-14, 06:03 PM
i created a "generic model ceiling based" family of a fold down screen.
It flexes well. when i try and place it in a project, it says it can't cut instance in the project.
i tried doing the same steps all over again, and it works when i stop right before inserting the plasma screen family in.
Any thoughts?
i will keep testing, but would appreciate any help available
Thanks - Mo

2008-01-14, 06:46 PM
This works in a compound ceiling - not a basic ceiling. When you change the ceiling from compound to basic it fails. You need to use an opening rather than a void to cut the basic ceiling, which will also work for the compund ceiling. If you only use it in a compund ceiling - it should be fine as is.

(... thank, but I don't need the family.)

2008-01-14, 06:51 PM

Try changing the ceiling from a simple to a compound ceiling in the family. You'll notice your angular dimension gets deleted. I would assume because you dimensioned to the ceiling not the reference plane. So, I made a new angular dim to the reference plane and the reference line and re-labeled it. When you switch back to a basic, it will break again. (Edit: Aaron beat me to it again! Darn! Good point though, use the opening and it will work with both types.)

I also constrained the base of your trim piece to the ceiling reference plane and then constrained the base of the void to the same plane and the top of the void to the depth plane.

When you have hosted families, make sure to flex the host as well...

I'll consider the family free to share then?


2008-01-14, 07:38 PM
Thanks for the explanation
Aaron you obviously won't need the family ;)
Kelly yes you can use the family. i like the quote on your signature!

2008-01-14, 07:50 PM
Sorry, I should be more specific. Everything I make I share now, so the question is can I share it? AKA post it on a website for download? I figure I learned so much from these forums that I can't quite claim all my families are mine and mine alone. Sharing is caring... (sorry, I'm having a tongue in cheek day.)

Seriously though, let me know. It did originate from you, so you have to make this call...

Thanks, and good luck either way...

2008-01-14, 08:05 PM
Sure you can share it. that's the least i can do in return for your help
i have to bugg you again guys. i did try and rebuild the family from scratch (just for practice) using the opening instead of a void cut and every time i flexed the ceiling type, the opening gets deleted since changing the ceiling type is trying to change the plane of the cut opening sketch lines according to the error i was getting. (i tried sketching the opening in all reference planes possible using the Ref Level, the ceiling, and even picking the bottom surface of the ceiling)
Kelly i re-dimensioned the angle parameter to the reference plane. Thanks for the catch

2008-01-14, 08:24 PM
It will fail if you switch ceiling type in the family editor, but will work fine in the project. I suggest you use a compound in the family editor so you an check differing thicknesses of ceilings easily. The basic ceiling should work just fine once loaded.

Just one of those zen things in Revit....

2008-01-14, 08:57 PM
Very Zen, so says the Maharishi...

Or, as Yoda says: when at Version 10 you are, be as good you will not...

2008-01-14, 09:34 PM
Thanks again you guys
i am very happy i am touching on Zen things in Revit, i still have long ways to go
Thanks again from Revitard Mo :)

2008-01-14, 09:44 PM
...some things like this need more Zen from the Factory and less Zen from the users.