View Full Version : Exterior Wall/Core Model Linking

2008-02-06, 10:16 PM
Just wanted to know if anyone out there has performed this kind of linking procedure and has had any of the following errors:

-Linking walls will not allow interior and exterior walls to be joined. Is there a solution to this?

-Related question: is there a way to dynamically update room areas/separations according to updates in exterior wall model? Ohterwise, it seems that each room will have to be updated manually.

Thanks for reading and responding.

Patrick Simpson

2008-05-01, 02:53 PM
Looks like this never got any hits on it but it's exactly the question i was going to post so i will just bump it.

Any help is appreciated tremendously.

2008-05-05, 03:17 PM
2009 has some handy additions regarding Links.
Alas, Joining Walls through a Link is not one of them.

Rooms, however, are.
There's a new option in the Link Element that allows you to make the Link Room Bounding.
So, no more duplication using Room Separation lines:)

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