View Full Version : Topo interaction with elevation; rendering issues

2008-01-18, 06:39 PM
Problem #1: I'm designing a house on a very steep site. I've noticed that the topo will cut thru the elevation, leaving "streaks" of white (when in Hidden Line) or green (in shading with edges), causing pieces of my elevation to disappear (porch edge and rail). I've tried a few things I've found here at AUGI, but to no avail. Please help!

1. Site settings- have adjusted at which elevation the topo cuts thru the building. This helped with the elevation at the lowest part of the topo, but I noticed you can only customize this to the whole file, not by view.

2. Topo material- I tried setting it to "glass" so it would be transparent, hoping that it would not "fill" in. It seems like the topo is connecting dots that aren't there in order to render a straight line instead of my site section.

3. Overrides in view- tried hiding everything, and then changing the surface- but noticed you cannot have it be transparent.

4. Adjusted the view depth of the elevation (adjusting the lines where the elev. starts and stops in plan view). I noticed this will cause it to cut off more or less, but I still cannot get my porch and railing to show up.

Problem #2- as you can see, my elevation is a ghastly yellow. It's supposed to be a mocha color. I noticed that it changed to yellow when I switched my accurender to "stone", but when I switched it back to "stucco", a texture that I created, it is still yellow. I've tried recreating my wall type with no accurender setting, but it's still yellow.

Problem #3: Also, when I set an Accurender setting and change the color, it does not change at all. Is this just something that is not possible?

Problem #4: I've noticed that when I adjust my shadows for rendering, even if I change the settings, these will not update when I start rendering. Any thoughts?

Thank you in advance!

PaperStreet SoapCO
2008-01-18, 06:58 PM
This might seem obvious but I thought I'd mention it anyway:

For the materials - do you have the 'Update when AccuRender selection occurs' box checked? Since you're in a shaded view that color is what will be represented.