View Full Version : TextCopy Alert
2008-02-03, 01:27 AM
Hi all AUGI members!
I'd like cad to show me alert message.
Please solve the problem of (alert "Error unknown name: TextString").
(defun c:TextCopy (/ #a #b #index) (prompt "( TextCopy )")
(setq #a(vla-get-textstring(vlax-ename->vla-object(car(entsel "\nSorce Text:")))))
(PROMPT "\n Target Text : ")
(if (setq #b(ssget '((0 . "text"))))
(setq #index 0)
(repeat (sslength #b)
(vla-put-textstring(vlax-ename->vla-object(ssname #b #index))#a)
(setq #index(1+ #index)))
);;end progn
(alert "Error unknown name: TextString")
);;end if
);;end defun
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How to use [ CODE ] tags... (
2008-02-03, 06:46 PM
You can try this.
Note, limited testing.
;; SSmatchtext.lsp by CAb 02.10.2008
;; Change selection set of text or Mtext to match source string
;; Source may be Text, Mtext, Dim Override, Table Cell,
;; text or attribute within a block
(defun c:SSmatchtext (/ entity enlist txt_str)
(command ".undo" "begin")
(if (and (setq entity (nentsel "\n* Select Source Text *"))
(setq elist (entget (car entity)))
(= (type (setq txt_str (cdr (assoc 1 elist)))) 'STR))
(if (or (prompt "\n* Select Text to Change *")
(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "TEXT,MTEXT")))))
(setq enlist (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss))))
'(lambda (x)
(setq elist (entget x))
(cdr (assoc -1 (entmod (subst (cons 1 txt_str) (assoc 1 elist) elist))))
(prompt "\n*** No Text in Selection Set ***\n")
(prompt "\n*** No Text in Source ***\n")
(command ".undo" "end")
(prompt "\nMatch Text by CAB, Enter MatchText to run.")
2008-02-03, 11:57 PM
Hi youngsoo,
want like this maybe
(defun c:textcopy (/ #a #b #index ss ssl ssn vevo vevox)
(prompt "( TextCopy )")
(setq ss (car (entsel "\nSorce Text:")))
(setq vevo (vlax-ename->vla-object ss))
;(vlax-dump-object vevo)
(setq #a (vlax-get vevo 'TextString))
(prompt "\n Target Text : ")
(setq #b (ssget '((0 . "text"))))
(setq #index 0)
(setq ssl (sslength #b))
(setq ssn (ssname #b #index))
(setq vevox (vlax-ename->vla-object ssn))
;(vlax-dump-object vevox)
(vlax-put vevox 'TextString #a)
(setq #index (1+ #index))
) ; repeat
) ; progn
(alert "Error unknown name: TextString")
) ; if
) ; defun
Hi all AUGI members!
I'd like cad to show me alert message.
Please solve the problem of (alert "Error unknown name: TextString").
(defun c:TextCopy (/ #a #b #index) (prompt "( TextCopy )")
(setq #a(vla-get-textstring(vlax-ename->vla-object(car(entsel "\nSorce Text:")))))
(PROMPT "\n Target Text : ")
(if (setq #b(ssget '((0 . "text"))))
(setq #index 0)
(repeat (sslength #b)
(vla-put-textstring(vlax-ename->vla-object(ssname #b #index))#a)
(setq #index(1+ #index)))
);;end progn
(alert "Error unknown name: TextString")
);;end if
);;end defun
2008-02-04, 12:37 AM
Thank you very much!
My syntax is wrong.
I'd like cad to show me alert message.
Please, modify all problems here.
Anyone have any ideas?
(defun c:xx(/ ss)(prompt " + explode + ")
(if (setq ss (ssget ) )
(command "explode" ss "")
(prompt " I like autocad.")
);;end progn
(alert "The object is not able to be exploded.")
);;end if
Moderator Note:
How to use [ CODE ] tags... (
2008-02-04, 01:49 AM
I want to see the state of layer lock.
If layer is locked, I want to use the key "command" after layer unlock.
If layer is the unlock, I want to do command directly.
I realy concentrated on my work.
I saw the prompt after a while.
I think,my question is very simple.
I'd like cad to show me alert message.
2008-02-20, 01:23 AM
I have not solve this problem yet.
I really amateur in autolisp.
My syntax is wrong.
Is this posible operation?
Please help.
(defun c:M() (prompt "[MOVE]" )
(command "MOVE" )
(defun LockLayer()
(if LockLayerState
(alert "1 was on a locked layer." )
Moderator Note:
How to use [ CODE ] tags... (
2008-02-20, 01:03 PM
I have not solve this problem yet.
I really amateur in autolisp.
My syntax is wrong.
You are missing the closing parenthesis on the (locklayer) function.
(defun LockLayer ()
(if LockLayerState
(alert "1 was on a locked layer.")
Edit your code in the VLIDE (if you are not already), and you can use the check and format functions to assist you in finding missing parenthesis.
2008-02-22, 12:15 AM
Please, modify all problems here.
It is still far from perfect.
Anyone have any ideas?
(defun c:M() (prompt "[MOVE]" )
(command "MOVE" ) (princ))
(defun LockedLayer ()
(if (locked-layer-list)
(alert "1 was on a locked layer." )
);;;if end
(defun table-list(name / dxf return)
(while (setq dxf(tblnext name(not dxf)))
(setq return(cons(cdr(assoc 2 dxf))return))
(reverse return)
(defun off-layer-list(/ dxf return )
(while (setq dxf(tblnext"layer"(not dxf)))
(if (<(cdr(assoc 62 dxf))0)
(setq return(cons(cdr(assoc 2 dxf))return))
(reverse return)
(defun frozen-layer-list(/ dxf return)
(while (setq dxf(tblnext"layer"(not dxf)))
(if (=(logand(cdr(assoc 70 dxf))1)1)
(setq return(cons(cdr(assoc 2 dxf))return))
(reverse return)
(defun locked-layer-list(/ dxf return)
(while (setq dxf(tblnext"layer"(not dxf)))
(if (=(logand(cdr(assoc 70 dxf))4)4)
(setq return(cons(cdr(assoc 2 dxf))return))
(reverse return)
(defun offfrozenlockedlayerlist ( / aa bb cc xx yy zz)
(if(or (off-layer-list) (frozen-layer-list) (locked-layer-list) )
(alert " off,frozen,locked " )
(prompt "\noff=>" ) (princ (off-layer-list) )
(prompt " frozen=>") (princ (frozen-layer-list) )
(prompt " locked=>") (princ (locked-layer-list) )
);progn end
(prompt "\nAll layers are thawed, on, and unlocked!")
);;;if end
Moderator Note:
How to use [ CODE ] tags... (
2008-02-22, 01:10 PM
If you have a specific question, someone may be able to help. But just posting some code and asking for someone to "modify all problems" probably isn't going to get you too far.
2008-02-23, 01:39 AM
Thank you for listening.
Not really, but I managed to make the problem go away.
(defun c:M() (prompt "[MOVE]" )
(command "MOVE" ) (princ))
(defun LockedLayer ()
(if (locked-layer-list)
(alert "1 was on a locked layer." )
(prompt "locked=>") (princ (locked-layer-list) )
);progn end
);;;if end
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Please use [ CODE ] tags to display your code (
2008-02-26, 12:22 AM
I apologize for what I did.
My expression is small.
I do not want to edit for entire drawing.
I want to edit for selected object.
I'd like to use sub function of move,copy,erase command.
(defun c:M() (prompt "[MOVE]" )
(command "MOVE" ) (princ))
(defun LockedLayer ()
(if (locked-layer-list)
(alert "1 was on a locked layer." )
(prompt "locked=>") (princ (locked-layer-list) )
);progn end
);;;if end
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