View Full Version : Convert 3D Polylines into Individual 3D Faces

2008-01-22, 09:22 PM
Hell AUGI Members,

I have received a model from a consultant that basically consists of a 3D elliptical egg shape comprised of 3D ellipitcal polylines along the X and Y axis. Our engineers want to create individual 3D Faces along the surface of this egg shape so it can be imported into one of their engineering programs for analysis. I am having a very difficult time trying to create these individual accurate 3D faces along the surface of the egg where the 3D polyline ribs intersect.

Is there a simple way to accomplish this task....??

If anyone can take a moment to look at the attached model and point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

Thank you,

2008-01-23, 08:16 AM
I can't think of any easier way to do this but to use rulesurf (using surftab1=60) one by one for the cross sectional ribs and exploding it. The result will be individual 3d faces for each panel of the egg.
The problem here is that rulesurf divides the profile with the surftab, and therefore its equidistant. Now, if your longitudinal ribs are not evenly-spaced (which is evident by having different point of intersection and face corners) then this would require a tougher job. But if its supposed to be equidistant, I think the 3d faces shall govern instead of the ribs intersection. (actually there is no rib intersection-or at least the osnap can't find them if there is)

For accuracy purposes, If the ellipse is supposed to be an ellipse, I would suggest you don't convert it to polylines. We can use rulesurf on ellipses.
See my attached drawing if this would help. Good luck.

2008-01-23, 02:50 PM
I have modelled the shape using half the elipse & revoving it along the major axis.
I then "shelled" out the inside using a shell depth of 1.5mm

I have attached two files showing what I have done.

I hope this helps,

