View Full Version : Unable to see Grids in Section

2008-01-23, 07:41 PM
Ok so here is the deal. I have 2 section cuts both going through radial grids. In section one the grids are visible and in section 2 they are not. All worksets are open and on. Grids are visible in both views in the Visblity and Graphics dialoge. Nothing is hidden. What am i missing????

2008-01-23, 07:49 PM
I think I've run into problems before where the section view was not perfectly perpendicular to the grid, therefore the grid did not show up.

2008-01-23, 08:23 PM
Ok so that being the case how do you make a section perfectly perpendicular to a radial grid line??

2008-01-23, 08:25 PM
Yep that was it and I figured out how to make it perpendicular. THANKS!!!