View Full Version : RevIt opening off-center

2008-01-18, 08:32 PM
Is there a setting to make RevIt open with the view centered in the drawing window?

I have set up a default template file for RevIt to use at start up. Everytime I finish making some adjustment or addition I save it with the 1st Floor View active and centered in the drawing window. However, everytime I open RevIt it does start with this template file, the 1st Floor view active, but it is shifted to the right and I can not see the East Elevation marker.

Anybody elese experiencing this?


2008-01-18, 10:27 PM
Do you pull your Project Browser out some after opening a project to make it wider? Try opening your template, keep the project browser at the default width, then do a Save As. Then close and re-open Revit and see if it comes up centered.

However if you get it right for that scenario, and then later you have one project open with the Project Browser stretched wider, and you then decide to start a new project with your template, the view will be off-center again because the Project Browser will keep the same width as what you had it with the already-open project.

Would be nice if the Revit.ini file could just remember the width of the project browser and always come in at the same width every time you open a project.

But the off-center thing has never been a big deal to me, because I almost always immediately zoom in or out, or hit ZE to zoom extents and center everything in the view.

2008-01-19, 03:26 PM
Hey there,

After all of these years, I forgot about this little "nag". I guess I am so in the habit of pressing ZX when starting a session.....I don't even notice it.


2008-01-21, 02:37 PM
That didn't have any affect. I don't know what I did that caused this and it bugs the hell out of me.

2008-01-21, 02:52 PM
Is there a crop region that's maybe hidden on your first floor plan when it comes up? Depending on the extents of that could make the view appear to be off-center.