View Full Version : View Range - Underlay?

2008-01-21, 04:35 PM
Is there any way to adjust the view range on an underlay? I have my first floor walls as an underlay on the second floor. Only some of the walls are showing from the first floor. Any suggestions?

2008-01-21, 06:30 PM
Could be a phasing issue.

The underlay will be set to whatever phase your view is set at.

If you have a condition where your view's phase is previous to walls contained in the underlay, they won't show.

2008-01-21, 08:45 PM
If any of those walls are visible in the Second Floors View range AND the Underlays view range, they will not show up as part of the underlay. I have rnu in to this as well.

For instance, you might not be seeing your First floor walls because the FLOOR of the second floor is blocking them, but if your second floor view range goes all the way down to ground level, then if you put the first floor on as an underlay, you wont see many of the walls, if any at all.

If you want to check if this is your issue, go to the [3D] view, hit F8, and Orient to View > Second Flr Plan. Then rotate the model a bit, and see if the walls that arent showing in the underlay are visible. If they ARE in the 3D view in this condition, thats why they arent in your underlay. :)