View Full Version : Scheduling out window panel types and areas in a curtain wall schedule

2008-01-19, 01:08 AM
I have been trying to create a wall schedule for the curtain walls in my project. Within this schedule I would like to be able to schedule out the fixed glazed panels and the operable glazed panels and there associated area per curtain wall. (ex:. Curtain Wall 1, overall area of curtain wall 1, then area of fixed glazing within curtain wall1, then area of operable glazing within curtain wall1 ) I have found that when creating a curtain wall schedule, I can get the overall area per curtain wall unit, but I can't seem to get that schedule to recognize it constituent parts (aka glazed fixed and operable panels).

I have also created a curtain panel schedule, where I can isolate the panels and designate weather they are fixed or operable and have the schedule tally the area of each panel. But unfortunately, I have not been able to have this schedule to indentify what panels belong to which curtain wall.

I have gone through project parameters and created a Panel Type ID, associated it to walls, curtain panels, curtain systems, and windows. Then when I add this parameter to the panel schedule, the feild populates with the info I have placed in the properties dialog of the a panel. However, this same parameter in the wall schedule does not populate.

This is all very confusing. I will continue at it, but if any one out there has some guidence or info. I would greatly appreciate it.


2008-01-19, 04:38 AM
You are correct.....curtain panels are not aware of their host curtain wall. You cannot schedule curtain panels and have them report what curtain wall they belong to, like you could do with furniture for example. Furniture knows what room it's in (it's room-aware).

So you need a way to filter the panels by curtain wall. To do this, select all the curtain panels in a particular curtain wall. You can window select everything in a curtain wall in elevation perhaps, and then go to the filter tool and make sure you only check the Curtain Panels category. Go to their properties and you'll be able to input a value for Mark and Comments. Revit lets you type in the same mark, but it'll complain. I doubt you want to maually type a mark value for each piece of glazing ;) So instead, use the comments parameter and type in something like "Fixed - CW_A" for fixed panels and "Moveable - CW_A" for moveable windows. You want to use a convention that makes sense so if you tag a curtain wall in plan and elevation, you know it's curtain wall "A" so when you create a curtain panel schedule and flter/sort/group for the comments field, you'll know which panels belong to which curtain wall. You can choose to itemize every instance in order to report individual widths & heights or not itemize so you can group all fixed panels for Curtain Wall "A" and just come up with a total area for example

Makes sense?

2008-01-26, 12:32 AM
Makes total sense. So I will ultimately end up with two schedules, one window (curtain wall) schedule and one curtain panel schedule that keys the window schedule through inputting the particular host curtain wall identification into the comment parameter of the panels. I will give it a go.

Thanks for the explanation. In the big picture, does it not make sense to have curtain panels recognize there host, so that you could figure fixed versus operable panel square footage in one schedule. I can see many potential benefits to this.



2008-01-26, 03:07 AM
Yep it would make sense. Actually, through the API, the panels have an ID and you can find out what curtain panel belongs to what curtain wall. I don't know how to do this myself...I found out recently while chatting with a 3rd party programmer :)