View Full Version : Sea level height for floor levels

2008-02-04, 03:13 PM

We have developed our revit architectural models considering groundfloor as 0 level. But i just found out that Structural models are having sea level heights in their models. Therefore, when it comes to 3D co-ordination, these two models do not sit on right location.

From what i understnad, If need be one could relocate revit project in elevation and move it to the sea level height in shared co-ordinate system. Then When you go back to Level>Type properties, and change it to project elevation, it changes back to relative levels.

I have 14 arch. models to change sea level heights and i just want to get right advice before i start changing them to make sure taht i am not screwing up the models.

Just a question, Is it necessary to assign sea level height to floor levels in Revit Archi. models? any pros and cons, please?

Thanks in anticipation of your help.


2008-02-04, 03:41 PM
Some of it really just depends on how you want to show your elevations and sections. Around here we just have a finished floor elevation on site plans that reference sea level, and show the topo contours as referencing sea level.

But then once the floor is in place, I think most of the measuring in the field is going to be height above the floor slab. So I like to show elevations and sections as having the finished ground floor as 0 and everything above or below goes off of the ground floor level.

Scott D Davis
2008-02-04, 04:46 PM
Look into Tools>Project Position and Orientation>Relocate this project.

When done in an elevation view, you can "move' the entire project up or down in elevation.

2008-02-04, 05:03 PM
Thanks for your replies Scott and Patrick.

Do i need to change Level's type parameter to shared for elevation base before i relocate project?

2008-02-05, 03:57 PM
Look into Tools>Project Position and Orientation>Relocate this project.

When done in an elevation view, you can "move' the entire project up or down in elevation.
I have the same problem :P

When I use "Project Position and Orientation>Relocate this project.
" the whole project "including the site/topo" moves ... am I missing something?? how could I move just the building to the right sea level elevation while keeping 0'-0" as my gf elev.?
