View Full Version : Filled Region / Object style

2008-01-22, 03:37 PM
Does anyone know how to assign an object style for a filled region. I am electrical and we need to be able to allow for arch to turn off emergency/night light fills in a linked file. Any ideas would be great! Note: I do know that I can accomplish this by using visibility settings - Detail level. Electrically we need to print at medium, hopefully the arch can work with printing RCP in fine.



2008-01-22, 07:25 PM
Are you not using emergency light families, with model geometry turned off in plan/RCP and only the standard symbol visible in the RCP? If you did that, then the architect could turn off either the category or the subcategory (if you assigned a subcategory to the family elements) for the emergency lights.

Justin Marchiel
2008-01-22, 07:26 PM
could you post your family. it might depend of how you created.


2008-01-23, 08:58 PM
I am using a custom family. This was built in RME 2008. The emergency/night light fill is a yes/no toggle. We want the flexability to place lights at any stage of the project and be able to add more detail as more information is available. The architect will link in the lighting from the electrical engineer.