View Full Version : extended wall goes into other rather than stopping at face

2008-01-22, 06:56 PM
left - right, up - downwall are exterior walls , in pdf, ( i am tracing over an acad drawing and starting a model). The angle walls are 4" block. I have had this happen before with varying results from the "edit wall joins" tool.....i have usualy "cheated" by holding the interior wall off of the other slightly.

Is there something i'm not understanding about wall properties?....i wish for my 4" block wall to join to the interior face of my exterior wall here.

Justin Marchiel
2008-01-22, 07:19 PM
what layers do you have the various components on? it looks like you have structure joining structure, which is why it could be going thru the finish layers.


2008-01-23, 01:15 PM
I agree, seems like a function issue. The problem is that you only have one component it has to be structure. Use the Disallow Join command so it wont cleanup with the other wall