View Full Version : Tagging in Legend Views

2008-01-31, 09:19 PM
Why doesn't Revit allow tags to be placed in a Legend view? I built a nice tag family to read my parameters in the casework. When I built a legend sheet, thinking I can just tag my casework to get the correct style label, I get bupkis. I thought Revit was a BIM software, "Wiskey, Tango, Fox Trot". Why did they not allow tagging in a legend view??? Is this going to be in an update? How can I love and hate this software so much? I must now sick El Diablo on my PC.

Jeff S.

2008-01-31, 10:46 PM
One workaround that ive heard mentioned here, that we currently employ, is that instead of legends, we will use standard views that take palce in a Phase after Project Completion.

We have a Phase called "ANNOTATION CONTROL" that happens after PC, and is set to obviously only Show New in its views. These views make up the items that we would like to use legends for, but for various reasons do not.

Our partition schedule is a Plan Callout in this phase, Door Legends, etc. Walls are then tagable, dimensionable, etc.

Plus, plan callout detailing can be embedded in a model group, which leads to other certain.. niceities. :)

It sounds "Un revitlike" to stick a phase with random geometry out in space, but IMHO since that phase is irrelevant its not much of an issue...

2008-02-01, 08:53 PM
Thank you Aaron,

So, let me just get this straight. I need to add a phase into the project for my casework. Let's call it "Casework Fitout". Do I then layout a legend like elevation view of my casework? Do all my components need to be in this new phase? Or, do I just need to have this one phase view? I haven't had much experience with Phasing yet. I'll open up my manual to do some light reading. Hopefully that will clear up any confusion on my end.

Thanks again Aaron,

Jeff S.

2008-02-01, 10:25 PM
Thats exactly how to do it. That will allow you tag, dimension, etc..
I've used that method for years, and will 'till the Legends are fix. It's actually built-in the template.

2008-02-01, 10:33 PM
Thank you Aaron,

So, let me just get this straight. I need to add a phase into the project for my casework. Let's call it "Casework Fitout". Do I then layout a legend like elevation view of my casework? Do all my components need to be in this new phase? Or, do I just need to have this one phase view? I haven't had much experience with Phasing yet. I'll open up my manual to do some light reading. Hopefully that will clear up any confusion on my end.

Thanks again Aaron,

Jeff S.

Dont think of the phase as a view, think of it as actually being a future point in time... Go to Settings > Phases, and add a phase after Project Completion. Call it Annotations, or something.

Then duplicate a floor plan, and change its Phase settings to:

Phase: Annotations
Phase Filter: Show new.

Because it is "looking" at the Annotations phase, and ONLY seeing the new objects, youre entire project will disappear. Now, place Casework / Walls / Doors in this view. Use Elevations / Callouts / Sections / Whatever view works well, for your partition Schedule, Door Legend, etc.

For partition schedules i use a Plan Callout.
For Door Legends / Window Legends i use a Section or Elevation
If you have trouble with it, come back and ask, and ill try to send you a sample file this weekend, if i remember.

Once you get the hang of it, its cake. As Dan said, its something thats worthwhile to enter in to your template, and/or Ccontainer Files with standard content. I keep all of my partitions as Saved Out Model groups for differing construction methods. As you can add a Detail Group to a Model Group when you save it out, this brings in all of thet ags and dimensions and Material Notes, etc, to your partition schedule. You can do it with Sections as well, so i keep all of our standard content fully noted and ready to roll, in container files.