View Full Version : Automatically add scales to annotative objects when scale changes.

2008-02-04, 05:24 PM
I've got a question regarding the "Automatically add scales to annotative objects when scale changes" feature.

When I get my drawing all set up the way I want, ex. building sections with anno dims at 1/4" and details of parts of these sections with anno dims at 1". What's to prevent someone from opening my drawing who has the Auto add scales feature 'on' with their vp scale set to 1/4".
Now all the detail dimensions which only were to display at 1" also now show up at 1/4".

Is there a way to 'lock' anno dims once you've set them so they don't accidentally get changed?



2008-02-04, 06:51 PM
You can't prevent it.
ANNOAUTOSCALE (which controls this) is a system variable saved in the registry.

But this is no different than the fact that you can't lock down anything else that someone might do to a drawing out of your control. Like erase or add objects...

www.cadlock.com may have a solution, but I'm not sure if it works at this level of detail.

2008-02-04, 06:59 PM
That's true. I guess I can set it to be off through acaddoc.lsp. and set it to a value of -1.

1 Adds the newly set annotation scale to annotative objects that support the current scale except for those on layers that are turned off, frozen, locked or that are set to Viewport > Freeze.
-1 ANNOAUTOSCALE is turned off, but when turned back on is set to 1.

I suppose I could 'lock' the dimension layer. This should prevent accidental changes.



2008-02-05, 04:17 PM

You bring up a good point. Since the setting is saved in the registry and it is new and unfamiliar to many users it could be quite dangerous.

Adding additional scales should be a conscious decision and not one that you would do all the time.

I too will be setting ANNOAUTOSCALE to -1 when drawings are opened.