View Full Version : Project Rendering

2004-08-26, 04:09 PM
Recent project rendered for another firm. about 20 hours work. One is Revit/Accurender only. The other I experiemented and ran it through sketchup to Piranesi. I think there is a filter set out there for Photoshop that would be quicker than that process.
The families killed the time. The brick arches are murderous as you cannot create radial arrays in families and so different arch width had to be individually drawn. I found it quicker to import the provided ACAD file (2d) and use the line select tool to recreate the arches.
Round top louvers and round louver with brick wrap was most time consuming.

Allen Lacy
2004-08-26, 04:20 PM
Nice images. One tip for the Revit/Accurender rendering: when I use a background image (looks like you did here), I make sure that the background color matches the sky color of the image. In yours, the background is a much lighter blue that the background image and it tends to "pop" out at you.

2004-08-26, 04:23 PM
Window glass would have been better with a reflective map of the background too - Had to stop somewhere. .The white flexs on trees are a flaw I've yet to have time to fix..

2004-08-26, 07:04 PM
One question-- where is Yazoo? And how big is the great state of confusion? :P

2004-08-26, 07:49 PM
Confusion is a very grandiose and blessed state, quite large in area - Yazoo is the wonderful home of My Dog Skip.....

2004-08-27, 08:29 PM
Strickly Photoshop - Nothing fancy - gradient wash around perimeter, added filter for lines
and played with contrast/brightness - All together about 30 minutes of experimenting vs, about 4 hours getting the model through sketchup, then materials in Piranesi....

2nd run is better - more like the Piranesi

2004-08-28, 06:17 PM
Nice work! Yazoo City, been there, done that.

2004-08-29, 05:26 PM
Confusion is a very grandiose and blessed state, quite large in area - Yazoo is the wonderful home of My Dog Skip.....
Well I still can't identify Confusion on a map, but you must be a parent unless you routinely capitalize anything having to do with your dog! (I haven't seen My Dog Skip but just heard of it...)

2004-08-29, 06:05 PM
I believe the State of Confusion is just southeast of the Land of Opportunity.

2004-08-29, 10:22 PM
One more. A pencil look study. Monochrome filter. Edges, second layer with crosshatching and opacity set. Some hard edges, can't find my jitter filter. Will update if can find that filter.

Martin P
2004-08-30, 07:09 PM
2nd run is better - more like the Piranesi

Really like this one - how did you get that wash effect just on the edges? did you apply the filter on some sort of gradient - I seem to remember doing this with a filter ages ago but from what I remember it was fair bit of help file reading and playing about with layers - and I dont really understand how I did it!!, the third one I am not sure about? I have been messing about with the "photocopy" filter in photoshop using a exported shaded only view of exactly the same proportions as my rendering - then overlaying it on a layer set to "multiply", Have yet to try some other filters using just the shaded view export - Maybe you could experiment with some shaded view exports for the third one, it gives the photoshop filters some better edges.

2004-08-30, 08:51 PM
.The white flexs on trees are a flaw I've yet to have time to fix..
I believe the cause of this is a missing .bmp for the Opacity Map in the plant editor.


2004-08-31, 06:28 AM
I believe the cause of this is a missing .bmp for the Opacity Map in the plant editor.


Yeah, I wish. The background is two jpgs I mapped together. The white is left over from the sky behind the original trees. Poor editing on my part.

2004-08-31, 06:37 AM
so - Maybe you could experiment with some shaded view exports for the third one, it gives the photoshop filters some better edges.

Thanks for the suggestion. I couldn't soften the edges to make it look "sketchy". Maybe your suggestion will get it there.

When you asked about the wash on the edges, are you asking how the wash as applied?
Basically, a jpg was used as a base. A copy made. Edge filters applied to the copied layer to turn it to a "line" drawing. This line drawing was taken to 55% opacity so the base drawing was allowed to color the linework. A new layer was created, and completely filled with white. Using the eraser tool, with soften edges, the white was then "wiped" off the drawing with two different sizes and opacities. I used a selection to keep the building separate at first and treated the sky and trees, then reversed the selection and used a smaller brush on the building. As you know, the more you erase the more the color comes through, so a random, multiple wipe will give a "marker" type of effect. The final image was flatten and written out to a jpg. Took about 20 or 30 minutes.

Martin P
2004-09-02, 12:27 PM
Ahhhh.. I see, yes it was the eraser part I was wondering about, it looks really good :) I am going to errr.... borrow that tip next time I do a rendering, thanks for sharing!

Am pretty much a self taught and trial and error kind of photoshop user (ie complete amateur!), so that is completely new idea to me!

2004-09-02, 06:34 PM
Ahhhh.. I see, yes it was the eraser part I was wondering about, it looks really good :) I am going to errr.... borrow that tip next time I do a rendering, thanks for sharing!

Please do use the technique. Its not original with me. Post a rendering soon, would love to see what you're working on.

Watercolor effects my next goal in photoshop...

Martin P
2004-09-03, 10:36 AM
Here is something I am playing with at the moment - it is more just to see the effect than a finished view - I will add trees etc later once I am happy with the results. done from 2 exported views 1 shaded only, one linework only - then the photoshoppery, trying to get a hand sketched/pencil look, would really like to get a watercolour effect too, have had a go but not much success yet :( - if you work out a good method I may ask to borrow that too!!

have been thinking about getting the waterclour effect by possibly using the ripple / ocean ripple effect on a duplicate layer with multiply or some opacity to get fuzzy edges etc.....

2004-09-03, 01:46 PM
to get a watercolour effect too, have had a go but not much success yet :( - if you work out a good method I may ask to borrow that too!!

have been thinking about getting the waterclour effect by possibly using the ripple / ocean ripple effect on a duplicate layer with multiply or some opacity to get fuzzy edges etc.....

Found this today - waiting on the machine to back things up -looks like what we're looking for:


If you try it, let me know how it works...

Scott Hopkins
2004-09-03, 04:35 PM
Found this today - waiting on the machine to back things up -looks like what we're looking for:


If you try it, let me know how it works...
Great site! I'm dying to try that on my next presentation. Thanks for the link.

2004-09-04, 12:44 AM
..., trying to get a hand sketched/pencil look, would really like to get a watercolour effect too, have had a go but not much success yet :( - if you work out a good method I may ask to borrow that too!!
Martin ,

did you notice at the bottom of the link posted by Skisouth there is another tutorial link to a watercolor method (http://www.myjanee.com/tuts/paint4/city2.htm)?

Martin P
2004-09-05, 07:52 PM
What an excellent link! they look great, am going to have to have a go at that :)
(posted sunday night)

(Monday morning), I have had a go - it took about 10 minutes to convert an image I had already set up as a photo montage into a watercolour - really easy... excellent link, well found skisouth :)

2004-09-19, 01:50 AM
Very Nice Martin.