View Full Version : interior elevation crop region size 0

2008-02-01, 04:55 PM
I've placed an interior elevation view with all views checked. 2 of the 4 have a crop region size of something wide by 0" high. What this means is that I can't see the elevation. I've tried zooming in all the way to find the vertical adjustment arrows with no luck. I've tried to manually change the size, but it won't let me change the zero number. I've even had it crash on me once saying that the number needs to be a positive integer even though I entered one. Then I couldn't get that dialog box to close.
The model isn't linked, I've tried placing a new tag, I've turned visibility off on all linked dwg's. It's strange that 2 of the views are fine, but 2 are not.

2008-05-02, 04:17 PM
I've placed an interior elevation view with all views checked. 2 of the 4 have a crop region size of something wide by 0" high. What this means is that I can't see the elevation. I've tried zooming in all the way to find the vertical adjustment arrows with no luck. I've tried to manually change the size, but it won't let me change the zero number. I've even had it crash on me once saying that the number needs to be a positive integer even though I entered one. Then I couldn't get that dialog box to close.
The model isn't linked, I've tried placing a new tag, I've turned visibility off on all linked dwg's. It's strange that 2 of the views are fine, but 2 are not.

I sure wish we could find out more about this. I have a user having this problem, but i can't duplicate it on my machine in the same project. I don't understand what might be locking the height to 0" or why I can't change it. very annoying and unproductive, since this person has been tasked with generating the project's interior elevations...

this isn't the first time or project that we've had this happen. I can narrow it to interior elevations, opposed to exterior/building...

2008-05-02, 04:40 PM
I never had any luck with this. Right now I can't remember what I ended up doing to resolve the problem. I may have just deleted the elevation tag and place a new one.
I did submit this to support...
"I was able to correct one of the elevations but there really wasn't any logic behind it and when I tried the same thing with the other elevation having issues, it didn't work. Therefore, I'm submitting the case to development."
Never heard anything back.
They did suggest opening with audit and checking the latest build. However, that didn't work for me.

2008-05-02, 04:43 PM
I'm seeing this too. Is there a model line in the plan view or some other object, I'm thinking revit is now looking for a top extent but is coded wrong so if it finds anything it stops going up.

2008-05-02, 04:48 PM
I'm seeing this too. Is there a model line in the plan view or some other object, I'm thinking revit is now looking for a top extent but is coded wrong so if it finds anything it stops going up.

I remember reading other posts with similar issues, and they suggested that a linked dwg file or model line (like you say) could be causing it. However, my problem wasn't caused by this as far as I could tell, and in which case I would think that you should still be able to manually adjust the range.
Support said that Revit has some sort of built in safety that is supposed to prevent this from happening. They told me that if you go into an elevation view that is working and try to make it 0" it won't, and will snap back to the previous setting.

Andre Carvalho
2008-05-02, 05:05 PM
The crop size is related to the scale. What if you change your scale to something like 6" = 1'-0"?
Probably the 0" will become something readable and it will allow you to change.

Andre Carvalho

2008-06-03, 06:17 PM
On one of our projects we are now seeing the 0 height interior elevations. On my project, I'm down to 3/16". When you select the view from plan, you are given a dialog box that shows you the paper space size of the view but if you change it - nothing happens.

Since we can not adjust the height any more on on our zero height project, we have resorted to copying other views that have already been set.

Does anyone know how this happens or how you can control it!

2008-09-03, 02:01 PM
a new one for me is that the crop region starts out fine, but the moment i drag the BOTTOM crop handle up to the floor line, it suddenly BECOMES the TOP crop, and the previous upper crop flips below, to the bottom's original location! what gives? I can't adjust the crop boundaries anymore?

2009-06-02, 08:15 PM
We are having the same problem with this. Anyone heard of a solution to it?
I've tried deleting the elevation tag and creating a new one to no avail.

2009-06-02, 08:25 PM
It seems to permeate throughout the project. only a few of our projects have this problem, but the rest are just fine...

2009-06-02, 09:00 PM
I don't remember exactly what I did to solve this issue, but I seem to remember having to delete the whole tag (not just the check box. If possible, try to copy all drafting elements before you do this and then just paste to same location after you create a new tag. Sounds like you may have tried that already? Sorry, it was a while ago and I don't remember exactly what I ended up doing...

Andre Carvalho
2009-06-03, 02:24 AM
We are having the same problem with this. Anyone heard of a solution to it?
I've tried deleting the elevation tag and creating a new one to no avail.

Have you tried my suggestion above? I remember that solved the problem when it happened to me...

Andre Carvalho

2009-06-03, 10:47 PM
I'm going to throw in a 'me too'. I've seen this a lot in the past, I don't have a current example to test though, I'm just hoping someone has a miracle cure.

2009-06-26, 06:07 PM
Have you tried my suggestion above? I remember that solved the problem when it happened to me...

Andre Carvalho

Thanks for the advice and I tried that but it did not work. It seems to start happening the deeper we get into the projects which just so happens to coincide with deadlines of course.

So far the only workaround is to try different areas of the project until we find one that works, then drag the elevation tag to the area that we want it. Pain in the neck.

Hopefully when we make the transition to 2010 this will have been fixed.

Andre Carvalho
2009-06-26, 06:57 PM
Thanks for the advice and I tried that but it did not work. It seems to start happening the deeper we get into the projects which just so happens to coincide with deadlines of course.

So far the only workaround is to try different areas of the project until we find one that works, then drag the elevation tag to the area that we want it. Pain in the neck.

Hopefully when we make the transition to 2010 this will have been fixed.

So try this one:

Create a scope box and name it. While on the scope box properties, make sure the options "View Visible" has the elevation you want to see as overridden to be "Visible". Now go to the elevation view (you won't see anything because your crop region is set to 0) and select the option to "Not crop the view". At this point you will see the scope box. Select your problematic crop region, go to properties and link it to the scope box you just created. The crop region will extend to the scope box extents. Now you can delete the scope box and your crop region will remain where the edges of the scope box were. But at least now you can drag it to where you want and turn on "Crop view" again.

Andre Carvalho

2009-12-04, 03:45 PM
A.) I'm especially curious to know whether anyone has noticed this behavior with Revit 2010. We've recently experienced it on a project nearing the completion of CD's, so I'm guessing there'd need to be someone using Revit 2010 in that capacity to witness the behavior.

B.) I'm sort of happy to report that we've stumbled on a solution to this issue in 2009, in case anyone is still working in that environment (as we are.) The solution is unfortunately just as buggy as the issue itself ... but I can reproduce the fix on multiple machines with this one model - so I'm hoping its reproducible whenever a model begins to exhibit this behavior w/ elevation views.

Step 1: Go to the elevation view that is exhibiting the 0" height crop region.
Step 2: In that view, uncrop the view - using either the graphic icon, or by selecting the crop region (it will be a thin black line located along a level line at the level it was created ... tough to find, but it will be there), editing its element properties and unchecking "Crop View" under the Extents Category.
Step 3: Re-crop the view, again using either the crop graphic icon, or via the element properties dialog.
Step 4: Select the crop region graphically again, then click the "Size" button at the top of the browser window, and change the height of the crop region to something other than 0".

This worked as an electrified paddle to resuscitate our elevation crop regions ... hopefully it can work for others as well. Revit seems to choose whatever height it likes for the crop region when it comes back... but luckily it does behave itself once its been "unsquashed."

Unfortunately this type of solution ("just do it again"), is never very reassuring as a fix to a computer related problem. Here's hoping this is fixed in 2010. :)

2009-12-07, 05:55 PM
The crop size is related to the scale. What if you change your scale to something like 6" = 1'-0"?
Probably the 0" will become something readable and it will allow you to change.

Andre Carvalho

I just did this, and I was able to adjust the height. However, the box is acting very funny. It now has two sets of arrows on the right and left, and one set on the top and bottom, and when I turn crop back on my view goes away again.

I've attached an image to show you what the box is doing.