View Full Version : new subscription tools (where?)

2008-01-21, 04:36 PM
anyone know where inside the subscriptions area I can find these new tools.


Scott D Davis
2008-01-21, 05:11 PM
www.autodesk.com (http://www.autodesk.com)

lower right corner, click Login to Subscription Center.

2008-01-21, 05:14 PM
I know. I am inside the subscription area right now. this is the only add on Available.

Scott D Davis
2008-01-21, 05:18 PM
hmmm, trying to find out more for you. since I don't have a subscription, I can't log in there!

2008-01-21, 05:33 PM
thats all i have available to

2008-01-21, 06:00 PM
After logging into Subscription go down to "Product Information & Downloads" section. There is a link for "AEC Product Modules & Add-Ons". This link brought me to the download page (see image).

Hope this helps


2008-01-21, 06:26 PM
Nope, I don't get the new extensions either. I've purged my temporary internet files just to be sure I wasn't seeing an old page.

Perhaps they're not rolled out beyond U.S. borders yet? wrartes and cdetore, where are you located? I'm in Canada.

2008-01-21, 06:32 PM
well I from Florida, USA. may be we have to wait the update of all the subscriptions accounts from autodesk.

2008-01-21, 07:02 PM
We're in Cambridge, MA, USA.

2008-01-21, 07:05 PM
Well, my theory is thoroughly shot down. ;)

Just have to wait it out a little more, I guess.

Scott D Davis
2008-01-21, 07:10 PM
We're in Cambridge, MA, USA.

Hmmm...just drive over to Waltham and bring a blank CD.... :-)

2008-01-21, 07:21 PM
I'm in Minnesota & was able to download these two utilities. The Worksharing one looks pretty cool! Looks like the answer to WishList item #7:

Editing request alert
Summary: This alert would provide an on-screen indication that an editing request has been placed and action is required from the user.

Regarding accessing the files, other people have had problems in the past with seeing cached versions of websites rather than the latest version. Maybe try tomorrow?

At the risk of starting up another firestorm, This thread is the only place I heard about these. I haven't seen anything in the Communications Center, nor did I get an email.
I'd be happy to put up with a little bit more spam from Autodesk if they'd also email us about new items available for download. After all, they do have my email address as a contact for the Subscription Center.

2008-01-21, 07:44 PM
im in the UK and have no more than the Google Earth plugin, logging in on two different pc's to

Chirag Mistry
2008-01-21, 08:01 PM
I am able to download these tools, looks very promising 8)

2008-01-21, 08:07 PM
Hmmm...just drive over to Waltham and bring a blank CD.... :-)

"a" blank CD, or a box of them .... ;^)

2008-01-21, 08:27 PM
They are not available on my subscription either. The "Communication Center" makes no mention of this subscription benefit. Perhaps a word from an Autodesk lurker would help clarify what is going on.

Scott D Davis
2008-01-21, 08:31 PM
If I knew any more than any of you, I'd tell you. Guess where I found out about the new Subscription tools?

2008-01-21, 08:37 PM
All I see in the downloads is Revit 2008 Globe Link - seems like they removed the others.

2008-01-21, 08:43 PM
If I knew any more than any of you, I'd tell you. Guess where I found out about the new Subscription tools?

here? http://autodesk-revit.blogspot.com/

Scott D Davis
2008-01-21, 09:22 PM
here? http://autodesk-revit.blogspot.com/

Yes, and that link being the post that started this thread.

2008-01-21, 11:00 PM
An interesting avenue of communication. What's wrong with the Communication Center or an email?

2008-01-21, 11:53 PM
An interesting avenue of communication. What's wrong with the Communication Center or an email?

Is it ever - wonder how much time was spent creating Communication Center?

2008-01-22, 01:17 AM
I only see the globe link also, but it took me months complaining to Autodesk to even get to that point. It doesn't make me feel good that I'm paying for subscription and can't acces the promised extensioned.

Wonder if anyone from Autodesk that reads these forums can help? (hint-hint)

Chad Smith
2008-01-22, 04:24 AM
Guess where I found out about the new Subscription tools?
It can't possibly be the Communication Center because mine says FA about the new subscription tools. Screenshot attached.
Once again good 'ol AUGI comes through with the announcement.

So... we get emails when Autodesk lets us know our subscription needs renewing.
We get emails from support about our support requests which are placed via the subscription center.
But for extra tools that are only available through the subscription center, we get zero announcement emails. Where's the logic?

Autodesk, you place far too much reliance on this rather dodgy performing Communication Center.

BTW, the new tools show up in the subscription center for me.

2008-01-22, 05:30 AM
Could someone whose HAS downloaded the new tools describe where on the subscription site they found them? I've visited the "obvious" locations but not found them. My license is for the AutoCAD Revit Suite so I'm suspicious that the tools aren't getting displayed for this license/package. Fwiw, the following message appears on the Extensions page:

We recommend you bookmark and check this page regularly so you can take advantage of new extensions immediately. Of course, Software Coordinators are notified via email whenever an extension is available for the products under subscription.

I added the emphasis on Software Coordinators, I am both the Contract admin and Software Coordinator and I didn't receive an email about new tools. Did any other Software Coordinators? I agree that in general the subscription center is an example of poor execution. Too many pop-up windows and the extension's link goes to a different link than the link offered for Revit add-ons.

Chad Smith
2008-01-22, 05:40 AM
Some screenshots attached of what you are looking for.

I'm a Contract Admin, but wouldn't have the faintest on how to add myself as the Software Coordinator as well. Scratch that, I found it, and I am a Software Coordinator as well, but no emails.

Oh, and I'm just running regular Revit Architecture. Not the Suite.

2008-01-22, 05:45 AM
That's what I was afraid of. I don't see them, just the Globe tool.

To add yourself as a software coordinator you need to click the Subscription Admin page and then Manage Coordinators.

2008-01-22, 01:13 PM
Same here. Global Tool. Backed up went through tools link, Updates etc. No link per original post.

2008-01-22, 01:36 PM
im both the software and contract coordinator and had no emails and the extensions do not show, running Revit Suite here.

2008-01-22, 01:56 PM
Found it- When you download the latest update from subscriptions, it is an option to the side of the installation popup called utilities. All four are included in the 2008 update. -

Edit: see later post this is wrong - ski

2008-01-22, 02:59 PM
Found it- When you download the latest update from subscriptions, it is an option to the side of the installation popup called utilities. All four are included in the 2008 update.

Have you got a URL for this, I can't find this either.

2008-01-22, 05:21 PM
I followed the same links Chad documented yesterday & was able to see (and download) all of the links. And yes, Steve, I am using Series.
Don't know if this will help or not, since I'm guessing its got more to do with how you're signed on to the Subscription site, but here's the url I end up at:

2008-01-22, 07:50 PM
Let me be more clear. to quote Craig Shoemaker "delete, delete, delete" - I misread the utilities. Same ole, same ole. utilities not the new ones...

2008-01-22, 08:25 PM
So far no one from Autodesk has had the courtesy to clarify this matter. They must have a good laugh at our fumbling around trying to sort this out. If this is how they treat their customers I'd hate to be the competition.

2008-01-22, 08:33 PM
After hearing all the people who couldn't access this I tried it myself. And the results.... I was able to download them! No problems.

2008-01-22, 08:45 PM
"show off" :smile: I follow the link and the attached is all that is offered. There must be some distinction between various customers and their contracts that affect the display of the links though I'm at a loss for what it might be.

2008-01-22, 11:57 PM
Get the Globe Link for Architectural and Truss Wizard and Library for Structural

Chad Smith
2008-01-23, 12:00 AM
It's a shame the files can't be made available from an alternate site or posted here, so those unable to download get the benefits.

2008-01-23, 12:29 AM
Same problem here. I just noticed that the post on the BIM&BEAM blog announcing these tools has since been removed, so here's hoping that's a sign the guys at Autodesk are looking into the problem.

2008-01-23, 12:45 PM
Autodesk needs to step up and improve the subscription center.

It seems like it really is useless and doesn't proved much value. This is a perfect example.

Another issue I have is when I try to get to the download page (to download the latest version of revit) it gives me the link to download a trial of Architecture and Structure. The funny thing is I have a license for the Architecture Suite and MEP.

My only guess is something is not set-up correctly for those of us that cannot access the tools?

Autodesk while your at it (fixing the subscription center)...please make it work with Firefox!

2008-01-23, 01:17 PM
Since Autodesk is being non-responsive to this, can someone just post the files here so that EVERYONE can access them? This will definately get their attention and they might make it easier for us on subscription to find these tools.


Matt H
2008-01-23, 05:38 PM
I just read on the Autodesk Revit blog that there are (2) new tools for "Subscription" members.... a "Batch Plot" and a "Work-Sharig Monitor"

Trouble is... I log into my subscription page and I don't see the "new" tools.... anyone else have this problem.

Link: http://autodesk-revit.blogspot.com/2008/01/new-revit-extensions-appear-on-revit.html

2008-01-23, 05:53 PM
Check for Product Module page

Matt H
2008-01-23, 06:08 PM
Check for Product Module page

I did... I'm only seeing the "Global Link"...

2008-01-23, 07:03 PM
Drop a call to your reseller

2008-01-23, 07:30 PM
Am I the only one who finds it kind of funny the circular logic that is at work here? Everyone is complaining about tools that Autodesk has not officially announced and that are not officially available and denouncing Autodesk for not officially announcing them and not making them officially available. All this because someone posted about it on their blog. The tools were made available to him under his subscription... that doesn't necessarily mean they were made available to all.

It's certainly valid to ask/complain to Autodesk why he (and apparently a few others) gets access to those tools and why you don't... but has anyone tried to get in touch with Autodesk (or their reseller) to find out?

(BTW, I agree with everyone that the Subscription Center is an absolute joke of poor website design and that Autodesk has such a horrid relationship with their customers that I guess it shouldn't be any surprise that they are little less than willing to cut Autodesk some slack)

Scott D Davis
2008-01-23, 09:19 PM
Since Autodesk is being non-responsive to this, can someone just post the files here so that EVERYONE can access them? This will definately get their attention and they might make it easier for us on subscription to find these tools.


Sorry, can't just simply "post" the files here. These are Subscription tools (and yes, nearly every Revit user is on Subscription) but posting them here would be a "public" event and would not be allowed.

I just was able to log into subscription center myself and I can see the new tools. I suggest you try it again. If you are still unable to access the tools, please contact your reseller.

2008-01-23, 09:20 PM
We ran into the same problem and contacted our reseller.
In case you were wondering the reason -

We're on the Revit Architecture Subscription.
The tools were released and categorized under the "Revit 2008" subscription. So based on the way our subscription was mapped, we can't get to the new tools, despite being on subscription.

Autodesk needs to reclassify the new tools across all modes of Revit subscription and that would, more than likely, solve the problem.

Hope this helps the "WTF" issues that others may be experiencing when not finding the tools that should be there.

2008-01-23, 09:45 PM
Hmmm. they can't keep their own products straight, yikes! I received reply from subscription, after emailing them, to just do a search on the regular products page. That was helpful...not really.

2008-01-23, 09:48 PM
Sorry, can't just simply "post" the files here. These are Subscription tools (and yes, nearly every Revit user is on Subscription) but posting them here would be a "public" event and would not be allowed.

I just was able to log into subscription center myself and I can see the new tools. I suggest you try it again. If you are still unable to access the tools, please contact your reseller.This isn't a customer problem, it appears to be an Autodesk subscription problem. This text from another post...

We ran into the same problem and contacted our reseller.
In case you were wondering the reason

We're on the "Revit Architecture" Subscription.
The tools were released and categorized under the "Revit 2008" subscription.

So based on the way our subscription was mapped, we can't get to the new tools, despite being on subscription. Autodesk needs to reclassify the new tools across all modes of Revit subscription and that would, more than likely, solve the problem. Hope this helps the "WTF" issues that others may be experiencing when not finding the tools that should be there.

Emphasis added by me...

2008-01-23, 10:12 PM
Thank you for adding the emphasis. I meant to do that, just forgot to post edit...

I might add that our reseller is working to resolve the issue, since I have heard nothing from Autodesk other than a "we'll pass your message on to the ABC (Autodesk Business Center) and they'll get back to you sometime" message.

We are still waiting for the tools, but at least the reseller is working to get them to us (without getting themselves into any legal trouble, I might add).

Glad to know we're not the only ones facing this issue.

2008-01-23, 10:21 PM
I contacted my reseller who gave me a phone number to call at Autodesk. Of course the person there didn't know anything but they will get back to me sometime today.

Chad Smith
2008-01-23, 10:24 PM
Sorry, can't just simply "post" the files here. These are Subscription tools (and yes, nearly every Revit user is on Subscription) but posting them here would be a "public" event and would not be allowed.

I just was able to log into subscription center myself and I can see the new tools. I suggest you try it again. If you are still unable to access the tools, please contact your reseller.
Hmmm :roll:, that's the kind of attitude that Autodesk needs to stay away from. This is a customer/Autodesk relationship via the Autodesk Subscription Center, and Autodesk needs to work with the customer to make sure they are happy. Shafting them off to the reseller doesn't look good.

As for the posting of the files elsewhere, like on the Revit Architecture download page, I can't believe Autodesk would spite nearly every Revit user, just to stop a very small user base from accessing them. Once again, this looks bad for Autodesk.

2008-01-23, 11:56 PM
I was able to access the tools as follows:

a) Through Revit Help, I went to Subscription E-Learning Catalog.
b) Clicked on Subscription Home.
c) Scrolled to the Product Information & Downloads and clicked on the section that lists the AEC software.

There are several tools there, including the Batch plot utility and the Worksharing monitor, both under Revit 2008 (I guess because they work under all flavors of Revit 2008).

Scott D Davis
2008-01-24, 12:17 AM
Ok, here's the deal, although this is not any kind of "official" statement from Autodesk. I'm just sharing what I know.

There was a mistake in the way the data was entered into the system which AUGI user "tyveka010" eluded to. Because the category entered in the system was "Revit", this did not automatically cover all Revit products, and therefore the download was only shown to certain Revit subscription holders. This is in the process of being corrected, and the unofficial ETA is "hopefully today." Not to get into the details of the mistake, but we are all human.

All subscription holders should be able to get the to the downloads "soon."

The reason why I suggested a reseller, is because they could:

a) access the downloads
b) verify your subscription
c) get you the software

This was not to simply "hand-off" the issue, but to give you a solution during the time the fix is being worked out. This was of course a temporary solution until the Subscription Center was fixed. This should be viewed as a positive, not a negative. I was trying to get you access to the tools.

If I could have posted files here, I would have. Despite the fact that it would have been "easy" and would have benefitted a large number of Revit users, I would have had to received the "ok" from our legal team, which could have taken who-knows-how-long. Instead, I knew there was a lot of internal communication going on, and that a resolution would come shortly. Beyond that, I'm not in the right position to make any "official" statements.

I've probably said too much here, (being the new guy) but I still wanted to let you all know that the right people know what happened and are working to fix it.

Chad Smith
2008-01-24, 12:25 AM
Now that's communication!! :beer:

2008-01-24, 12:25 AM
My apologies for the confusion.

We were getting ready to annouce the new tools on the Communication Center when we discovered an entitlement issue for them in the Subscription Center. So rather than make an announcement and exclude people who are entitled to them, we decided to wait on the annoucement until they were available for everyone.

We are working to resolve the issue and once it is resolved I will make a post here to let everyone know. We will also make an annoucement on the Communication Center.

Chad Smith
2008-01-24, 12:29 AM
Scott L. Make sure the announcement also goes out via the email which is assigned to Subscription Center user accounts. The Comm. Cen. is far from a reliable means to do so.

clog boy
2008-01-24, 09:48 AM
Don't let me down Autodesk :) I posted about this on my blog (www.bimwereld.nl), which might very well be the very first Dutch website to get the word out.

2008-01-24, 08:46 PM
Irusun said it well. Based on David Light's blog many of us reacted badly to the fact that we can't get to the new tools. Further, we complained that Autodesk isn't communicating well. The truth is that they haven't formally released the tools (as Scott Latch explained) and David was unlucky/lucky enough to see that they had been made available in such a way that he could see them.

Unfortunately for Autodesk such confusion is too often "normal" even with formal methods. I feel for them, they've got a long road to build up our faith and confidence in them. All the harder when we, in turn, beat them up for trying to help when things go wrong.

2008-01-25, 08:41 AM
I am strating to see a pattern here,
First my communication center would not make contact while others were reporting it did.
And I am not the only one to whom that happened.
Then the earth link would not show up on my subscription page when others where reporting it did.
And now the soon to be anounced tools did not show up, as they do not show up for lot's of others. I don't mind too much about that and I am stil waiting in eager anticipation.
But we have a broverb here in the Netherlands. A donkey never bumps in to the same stone twice!

Happy modelling you all, wherever you are.

2008-01-25, 06:42 PM
Scott L. Make sure the announcement also goes out via the email which is assigned to Subscription Center user accounts. The Comm. Cen. is far from a reliable means to do so.

Unfortunately, that is easier said than done. We currently do not have a process in place to make such an announcement. The Communication Center is our only mechanism at this time.

2008-01-25, 06:53 PM
I am happy to inform everyone that the entitlement issue on the Subscription Center that was preventing some users from accessing the new utilites has been fixed. If you are entitled to the the utilities, you should be able to access them now.

An announcement of the new utlities will be made soon on the Communication Center.

If you feel that you are entitled to the utilities and still cannot access them, please send me a private message and I will be happy to assist you.

2008-01-25, 07:05 PM
I am happy to inform everyone that the entitlement issue on the Subscription Center that was preventing some users from accessing the new utilites has been fixed. If you are entitled to the the utilities, you should be able to access them now.
Yup - got 'em!

Now a question about the Batch print - what's the difference between that and the built-in Revit printing?

2008-01-25, 08:02 PM
Batch Print allows you to reorder your set.
But as someone also told me, i can't find a way to save the reordered list.
Or load in a saved sheet list.
Now that would be nice!


2008-01-26, 03:07 AM
Unfortunately, that is easier said than done. We currently do not have a process in place to make such an announcement. The Communication Center is our only mechanism at this time.That is ironic since the subscription site says "of course the subscription coordinator will receive an email announcement..." The subscription part of Autodesk really needs to get in the game :smile:

2008-01-26, 03:14 AM
Daniel, I questioned that myself. To be honest, besides the re-ordering, I just don't see advantages to using the tool. I mean, the built-in printing capabilities already don't require any input from me once I click the Print button. If re-ordering sheets would be part of the Revit functionality, this tool would be obsolete.

I think printing needs some better functionality. I would like to save presets (combination of printer, page size, scale, color/b&w, etc) that one could apply to each sheet. Not every sheet in a project is set up on the same sheet size. Having the flexibility of saving a print set together with individual print setting for each sheet would be a great enhancement. Now once could batch print full size 30x42 sheets and a bunch of 11x17 (portrait AND landscape) all at the same time.

2008-01-26, 07:53 AM
...Daniel, I questioned that myself. To be honest, besides the re-ordering, I just don't see advantages to using the tool...It can be run in a separate session outside of the current project. Using Detach from central you can run this batch plot tool all afternoon while the team is back to work. It also is able to restart and finish if the plotter or Revit fails to complete the job. If you don't like it or care for it, I guess you don't have to use it?

2008-01-26, 01:42 PM
I am happy to inform everyone that the entitlement issue on the Subscription Center that was preventing some users from accessing the new utilites has been fixed. If you are entitled to the the utilities, you should be able to access them now.

An announcement of the new utlities will be made soon on the Communication Center.

If you feel that you are entitled to the utilities and still cannot access them, please send me a private message and I will be happy to assist you.

yup i got em to :)

2008-01-26, 06:08 PM
Hey Steve, I'm not being negative or anything....I guess I have not been able to appreciate it's usefulness, besides being able to re-order sheets. I can currently open a new Revit session and let it print while opening another session to work, right? I'm not sure if performance in the above method would be the same as letting this batch print utility do it's work instead. I'll have to run some comparison tests. I also didn't know that if the batch print stops for one reason or another, that you could restart it. I know that's not possible with Revit's built-in printing tools. That's a second advantage I wasn't aware of.

2008-01-26, 07:12 PM
No worries. I believe it runs Revit in the background so you don't need to start Revit first at all to use it which means you can start it before you leave at night (if you are trusting) and it will carry on.

2008-01-27, 12:02 AM
Actually it seems to only run through the External Tools. No shortcut was installed on the desktop or in the All Programs->Autodesk like what the Worksharing Monitor did. And I uninstalled and reinstalled to confirm it wasn't an installation hicky.

I know it doesn't work on pdfs but I tried it nonetheless. I set everything so it doesn't ask the user anything....specified file name, made it append each print to the same file etc. I tried to print with Revit's regular print to make sure no user input was required. Afterwards I ran the batch print but it still failed (reported Failure("Exception")). As to performance, I'll have to try it at the office on a project and a real printer to see if it runs faster than having two full sessions running concurrently (one using regular print and the other with an open project) or one session running with a project & the batch print tool running in the background.

2008-01-28, 10:04 PM
We are trying to install these on a network drive but the programs keep throwing an exception. They work just fine when installed on C:. I also noticed that some (not all) of the Avatech external apps work when on a network drive.
Does Revit not do external apps across network drives, is it some sort of rights issue or am I doing something wrong?


2008-01-28, 10:41 PM
Pretty sure you need to install locally, that's what is intended anyway.

2008-01-29, 03:26 AM
I got an odd error message when I tried to install the WS Monitor without admin privileges.
It told me I first needed to install .Net 2.0

2.0 WAS already installed.
Once I tried it as admin, everything worked fine.

Just checked - there's a note in my Communication Center! dated 1/24

2008-01-29, 09:06 AM
I’ve only just got around to reading this thread and I suppose an apology is required for any confusion that has been had.:cry: I assumed wrongly in this case that everybody would be able to see the new tools on the subscription site; this is why I wanted to share this with everybody. Enthusiasm and passion for the Revit product got the better of me, but there was “NO” way that I knew that other users would not be able to see these new tools on the subscription website. If anything, hopeful I was able to help solve this situation is some weird way!!! ;)

2008-01-29, 11:43 AM
Very Big Font, thanks for the info. Very Strange, why some & not the others? Whats going on autodesk?

clog boy
2008-01-29, 12:55 PM
I get the same message.
The concept looks great, and the only thing I would want to see added to it is assigning printers and print settings to each sheet. (plot profiles, anyone?) How hard can it be?

2008-01-29, 02:36 PM
Maybe this tool is just a start, or at least that's what I'm hoping. Although since Revit's print functions only save page setups independent of printer, I don't know how difficult it would be to have unique page setups with unique printers applied to each sheet/view. I guess they could "package" a plot setup inside this utility with Revit's sheet setup and then a printer and let the user apply to a group or individual sheets/views, so you can plot multiple sizes to multiple printers at the same time. And then, we need to save that sheet set & configuration so it can be re-used another time: just fire it up the following week before project meetings instead of having to set it up all over again ;)

2008-01-30, 12:42 AM
So, many frustrations with these tools and revit in general. It's like they almost get it, always, and we have to live with it until the next, next release.

I am not hating on Revit. I just see the potential, and I want it now. Why cant Autodesk?


Kicking and Screaming.