View Full Version : Two-way slabs

2008-01-23, 03:34 PM
Has anyone attempted to do a two-way slab showing column strips and drop panels? I am attempting this for the first time, and need any information any has to offer. Mostly I am looking for how others have been showing the columns strips or even if anyone has been showing them. I could use the model lines and leave it at that, but if there is some way to show them based on the formula used to figure out how far apart they are, that would make life a whole lot easier. Any help is greatly appreciated.

2008-01-23, 08:14 PM
From what i see on the screen shot i dont see any issue with building a family. Am i right?

2008-01-24, 02:14 PM
Well I am very green to creating families and using parameters and all that. I have not experimented much with that stuff yet and I was hoping someone would have a simple solution or even a sample to look at (or reverse engineer). I'm hoping to have time today to sit down with my tutorials and figure out how to do them.

Scott Hammond
2008-01-24, 05:54 PM

If you are on Subscription you can download a new batch of structural content including some new families with drop caps that are easily editable to match what you need.

Hope this helps.