View Full Version : Revit.ini file and upgaded SP-3 build

2008-01-21, 04:45 PM
Hey there,
I just ran into something interesting.
I downloaded the latest build (SP-3) because of a know issue with trying to upgrade older version projects....a leap year issue which will go away in Feb....
I went to the Revit.ini file to modify my temporary dimension size and found out that something has changed. The upgraded Revit.ini file did not have about a third of the items as did the last version, all of the headings after (toolbar) were not there....
I did find a Revit ini.bak which did have everything..including the recent files etc.

(I just copied and pasted what was missing; but, it is strange.)
Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have not saved a project in this build yet?

I just fired up my other main computer and found out that you have to set your Settings>options before the Revit.ini file updates with your graphic settings. Once done, then you can enter the TempDimFontSizeInPoints=14 line after the InvertBackground=0 line under [Graphics]


2008-01-22, 02:23 AM

Interesting tidbit.

You're quite the Revit pro now. Even I haven't played too much in the ini file. But I think I may be soon. I just got myself a 24" imac and need to setup bootcamp or parallels and get revit fired up on this beast.

I've entered the darkside.

2008-01-22, 01:05 PM
Hey Jake,

Glad to hear it! I sat down with Phil Read at AU one evening and he showed me his Mac laptop with Parellels. (May have been VM)
It was really impressive!!! I would go buy a Mac just to get Newport.

I wish you luck with that!

2008-01-22, 01:11 PM
When you first install Revit, the ini file only contains a few of the lines that it will contain after the application is run for the first time. After the application is run the first time, the additional information will be written to the INI

I have used this "generic" INI file to set up the paths and interface options (like tool bars) during a deployment of the new build.