View Full Version : Excel fuzzy in DWF

2008-02-04, 09:05 PM
Does anyone know how to sharpen the print in DWF in a few simple steps? The options for DPI are incredibly complicated to wade through.

Most of the time I'm printing furniture/fixtures, with 3D views plus materials as well as 2D straight on views for dimensions, on 11x8.5. There are Excel charts inserted for sizes, parts and table of contents. The paperspace is very sharp, to the point of being unattractively pixelated. However the text of the Excel inside the viewports is very fuzzy, whether it is being viewed in the model space through the viewport, or overlaying the viewport.

About 30% of the time I'll be printing floorplans of big box retailers, in various blown up views and scales, with callouts and dimensions. On those I have a terrible time with lineweights. Clicking the lineweight scale to paperspace causes the whole border to fade to grey. Not clicking it causes some lineweights to blow up like balloon animal sculptures instead of lines.

I think these issues are all related, but maybe I'm wrong. I never had to deal with scale before, in fact never used paperspace before we purchased Acad08. Before that all I did was 2D wiring diagrams in model space, thus I do not have a solid understanding of scale, thankfully 08 figures that out for me. But I think scale differences between paper and model space are at least part of my problem. Either that or the DPI values.

I do all text and dimensioning in paperspace. Does anyone have an easy way to explain the varying DPIs to use for this that won't make it take 15 minutes to print a simple page? or create huge files? Is there a chart somewhere recommending values? The range of possibilities is just too large. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

I've attached a sample printout, and a screenshot of my DPI settings.
Thank you,

2008-02-28, 06:42 PM
If your Excel is coming in as Ole, via a simple paste, you can expect it to look muddy. Essentially Acad treats old as a picture during plotting. Instead, convert it to native autoCAD objects using Paste special. then you can use a Table object.

In 2008 you can link the table back to th4e XLS and update it as the Excel information changes