View Full Version : Independant Visibility Control of Similar Components

2004-08-26, 03:49 PM
I've run into an issue with an interior elevation that I'm hoping someone could help me with. Currently I've got an elevation displaying a urinal screen component, with a toilet and grab bars beyond. I would like to turn off the urinal screen in order to see the grab bars beyond it, but since they are both under Model Categories Tab>Specialty Equipment>Toilet Accessories, I can't seem to change the visibility of one without changing the other. Some other workarounds I've tried are moving what I think is the front edge of the clipping plane forward past the urinal screen, but that had no effect on the view; moving the actual elevation tag forward past the urinal screen, but then the elevation of the opposite wall has the same problem. Any other ideas?

2004-08-26, 04:10 PM
Try the linework tool, set to invisible, if you tab while hovering your mouse over the urinal screen you should get the whole urinal screen as a selection item, when you do...click and it will be gone.

checking back...oh, well...useful as it is...it won't stop hiding the objects behind it...sorry. Worksets could help or changing the subcategory of the family and reloading would do it. Or changing where you "cut" the elevation closer to the objects you want to see instead assuming that doesn't cause other problems.

2004-08-26, 06:44 PM
Thanks for the tips. I think changing the urinal screen subcategory will be my best bet. How do you change the subcategory of a family?

Allen Lacy
2004-08-26, 06:55 PM
Open the family and under Settings>Object Styles create a new subcategory under Specialty Equipment. Select the urninal screen extrusion and select properties. Change the sub-category in properties, save and re-load into your project.